Kafedra mudiri: N.Raimjanova
O’quv-uslubiy majmua NamMQIning Qurilish –texnologiya fakulteti o`quv-uslubiy kengashida ko’rib chiqilgan va tasdiqqa tavsiya qilingan.(202___ yil____ –sonli bayonnoma)
Fakultet dekani: t.f.n. Razzaqov
Term 1
Lesson 1 Plural forms of nouns. Irregular nouns
Plural Forms of nouns - Otlarning ko’plikdagi shakillari
Shaxs yoki buyumni ifodalovchi who? kim? va what? nima? so‘rog‘iga javob bo‘luvchi so‘zlar turkumi ot deyiladi: a man, an engineer, a house.
Otlar oldidan odatda artikl va predlog keladi. Ular otlarning asosiy belgisidir:
a table, the table, on the table.
Otlar birlik va ko‘plikda kelishi mumkin: a table — tables, a book — books.
Otlarda ikkita - bosh va qaratqich kelishigi bor: worker — wor¬ker’s, father — father’s.
Ingliz tilida otlarning ko‘pligi ularga -s qo‘shimchasini qo‘shish bilan yasaladi. Bu qo‘shimcha jarangsiz undoshdan keyin [s] deb o‘qiladi, jarangli undoshlar va unlilardan keyin [z] deb o‘qiladi:
map — maps
belt — belts
safe— safes
hand — hands
shoe — shoes
bag — bags
1.s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh harflari bilan tugagan otlarga -es qo‘shimchasi qo‘shiladi va [iz] deb o‘qiladi:
class — classes, dish — dishes
box — boxes inch — inches
2.-se, -ce, -ze, -ge bilan tugagan otlarga qo‘shilgan -s qo‘shimchasi [iz] deb talaffuz qilinadi:
horse — horses place — places
prize — prizes judge — judges
3.Otlar oxiridagi -y harfiga ko‘plik qo‘shimchasi -es qo‘shilganda -y harfi -i ga aylanadi:
army — armies company — companies
city — cities factory — factories
-y bilan tugagan bir bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarga -s qo‘shilganda u o‘zgari maydi:
day — days, boy — boys, toy — toys, key — keys
4.O harfi bilan tugagan so‘zlarga -es qo‘shiladi:
cargo — cargoes — yuk tomato — tomatoes — pomidor
hero — heroes — qahramon potato — potatoes — kartoshka
Lekin quydagi so‘zlarga -s qo‘shiladi:
Piano — pianos — pianino photo — photos — fotografiya
5.-f, -fe bilan tugagan otlarga -es, -s qo‘shiladi va f harfi v ga ayla- nadi:
leaf — leaves — yaproq knife — knives — pichoq
wolf — wolves — bo‘ri wife — wives — xotin
Ammo quyidagilarga -s qo‘shimchasi qo‘shilganda o‘zgarmaydi:
chief — chiefs — boshliq handkerchief — handkerchiefs — ro‘molcha
roof — roofs — tom safe — safes — seyf
wharf—wharfs; wharves — pristan
6.Ba’zi otlarning ko‘pligi, qo‘shimcha qo‘shilmasdan, o‘zagidan o‘z- garadi:
man — men — erkak woman — women — ayol
goose — geese — g‘oz foot — feet — oyoq
mouse — mice — sichqon ox — oxen — ho‘kiz
child — children — bola
penny - pens - otining ikkita ko‘pligi bor:
pence - pul birligi ma’nosida; pennies - tangalar, chaqalar ma’nosida
7. sheep — qo‘y, fish — baliq otlari birlik va ko‘plikda bir xil shaklga ega:
This farm has a great number of sheep.
Bu fermaning qo‘ylari ko‘p.
I caught two fish. Men ikkita baliq tutdim.
Ammo baliq turlari haqida gapirganimizda fishning ko‘pligi fishes bo‘ladi:
In this lake there are fishes of many varities. Bu ko‘lda turli baliqlar bor.
8.dozen — dyujina (o‘n ikkitalik), score — yigirmatalik so‘zlaridan oldin son kelsa birlik va ko‘plikda bir xil shaklga ega bo‘ladi.
Two dozen of eggs — 2 dyujina tuxum,(24 ta)
Three score of years — oltmish yil
Bu otlar oldidan son kelmasa ko‘plikda -s qo‘shimchsini oladi:
Pack the books in dozens, please. Kitoblarni dyujinalab o‘rang.
Scores of people were present there. U yerda yigirmatalab (ko‘p) odamlar bor edi.
9. works — zavod, zavodlar, means — vosita, vositalar otlari birlik va ko‘plikda bir xil shaklga ega bo‘ladi:
A new glass works has been built near the village.
Qishloq yaqinida yangi shisha zavodi qurildi.
There are two brick works outside the town.
Shahar tashqarisida ikkita g‘isht zavodi bor.
He found a means of helping them. Are there any other means of helping them?
U ularga yordam berish vosita- sini topdi. Ularga yordam berishning bosh- qa yo‘llari bormi?
Exercise:1 Read and translate.
A table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a Negro, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play.
Exercise 2. Translate and learn by heart.
a man — men a goose — geese
a woman — women a tooth — teeth
a child — children a fool — feet
a mouse — mice an ox — oxen
a sheep — sheep a deer — deer
a swine- swine an Englishman — Englishmen
a Frenchman — Frenchmen a German — Germans
Exercise 3. Put these nouns into plural form
A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato
Exercise 4
Complete the sentences. Use the plural form of the words in the boxes. Use each word only once.
Part I.
baby city cowboy key party / boy country dictionary lady tray
1. Mr. and Mrs. Novak have one daughter and two sons. They have one girl and two boys .
2. The students in my class come from many__________.
3. Women give birth to_________ .
4. My money and my_____ are in my pocket.
5. I know the names of many_________________
6. I like to go to_____________
7. People carry their food on__________
8. We always check our___________________
9. Good evening, ____________and gentlemen.
10.____________ ride horses.
Part II.
knife leaf life thief wife
1. It is fall. The__________________ are falling from the trees.
2. Sue and Ann are married. They have husbands. They are_________.
3. We all have some problems in our____________.
4. Police officers catch____________________
5. Please put the ______________on the table.
Part III
bush glass sandwich tomato class match
zoo dish potato tax
1. Steve drinks eight __________of water every day.
2. Please put the and the silverware on the table.
3. All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their _____.
3. I can see trees and____outside the window.
4. I want to light the candles. I need some________. .
5. When I make a salad, I use lettuce and_________ .
6. Sometimes Pam has a hamburger and French-fried ______for dinner.
7. Some animals live all of their lives in __________.
8. Mehmet is a student. He likes his_______.
9. We often eat________ for lunch.
Exercise 5. Read the nouns paying attention to the sounds of [s],[z],[iz]
toy - (toys)
table- tables
face - faces
hat- hats
desk (dessks)
a rose-roses
Box - boxes
Package- packages
chair - chairs
edge - edges
top- tops
piece- pieces
sandwich - sandwiches
sentence- sentences
Exercise 6. Find correct plural of nouns (Circle with yes/no)
1. I like banana 5, strawberry (-ies) , and peach (es)
2. I eat a banana every day.
3. My favorite animals are elephant
4. A babv elephant is cute.
5. Baby are cute.
6. The grammar exercise in this book are easy.
7. A ride on a motorcycle is fun.
8. A ride on an airplane is comfortable.
9. This exercise is easy.
10. Cockroach are uglv. and thev scare me.
Exercise 6. Fill the blanks with following nouns
mouse teeth sheep men box friends foot fish
1.The dancer is standing on one_____ . After a dance, her___are sore.
2.There are three in the bowl. One___ is blowing bubbles.
3. The dentist is checking my______ . One has a cavity.
4. Janine has four . I have one .
5.Sometimes, I have trouble sleeping, so I count______ . One , two , . . . one hundred______ . Oh, no, I’m still awake!
6.This is strong. This________ is weak.
7.Are stronger than_________ , or are________stronger than ?
8.There is________ a in my bedroom wall. There are_____ under my house.
Exercise 7. Read and translate thet text
An Online Shopper
Tara likes to buy clothes online. She lives far away from stores and shopping malls. She knows many good online sites. She frequently checks for sales. She finds shirts, pants, and jackets for her husband and children. She buys skirts, dresses, warm coats, and hats for herself. But she doesn’t get shoes online. She has big feet and often shoes don’t fit. Sometimes she returns her purchases. For Tara, the best websites have free shipping for returns.
Add plural endings to the nouns. Write 0 for “no ending.”
1. Tara shops at online site______.
2. She lives far away from mall____ .
3. She checks website____ for sale .
4. She like to buy clothes for her husband____ and child____ .
5. She buys jacket__, skirt___, shirt__, dress__, and coat___ .
6. She doesn’t buy shoe____online because she has big f_____ .
7. Tara likes website ____with free shipping for return_____ .
1.Plural Irregular nouns- O’zagidan yasaladigan otning ko’pli
2.man — men — erkak woman — women — ayol
3.goose — geese — g‘oz foot — feet — oyoq
4.mouse — mice — sichqon ox — oxen — ho‘kiz
5.child — children — bola
6.penny - pens - otining ikkita ko‘pligi bor:
7.pence - pul birligi ma’nosida; pennies - tangalar, chaqalar ma’nosida
8. sheep — qo‘y,
9. fish — baliq otlari
10. dozen — dyujina (o‘n ikkitalik),
Test. Write plural form of the noun
1. cross ____________________
a) crosses b) cross c) crosses’
2. box ____________________
a) boxes b) box c) boxing
3. boy ____________________
a)boys b) boy’s c) boies
4. city ____________________
a) cities b) citys, city
6. fax ____________________
a) faxes b) faxs c) faxies
7. bear ____________________
a) deer b) deers c) deeres
8. tool ____________________
a) tools b) tooles, toolies
9. key ____________________
a) key b) keys c) key
10. loaf ____________________
a) loaf b) loaves c) loafs
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