Cheers Oldik (qadah so'zi) Freenkly speeking Ochiqchasiga aytganda
Sana | 26.04.2022 | Hajmi | 12,61 Kb. | | #584177 |
| Bog'liq English
Cheers - Oldik (qadah so'zi)
Freenkly speeking - Ochiqchasiga aytganda
To cut it sport - Qisqa qilib aytganda
By the way - Aytgancha
It goes without saying- O'z o'zidan ma'lum
Indeed - Rostdan ham
However - Biroq
In other words - Boshqacha qilib aytganda, ya'ni
So we'll- Demak, shunday ekan, shunday qilib, binobarin.
Besides - Bundan tashqari
Certainly- Albatta
Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
Always at all - Umuman
Therefore - Shu sabablarga ko'ra
Nevertheless- Lekin, shunday bo'lsada, baribir
Perhaps, Probably- Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
To put it mildly - Yumshoq qilib aytganda
At all - Umuman
In any case - Har qanaqa holatda ham
To tell the truth- To'g'risini aytganda
So - Ho'sh
How awfu!l- Qanday yomon!
On short time - Tez orada
Fortnight- Ikki hafta, ikki haftalik muddat
Now and then - Onda sonda
Moreover- Undan tashqari
Oh, my God!- Ey Hudoyim!
What a good chance! - Qanaqa omad!
I don't know what to say! - Bir nim deyishni ham bilmayman!,
Oh, damn!- Jin ursin!
Alas! - Afsus!
What a pity! - Qanaday achinarli!
I can't believe it! - Bo'lishi mumkin emas!; Bunga ishonolmayapman!
I hope so. - O'ylaymanki, shunday.
I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman (qamgin, jirkanch).
I feel good. - O'zimni yaxshi his etyapman.
Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - Aksincha!
Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) - Hechamda!
That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - Hammasi joyida (yaxshi) (men bilan).
No way! - Befoyda!; Foydasi yo'q!;
With (great) pleasure! - (Bag'oyat) mamnuniyat ila!
It is none of your business! - Bu sizga tegishli emas; Bu sizning ishingiz emas; Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
That's too much! - Bu endi oshib tushdi!
Wonderful! - Ajoyib! Qoyil! Zo'r!
That's wonderful (superb, marvellous)! - Bu ajoyib (soz, mo'jaz)!
My feelings were hurt.- Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi.
My hope is betrayed. - Mening umidim sindi!
Absolutely! - So'zsiz!
Exactly so! - Aynan shunday!
Who knows! - Kim bilsin!
Attention! — Diqqat !
Don’t mind it, please — E’tibor qilmang.
Farewell — Hayr. Oq yo’l
Give me a chance — Bir imkon ber.
How’s it going? — Nima gaplar?
It was an accident — Bu tasodif.
It’s early (yet) — Hali erta!
Never mind — Hechqisi yo’q.
No way! — Hech qanaqasiga!
Take care — O’zingngizni asrang
Talk to you later — Keyinroq gaplashamiz
Until we meet again — Ko’rishguncha.
Very well — Juda yaxshi
No problem!— Muammo yo'q!
Don’t mention it!— Bu haqda gapirmang!
Anytime! —Istalgan vaqtda!
My pleasure! — Yordam berishdan xursandman!!
It’s no bother. — Men uchun umuman qiyin emas.
You can always count on me. — Menga doim ishonishingiz mumkin
I know you’d do the same for me. — Bilaman, siz ham shunday qilgan bo'lardingiz.
Sure.— Hech qanday muammo yo'q
As you wish — ixtiyoringiz
No sweat — muammo yo'q
My bad — uzr, xato qilibman
I'm afraid so — shunday bo'lsa kerak, deb qo'rqaman
Quite so — shak-shubhasi
Are you nuts? — esingni yedingmi?(aqldan ozganmisan?)
It's worth trying — urinib ko'rsa arziydi
I screwed up — men chuv tushdim
Cheer up — kayfiyatni ko'tarmoq
I guess. - Taxminimcha
I suppose. - Menimcha
I guess so. - Taxminimcha shunday
I suppose so. - Menimcha shunday
I believe so. - Men shunaqa deb ishonaman
I think so. - O'ylashimcha shunday
So it seems. - Shunday ko'rinyapti
I hear you. - Men sizni eshityapman
I hear what you're saying. - Nima deyayotganingizni eshityapman
Anything you say. - Nima desangiz ham
Whatever you say. - Nima deyishizdan qat'iy nazar
As you say. - Aytganingizdek
If you say so. - Agar shunaqa desangiz
I'm afraid so. - Shunday deb qo'rqaman
Have it your way. - O'zingiz bilasiz
Suit yourself. - O'zingizga havola
To put in a nutshell- Qisqa qilib aytganda
Miss you - Sizni sog'indim
My deepest gratitude for your help - Yordamingizdan behad minnatdorman
I’d like to express my gratitude - O’z minnatdorchiligimni izhor qilmoqchiman
That’s very kind of you - Iltifotingiz uchun rahmat
You’ve done me a great favour - Siz menga katta xizmat qildingiz
Agreement - Rozilik
Yes, certainly - Ha, albatta
Sure - Turgan gap
That’s right - To’g’ri
Right you are - Siz haqsiz
I see - Ravshan.Tushunarli
I think so - Shunday deb o’ylayman
Most likely - Ehtimol, shunday
I’m afraid so - Shunday bo’lsa kerak
Definitely - So’zsiz. Shak -shubhasiz
That’s just it - Xuddi shunday
Willingly - Bajonidil
With pleasure - Jon deb
Undoubtedly - Shubhasiz
I agree - Roziman
Agreed - Kelishdik
Fantastic - Juda soz. Balli. Ajabo
Fine - Juda yaxshi
That’s fine - Juda soz bo’libdi
In a way that's so - Har qalay bu shundaydir!
Likewise- singari, ...dek
Correspondingly- Mos ravishda
Equally- birdek
Not only… but also- nafaqat bu, balki.....
In the same way- huddi shu asnoda
Similarly- shu bilan birga
Consequently- Natijada
As a result- Natijasida
Thus- Shu sababli
Hence - shundan so'ng
Since- sababli
Therefore- shuning uchun
Accordingly- muvofiq ravishda
This suggests that- Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki
For this reason- shu sababli ham
Alternatively- muqobil sifatida
However- shunday bo'lsa ham
On the other hand- boshqa taraflama
Instead- o'rniga
On the contrary- taqqoslaganda
Despite/in spite of- ...ga qaramasdan
While (not whilst!)- esa
Even so- shunga qaramasdan
Nevertheless- shunga qaramay
Nonetheless- shunday bo'lsa ham
Admittedly-tan olish kerakki
I have always been proud of you - Men siz bilan doim faxrlanganman
Although this is the first time - Birinchi marta bo'lishiga qaramasdan
At least - Hech bo'lmaganda
It turns out that - ...bo'lib chiqyapti
On the contrary- Aksincha
I'm Proud of you - Siz bilan faxrlanaman
Keep your tongue - tilingni tiy
Take it or leave it - yoki ha yoki yo'q
Don't pull my leg - quloqqa tepma
By way of addition - qo'shimcha qilib aytganda
In a nut shell - lo‘nda qilib aytganda
How come - bu qanday bo'ldi
Take it easy - e'tibor berma
Don't screw around - kalaka qilma
Got it? - tushunarlimi?
It's piece of cake - oson ish-ku
Mind your own business - o'zingni ishingni qil
Go jump in the river - toshingni ter
Go easy (calm down) - o'zingni bos
I'll have your hide - po'stingni shilaman
Scoundrel - yaramas
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