Youhelp meifyou don‘t havetime.Ican do the job myself.
a) aren‘t ableto b) don‘thaveto c) aren‘t goingto. you help me?
a) Mayb) shall c) will. You go into that room.It‘sforbidden!
a) don‘t haveto b) mustn't c) don't know how to. It‘s 2.20and hesaid he‘d behere at 2.30. H e_betheresoon.
a) should b)can c) would. Ihaveaheadachc.youbuysomeaspirin forme?
a) shall b) mayc) could. There arcno lights onand no one answers thedoorbell. Theybeat home.
a) must not b) can not c)will not. Icome toyourparty.Ihaveto work,
a) wouldn‘t liketo b) don‘t haveto c) can‘t.
8 . 1 makesome coffee?I‘ll do it ifyou‘ll drink acup.
a) must b) shall c) ought.
9.IfIwin the lottery, 1 .... Buyyou averybigcaras a present,
a) should b)will c) am.
10 . 1 boughtyou anewcar , wouldyou beveryhappy? a)when b) if c)as.
LESSON-4 Text: TheEastern Rome. Grammar: Thesubjunctive mood, To do exercises. TheEastern Rome.
Samarqand! Theveryname resurrects images ofacolorful and romanticancient past. Formany
centuries this Central Asian citywas thegatewayto Eastern AsiaItwas agreat trading centerthrough which caravans ofmerchants with precious silks and other goods passed toand fro, requiringdays, weeks andeven months to complete their various missions. Todayit is onlythirty-fiveminutes from Tashkent byplane.
Theearliest historyo f Samarqand is lost in themists of time.It is a well-known fact that thecity
was attacked bythe troops of Alexander theGreat.Then it was the capital of Sogdiana.It suffered Arab invasion and the devastatingraids of thehordes ofGenghis Khan andagainit rose from the rums and ashes.Ancientgeographers,historiansandpoetsreferredtoitas―aglitteringpointontheglobe,a preciouspearloftheworld,andanEasternRome‖.
When never tireo fadmiringwonderful re‘tics of the city, which havebeen preserved sincethe 14'"' century, the period w'hen numerous monuments of world-widesignificancewereerected . amongthese monuments is the Guru Emir (the tomb of Emir ),the Shaxi-Zindon . Bibi-Khanum tempie and many others.Itarouses admiration forthe skill of its nameless creators Therulers of the cityproclaimed it the
Thestreets in Samarqandrevive someglorious pages in its history. Thereis a streetnamed after Ulug‘bek in Samarqand .Hewasa famous scientist and astronomer, anephew'of Temur. During Ulug‘bek‘s rulingthe citywas blossoming. You can seetheruins ofhis observatoryon the outskirtsof the city. His observatorywas equipped with thebest and most perfect instruments of thetime. Ulug‘bek compiled acatalogueof thestars which has lost none o fits scientificvaluetoday.
Thegreat independenceturned overapagein thehistoryof the ancient city.It hasflourished
over theyears. Wide streets with finebuildings have replaced windingnarrow crooks.In thecitythere arcnow machine buildings, chemical, lightand food industries.
Samarqand is oneof the major cultural, scientific and educational centers of Uzbekistan.
It is anancient andeternallyyoungcityof thesituated in the flourishingZeravshanValley, acity ofthe legendarypast, joyous present and bright future.