Kalit so’zlar:
Buxgalteriya hisobi, raqamli iqtisodiyot, blokchain, bulutli texlogiyalar, axborot
kommunikatsiyasi, avtomatlashtirish, maxsus dasturiy ta’minot, biznes modellari.
In recent years, advanced technologies have become increasingly important in economic
growth and innovation. Investing in cutting-edge technology will boost the performance of man-
ufacturing and business processes. With the current technological penetration into all new areas
and fields of human operation, conventional approaches and working methods will change. The
emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) and spread has affected the
global economy so much that a new phenomenon the digital economy emerged. Under the in-
fluence of smart technologies, people’s lifestyles will change began, the relationship between
users has changed, different geographical regions, the ability to communicate between people
in areas of activity and others appeared. It is the pace of information communication that is the
foundation of the digital economy growth. The impact of digital technology is both global and
local is also felt. The digital economy is a combination of new products as a fast-growing part
of the global economy. New technologies, which are well-established business entities, have a
transformative effect on some aspects of their activities, primarily working mechanisms - digital
or digital means of communication or industrial machinery replacement mechanisms, as well as
further modification of the printer. The growth of the digital economy with digital and mobile
technologies is directly related to the growth of a number of related markets. Technology at the
current stage of development and the current state of your market, the efficiency of economic
activity, not as a target of the digital economy should be considered as a means of enhancement.
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The modern digital economy offers new business models and modifying management mecha-
nisms to reflect changing reality emphasizes the need.
At present, the issue of using advanced information technologies in various fields of activity, in
particular, in accounting, which is the central component of the management system for any object, is
becoming increasingly important. The development of the digital economy requires the improvement
of modern information and telecommunication technologies, which provides new opportunities for
accounting. The use of information technology helps to increase the competitiveness of organizations
by reducing costs, reducing the impact of the human factor and accelerating work. Accounting mainly
deals with aspects of financial accounting and includes the preparation of initial documents for all
transactions, operations and other business events.
Nowadays, the liberalization of economic and social relations in our country, business to support
entrepreneurs on a large scale, to develop entrepreneurship increasing investment attractiveness is an
important economic task facing our country is calculated. Reliable to investors about the investment
climate in our country, high quality, data delivery, transparency, accountability and of corporate
management accounting is important in ensuring compliance with global principles such as account-
ability plays a role. “Strategy of actions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on five priority
directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021” [8] and the Decree of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 19, 2018 “Uzbekistan About measures for
further development of auditing activity in the Republic “ according to the Resolution No. PQ-3946,
[9] the quality of auditing activities meets international standards to the level of giving, to the audit
conclusions of business entities timely implementation of audits as a result of increased confidence
the importance of supply is growing. The accounting industry is the most passionate driver of devel-
opment in any other field can be manifested as, that is, it stimulates the development of other areas.
Moreover, in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
No. PQ-4611 “On Additional Measures for the Transition of Financial Reporting to International
Standards”, the importance of the gradual transition of national accounting to international standards
mentioned. According to the law Deputy Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of
Uzbekistan O.Norinbaev said that in the context of globalization of the economy, the transition to
international standards of financial reporting, which is the only approach to the formation of quality,
comparable and reliable and relevant information in different countries, will provide foreign investors
with the necessary information and access to international financial markets. He stressed that it will
serve to improve the situation [7]. In addition, the fact that 2020 has been named the Year of Science,
Enlightenment and Development of the Digital Economy in our country has been an impetus for the
implementation of high reforms.
The following are the functions of accounting and many results can be achieved by digitizing
keeping accounting records in accordance with the relevant instructions of the Ministry of
Finance and other normative legal acts, organization of accounting using modern technical means
and information technology;
organization of accounting, its complete and accurate maintenance, control over financial and
economic operations, ensuring the timely execution of calculations, as well as the safety of account-
ing documents;
regular control over the correct use of budget funds, as well as extra-budgetary funds for spe-
cific purposes, as well as the integrity of cash and tangible assets;
control over the maintenance of accounting in the organizations included in the system in
accordance with the requirements of the legislation;
timely and timely calculation of salaries and equivalent payments of employees in the orga-
Participate in the inventory of cash, accounts and tangible assets, as well as other assets and
liabilities, timely and accurate registration of inventory results and their reflection in the accounting
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preparation and submission of financial statements in a timely manner;
timely implementation of settlements with legal entities and individuals arising in the process
of budget execution; [6]
In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is a per-
sonal computer. Accounting in most organizations is carried out using special software designed for
convenient data storage, creating documents and reporting, analyzing accounting information. They
enable accountants to maintain interconnected areas of accounting, and management personnel - to
have access to relevant information and make management decisions. Automation of accounting
greatly facilitates the work of accountants and, in comparison with manual processing of information,
provides the following benefits:
- automatic filling of details in primary documents;
- fast processing of large amounts of information;
- presentation of analytical data in a form that is easy to understand (diagrams, graphs, tables);
- formation of reporting registers (payroll, turnover balance sheets, cash book);
- reducing the number of paper carriers;
- instant exchange of information between management and subordinates, organizational units;
- elimination of arithmetic errors;
- online communication with regulatory authorities and banks;
- the ability to quickly respond to changes in legislation.
Currently, there are many software products for processing accounting information. The criteria
by which you can evaluate the accounting program in accordance with the desired preferences:
1. Functional completeness.
2. Comprehensive service, which is a timely update of software products, depending on changes
in regulations, reporting forms, calculation rules, etc.
3. Convenience of the system. Particular attention should be paid to the intuitive interface of the
program, the ability to quickly launch and master the program on your own.
4. Technical support.
5. Professionalism of the supplier.
6. Ability to work remotely, which allows you to work in several local networks simultaneously
with one database with subsequent data synchronization.
7. The main task of automation is a one-time input of data into the system, therefore the criterion
for selecting a program is the availability of data exchange and synchronization.
8. Ability to adapt to business development and the introduction of new accounting systems.
9. Protection of information.
10. Ability to adapt to the expansion of accounting requirements and an increase in the volume
of tasks to be solved.
11. The cost of the software product.
There is a modern technology used in the digital economy is blockchain technology. A block-
chain is a chain of blocks in a continuous sequence (linked list) structured according to certain
rules that contain data. The connection between the blocks is provided not only by numbering,
but also by the fact that each block has its own sum and the sum of the previous block. To change
the data in a block, you must edit all subsequent blocks. Often copies of blockchains are stored
on different computers independently of each other. It is the only database without centralized
management that is distributed on most computers. Blockchain is often referred to as a “distrib-
uted database”. [1]
In blockchain technology, there is no need to make an inventory with counterparties when intro-
ducing blockchain technology into an organization’s accounting system, as the formation and can-
cellation of receivables and payables are assessed at the same time when entering into a transaction.
The accountant’s task will be to correctly classify the assets purchased or transferred and record the
relevant income or expenses, to make calculations in real time, to avoid tax evasion, as all transac-
tions will be digitized. [3]
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Such high technologies in accounting not only modernize the operating system, but also create
various advantages through the digitization of accounting:
data reliability, data turnover and labor efficiency increases;
saves time spent on filling out documents;
the cost of the product is accurately calculated;
allows for rapid processing of large volumes of data
excess paper consumption is received;
arithmetic errors are prevented;
the importance of space, time and devices in the conduct of activities is reduced, the data can
be used anywhere, at any time and through any device (laptop, tablet, mobile device);
availability of data loss guarantees;
rapid adaptation to changes in regulatory documents;
compliance with international standards;
No deviations from taxes and other payments to the budget, etc.
Here the question arises: Why hasn’t the economy completely embraced digitalization yet? If
we look at the reasons for this in general, the transition to digitization involves a certain amount of
capital, which not everyone can afford, and secondly, it can be argued that it is not completely se-
cured from hacker attacks when it comes to security. As can be seen from the above, digitalization
of accounting can not only bring many benefits, but also implement them at the enterprise and even
state level. Digitization not only solves many problems at the national level, but also contributes to
its development and rapid accession to the ranks of developed countries. Digitization of accounting,
along with the advantages in the field, also creates some problematic situations:
lack of highly qualified personnel in the field.
low quality of internet service leads to some shortcomings in the system;
increasing dependence on software;
disclosure of data of business entities as a result of data leakage from the general system;
reduction of jobs, as a result of automation of all departments, jobs may be reduced; [4]
In conclusion, the world is changing at a digital pace, including using digital technologies
production, transportation, sales. But the accounting profession with an old warranty and myste-
rious criteria, it seems to have gone unnoticed. The next tight a large chain of linked data sources
and in some forms of ongoing audit smart agents who pull exceptions and perform trusted tasks
includes a moving data ecosystem. Business Criteria Information including a large part of to-
day’s generally accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) would be appropriate to determine the
development of non-relevant criteria. But one of the main variables for us to reach the global
market is the digitalization of our economy. Economy digitization extends accounting users’
skills, improves accounting productivity and efficiency, and forms new, creative approaches to
the incorporation of various types of accounting services. Economic digitization brings account-
ing to a new stage, which in turn provides state, industry professionals and consultants to for-
mulate a basic model of accounting, to establish laws, legislation, guidelines and rules to build a
regulatory structure for accounting in the new digital era. The use of cloud and blockchain tech-
nology in accounting needs to be popularized. This prohibits businesses from storing, rapidly ex-
changing, data transparency, deviations in taxes and other budget transactions in such databases
and decreases paper costs, leading in a small reduction in the cost of the enterprise. It is possible
to substitute paper work with electronic accounting with the use of modern information technol-
ogy in accounting, which enhances the results of work. Unique online systems facilitating online
accounting activities in the accounting department and the introduction of portfolios of informa-
tion technology used in the everyday work of banks and accountants must now be implemented.
Mobile accounting implementation this provides a broad array of possibilities for accounting
service users by creating a variety of mobile apps. Mobile accounting decreases the importance
of space, time and devices in user activities, which ensures that data can be used anywhere, at
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any time and on any computer (tablet, mobile device). This enables consumers of accounting
information to make the required decisions in a timely manner and to improve work productivity.
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