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Therefore, an
educational hour, meeting dedicated to the relationship between parent and child,
the reader is unique and correct - no matter how much you respect or neglect your parents, in the fu-
ture your it is necessary to conclude from your children that such respect will be given to you or that
negligence will return. We emphasize the need to develop opportunities to use this effective method
of spiritual and moral education of primary school students in the process of studying all the subjects
included in the curriculum of the primary school.
It is well-known that such qualities as openness, kindness, kindness, and loving a child as he or
she is are human qualities. Therefore, in the formation of the
spirituality of the student, to show love
to children, to be able to share his love with children, to feel that each student is not a learner, but a
human being, and to him it is important to take into account the demands of collaborative pedagogy
on the teacher’s personality as an equal human approach.
The opportunities for primary school students in the formation of spiritual qualities such as kind-
ness, kindness, sweetness, reading, native language, music lessons are enormous.
Because the lessons
in these subjects are based on emotions and feelings. That is why in the lessons the teacher should
focus on understanding the children, feeling them, appreciating their feelings.
Every nation, including the Uzbek people, has created a code of ethics, which is the basis of
humanity. Take, for example, the saying, “It’s easy to be a scientist, it’s hard to be a man.” It clearly
shows the attitude towards people. In the minds of the people, it is more important to
be a real person
than to be a scientist. For this reason, from ancient times, humanity has been the main criterion in ed-
ucating the younger generation in a beautiful moral way, and it continues to be the basis of education.
In the works of folklore, he cultivates the best human qualities such as diligence, friendship, love
for a friend, loyalty, patriotism, courage, purity, honesty, beautifies a person spiritually, enables him
to do good only in good deeds. - urges to serve the interests of the country. For centuries, our people
have formed their views on spiritual qualities in scientific and artistic works. They have thoroughly
substantiated each of these norms. The school is a place where we learn the basics of our national
culture, national traditions and values.
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Tolipov O and others. Introduction of pedagogical technologies in
the educational process
reach - Tashkent, 2004.
Tulinova Sh. “Educational significance of national values”. - T .: «Teacher», 2003