Yeoju technical institute in Tashkent
course student, faculty of Information system engineering, group ISE31-U)
Scientific adviser: Rushana Togaymurodova
Annotation. This thesis provides detailed information on what motivates people to learn English
today and how to motivate more people to learn English. There will also be a brief overview of how
English can be applied to IT.
Key words :
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, realia, positive feedback, peer feedback, criticism, self-evaluation Introduction Why are we learning English? Everyone can answer this question differently. Nowadays, English as
a foreign language is developing very fast. English is taught as a science in every public school. Howev-
er, people are getting paid to learn the language in paid courses. Naturally, the question arises as to what
factor and motivation helps them in this. The main factor that motivates people in learning English is
that it allows them to communicate perfectly with other people. The reason is that people are becoming
more and more interested in visiting foreign countries and learning about their customs and traditions.
In particular, the population of Uzbekistan is becoming more interested in learning foreign languages.
Paragraph 7 of the Resolution of the former President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov No.
1875 of 2012 states the following: “Teachers of the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of High-
er and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the
calculation of incentive payments and allowances established by law, their salaries to accept the offer on
establishment of monthly additions to their tariff rates at the rate of 30 percent in educational institutions
located in rural areas and at the rate of 15 percent in other educational institutions “. This decision is still
a motivating factor for many students today. As a result of such decisions, Uzbekistan currently ranks
95th in terms of English proficiency. Motivation for students to learn English is the feedback given by
the teacher, various interesting games during the lesson, incentives from the teacher and making the
lesson interesting in an innovative way. Another major motivation for Uzbek students is to go abroad to
study, work and travel abroad. Students can be motivated in a variety of ways to learn English. Current-
ly, 5 smart tactics are used to attract more English speakers.
1) making a class motivated
2) making English practical
3) making a class fun
4) forging relationships
5) Giving feedback