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In general, the analysis of the programmes shows the similarity of their structural principles. Both programmes stipulate for the students’ better orientation in the field of culture, not only do the studies aim at the provision with the general education, but also at the development of the students’ “opening qualities”, e.g. skills necessary for the future profession, development of their personalities by getting them acquainted with the cultural values for the practices and needs of different cultures.

Comparison of BRI professional bachelor’s programme “Cultural administration” with the programme “Cultural administration” of the University of Vilnius
The accomplished analysis showed that the programmes have a lot in common in terms of the maintainance principles and structure. The programme of the University of Vilnius (UV), as well as the BRI programme, is a professional bachelor programme which comprises mastering of theoretical and business-like disciplines. The total credit value of the UV is 160 CP (20 CP per each semester), the studies last for 8 semesters in the day department. The programme stipulates 5 study practices, which total credit value is 20 CP (7,5%). In the programme “Cultural administration” there is a compulsory disciplines block, compulsory choice disciplines, and free choice disciplines. The compulsory choice subjects give 26 CP (16,25%), free choice disciplines- 12 CP (7,5%). The BRI programme free choice subjects give 6 CP (3,75%). The final test in the UV is a development and defence of the bachelor paper (8 CP- 5%), in the BRI- qualification exam and bachelor paper – 12 CP (7,5%).

Like the offered programme “Cultural administration”, the UV programmes includes a great deal of subjects which guarantee the all-round preparation of the humanitarian specialists and help them to orient in the modern cultural situation. The credit value of the humanitarian and culturology subjects in the programme “Cultural administration” is 81 CP (50,6%). Similar picture is offered by the BRI programme “Cultural administration” (72 CP- 45%). The subjects of the economic and management scope are represented differently, which has to do with the both programmes’ different professional orientation. In the UV programmes’ “Cultural administration” block of economic disciplines there are 2 classic disciplines: “Microeconomics” and “Macroeconomics” (together 7 CP), as well as the course “Cultural economics” (3 CP). The management disciplines are represented with the courses “Business organization” (3 CP), “Management of organizations” (3 CP), “Management of cultural projects” (3 CP), “Marketing of culture”(3 CP), “Basics of cultural business” (2 CP). All in all the credit value of these courses is 26 CP (16,25% of the programme scope). In the BRI programme this number is 29 CP (18,1% of the study plan). Contrary to the BRI programme, the UV programme does not stipulate the mastering of the book-keeping basics and finanse. In turn, the UV programme offers interesting and unusual courses: “Culture and comsumption”, “Quantitative methods of the cultural research”, “Comparative analysis of culture”. The principle the students get acquainted with the main field of culture and art main trends based on is very interesting. All the disciplines are united in one cycle “Cultural studies” and included into the block of compulsory choice subjects (totally 18 CP). In comparisson with the BRI programme, the UV programme “Cultural administration” study plan has less humanitarian subjects of general theory (for instance, included into the BRI programme “Theory of Culture and Philosophy”, “Semantics and semiotics of culture”).

Also the practice organization principle is different. Each scope of the practice stipulate a mastering of a respective subject- 1 month, lectures- 32 academic hours, work outside university controlled by a supervisor- 2 months).

Programmes’ comparative table

“Cultural administration”


“Cultural administration”

Univarsity of Vilnius

Total credit value

160 CР 8 semesters

160 CР 8 semesters


Humanitarian cycle disciplines.

81 CР (50,6%)

72 CР (45%)

Economic and management sciences cycle disciplines

26 CР (16,25%)

29 CР (18,1 %)

Compulsory disciplines

(excluding the final test type).

96 CР (60 %)

66 CР (41,2 %)

Compulsory choice disciplines.

26 CP (16,25%)

45 CP (28,1%) Bez kursa darbiem un referātiem.

Free choice disciplines

6 CP (3,75%)

12 CP (7,5%)

Final tests

12 CP (7,5 %)

8 CP (5%)


26 CP (16,25%)

20 CP (12,5%).

The results of comparissonshow that the BRI and UV programmes have a lot of common features. Not only both programmes have disciplines related to the preparation of the forthcoming specialists in cultural administration, but also solid block of humanitarian disciplines which expands the students’ outlook in what concerns culture and gives a comprehensive knowledge of modern cultural processes.

The differences in the structue of programmes are partly explained by the diffeences in the education standard in Latvia and Lithuania (The Latvian higher education prosessional bachelor standard requires the neseccary value of the final test- 12 CP and necessary value of the practices- 26 CP).

Each programme also offers those profil courses which are related to the future profession of the students. Some of the UV programmes are definetely worth paying attention to and are included into the BRI programme (for example, “Qualitative analysis of culture”). Generally it should be noted that both programmes take into consideration the European experience in the realization of the programmes and in spite of differences there is a cooperation possibility in different fields (student exchange, guest lecturers exchange, cooperation in research and study projects).


All in all when having accomplished the comparison of the BRI offered programme with the European universities’ programmes, it shall be stated that:

  • The BRI programme of cultural administration is being implemented taking into due consideration the European experience and present standards of the higher professional education;

  • In the programme structure the same approaches to the conception of humanitarian education and study plan maintainance as in the European universities were used;

  • The BRI offered programme to a great extend corresponds to the university type programmes;

  • The BRI programme has most common features with the combined programmes in the field of culture and education of the universities of Great Britain;

  • The BRI professional bachelor programme’s content and structure corresponds to the tendencies of modern humanitarian education in European universities;

  • The BRI programme is an original study programme developed considering the interests of Latvia and cultural situation;

  • In spite of the differences, there is a cooperation possibility between BRI and other universities’ programmes (student exchange, guest lecturers exchange, cooperation in research and study projects);

  • The BRI offered programme guarantees necessary theoretical knowledge and level of professional readiness, as well as gives the students an opportunity to continue education in corresponding magistracy programmes, also in the European universities.

When observing components of professional bachelor’s study programme “Cultural administration”, we can conclude, that the objective of the programme – to prepare specialists with higher humanitarian education, who will be able to perform leading and organising work in the sphere of culture – is accomplished. The programme provides the students with the opportunity of studying in MA.

Volume of the programme 160 credit points, 4 academic years (8 semester) in full time programme and 9 (4,5 years) in part-time programme. The professional bachelor’s study programme “Cultural administration” is drafted according to the Law on higher education of LR and corresponds to all the standards accepted in Latvia and universities of EU (Regulations of the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Nr. 481 from November 20, 2001.). The study programme corresponds also to the standard “manager of culture project”, which was approved in December 29, 2003 by the regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers Nr. 649.

Professional bachelor’s programme “Cultural administration” consists of three components: bases, research analytical and professional.

The students of the programme master 3 study disciplines’ basic blocks: compulsory education discipline block, branch compulsory discipline block and study disciplines stipulated for the specialization, which the students master theoretically and supplement with practical skills.

Volume of general courses – 20 credit points, which include humanitarian and social sciences, as well as developing courses of communicative, organising and other skills, which are necessary for acquisition of higher humanitarian education. Volume of special theoretical courses are 36 credit points. Profil subjects are tightly connected to the speciality and cannot be studied separately. The branch professional specialization study course gives knowledge and practical skills in compliance with the chosen speciality in the field of management of cultural projects- credit value is 60 CP, out of which 28 CP shall be chosen as the proficiency disciplines; volume of free choice disciplines – 6 credit points, volume of practice 26 credit points. During the study process students write and defend 2 course papers. Qualification examination and bachelor paper – 12 credit points.

The professional component is strengthened by introduced into the studies innovation methods and profound practical project research, structured and supplemented to the particular optional courses, supplementing knowledge got during the theoretical courses. It stimulates the development and comprehension of the students’ practical skills. Taking into consideration the accreditation committee and expert suggestions for the improvement of the programme, corections have been introduced into the study plan.

Several free choice courses have been introduced into the programme, their aim is to help students master general skills of the organization of cultural processes which correspond to the modern requirements.

To improve study process, specialists from foreign universities, who take an active part in the realisation of the programme, are invited (Universities of Oregona, Paris, Moscow, Luton, Akureiri) Within the widening of cooperation and improvement of study process during next academic year in addition there will be lecturers from Poland, Germany, Russia and other countries.

Academic staff, which ensures study process, correspond to the highest professional requirements.

Material and technical base of the Institution provides the realization of professional study programme.

Scientific and creative activities of the programme lectures correspond to programme objectives, are on high level due to the qualification of academic staff and permanent involvement of students and lecturers in research and creative projects.

Control system of study quality ensures the mastering of competitive specialists to satisfy demands of LR labour market.

Should be noted

    • In programme’s basic component, taking into consideration the character of graduates’ future activities, the main attention is paid to the trend of art and culture in the 20th century. Culturology disciplines are taught as problem solving courses; in analytic component general volume of disciplines is dedicated to humanitarian sciences methodology study (“Problems of humanitarian sciences”, “Philosophy of culture”) and mastering methods of culture process analysis; improvement of professional component is realized due to the implementation of innovating methods into study process in form of professional practices and creative workshops;

  • Conception of students practices is developed; study plan stipulates 4 active practices;

  • The content of practices corresponds to theoretical and practical courses giving opportunity to master knowledge in practice. Each practice is based on acquired knowledge and skills. And experience acquired due to the work experience in the field of culture. For instance, after the 3rd course the mastered metods of the research analysis and technologies of drafting projects are implemented;

  • Based on initiative of Faculty tutors and students projects, which give additional opportunity of developing students practical skills, are implemented (Students art gallery BRIART, “The world’s cultures” fund);

  • Lecturers of study programme, including guest lecturers, are qualified specialists in their fields. All lecturers have experience in pedagogy, most of the guest lecturers are leading researchers with many publications in editions and journals;

  • Programme’s lecturers can have wide information on important international events in the field of science, which ensures an opportunity of taking part in most interesting events;

  • BRI library mostly satisfy both students and teachers. Taking into consideration that number of studies entries is small, all students and lecturers are provided with copies of necessary literature;

  • Scientific research work, which starts with 1st course paper and ends with bachelor paper in the end of 4th academic year, stipulates mastering research skills and abilities. On 1st year students prepare a scientific report on chosen theme or problem, where they prove their abilities of analysing scientific literature. On 2nd year students perform a research, where they use methods of scientific research. Un 3rd year students perform an empirical research using different research methods and analysing particular projects. On 4th academic year students draft bachelorpaper, where they should prove all knowledge needed for professional and academically educated specialist. Programme mainly is devoted to the drafting and realization of an independent project, as well as analyzing of the topical tendencies in this field.; this work has practical results.

  • The programme stipulates mastering specialists according to the requirements of development of democratic culture. The programme is oriented towards preparing graduates for active participation in realization of State programme of national culture and State programme of society integration;

  • Programme’s students are members of Latvian Association of students.

Within the professional bachelor’s programme “Cultural administration” it is planned to:

  • stimulate students involvement in the work of international professional association;

  • organise regularly students conferences with participation of other universities;

  • stimulate participation of students in international conferences and research projects;

  • develop the research trends related to the private initiative in the field of culture and specific character of the project management;

  • continue the long-term study project realization;

  • continue to develop the away practice system. For that to continue strong cooperation with the universities of Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden;

  • improve material and technical base;

  • implement new computer technologies in study process;

  • supply library with foreign publications: monographs, journals.


Appendix 1 .
Profession standard.
Appendix 2.1.


General rulings
Credit value of the “active” practice”: 18 Cp
Aim of the practice:

  • To teach to use the acquired knowledge and skills in the practical activity.

  • To develop practical skills of the project development and management.

  • To develop professionaly important skills.

Tasks of the practice:

  • To secure the connection between the theoretical knowledge and student’s personal experience.

  • To develop professional skills.

  • To develop the team work skills.

  • To teach how to analyze the situation and make independent dicisions.

  • To develop self-analysis skills.

The practice organization

“Active” practice consists of 5 levels. The report about each “active” practice is based on the protfolio principle. Beginning with the 2nd study year the students shall give reports about the accomplished practice stages and portfolio filling. An individual portfolio about the total practice scope shall be given to the department administration not later than 1 week before the bachelor paper defence.

The department administration shall provide the students with possible places of practice, but the students have a right to initiate their independent project or participate in the realization of a project of a natural (legal) person. In case a student undergoes a practice at an organization, the agreements are to be concluded with the organization’s administration in advance.

Not less than 50% of the practice scope shall be realized in the initiated projects of the BRI structural body.

The department administration is responsible for the organization of the practice.
Methodologist of the department:

  • Shall provide the students with the methodical materials.

  • Shall issue individual practice diaries to the students.

  • Shall accept and process the study practice reports.

Administrator of the department:

  • Shall discuss and approve alterations in the practice programme.

  • Shall suggest a candidature and approve the supervisor of the practice (BRI tutors and or representatives of the organizations).

  • Shall approve the tasks of the practice.

  • Shall discuss the results of the practice.


Duties of the practice supervisor
The practice supervisor:

  • Shall provide the students with the methodical materials necessary for the accomplishment of the practice;

  • Shall control, analyze, and assess the accomplishment of the practice tasks;

  • Shall help the students to master and improve practical knowledge and skills;

  • Shall control the organization of practice in the places of practice;

  • Shall control the consideration of the safety devices and work conditions at the places of practice;

  • In case of urgency shall guarantee the students consultations with the respective specialists- with the BRI tutors or specialists who work for the organizations;

  • Shall help students to handle difficult situations which may arise when accomplishing the practice tasks;

  • Shall help the students with the material processing and reports filling;

  • Shall guarantee the students at practice favourable working conditions;

  • Shall perform the supervision of the students during the realization time of a concrete project;

  • Shall write references for the rezults of the students’ practice;

  • Shall give a report of the practice rezults at the programme Council hearing.

Rights of the practice supervisor
The practice supervisor has a right to:

  • Demand from the Council of the programme for the materials to be issued timely;

  • Demand for the cooperation of the Council of the programme and BRI administration in the organization of the practice shall there be a need for that;

  • Dismiss from the practice defence those students who failed to hand in the practice materials in due time.

Responsibility of the practice supervisor
The practice supervisor is responsible for:

  • Providing the students with the safe work conditions;

  • Following the professional ethics by the student on practice;

  • The students’ accomplishment of the practice tasks and programme’s full scope.

Duties of a student on practice
Student on practice has to:

  • Respect the behaviour norms, order and work regime in the organization where he/she undergoes the practice;

  • Accomplish the practice tasks in compliance with the practice programme;

  • Correctly draw up the documantation related to the project;

  • Write the practice individual diary;

  • Hand in the documentation about the practice task to the supervisor not less than 1 week before the practice defence;

Shall a student not accomplish the professional study practice programme completely, he/she shall not be admitted to the bachelor paper defence.

Rights of a student on practice
During the practice a student can:

  • Get acquainted with the practice provision and the rector’s ruling about the practice;

  • Initiate his/her independent project or participate in the realization of a project of a natural (legal) person; receive consultations with a specialist in the organization or BRI tutor;

  • Ask the practice supervisor for help in difficult situations;

  • Process the practice materials and get prepared for the practice report in the BRI computer class;

  • Demand for the methodical materials necessary for the accomplishment of the practice from the practice supervisor.

Responsibility of a student on practice
Student on practice is responsible for:

  • Respecting the work discipline and professional ethics;

  • Correct accomplishment of the tasks related to the concrete project;

  • Authenticity of the provided information.

Practice documents

The report about each “active” practice is based on the protfolio principle. At the end of the practice the documents shall be given to the practice supervisor. An individual portfolio about the total practice scope shall be given to the department administration not later than 1 week before the bachelor paper defence.

The practice documents are stored in the department of cultural administration as long as a student studies at BRI. After the qualification exam a student can get an assessment page which states the level of professional readiness of a new specialist and which can be given to the employer.

An assessment page shall be filled by the practice supervisor basing on the content of the practice marks, practice defence results, and analysis of the practice materials.


  • There is a committess formed for the practice assessment, which consists of the department administrator, practice supervisor, and the tutors.

  • The practice is assessed based on the 10 point system.

  • The post-diploma practice defence takes place at the open hearing, not later than 4 weeks after the bachelor paper defence.


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