Activity 1. Read , translate the text
The University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge was founded in the twelfth century and before
the beginning of the thirteenth it was almost a recognized Centre of education. The
University was formed on the model of European continental Universities. At first
there were neither colleges nor professors in the modern sense of word. Lectures
and oral examinations were conducted in Latin. There were no written
examinations. Until the fifteenth century the history of Cambridge was not as
significant as that of Oxford. But by the end of the seventeenth century the
University was the home of Sir Isaak Newton – professor of mathematics from
1669 till 1702 whose influence was deep and permanent. At that time serious tests
were offered to the candidates for degrees. During the early part of the nineteenth
century examinations were greatly improved and written examinations were more
often used than oral. At the same time there built a number of laboratories for the natural sciences, among them the Cavendish Laboratory. The Cavendish Laboratory
organized by the well known Scottish mathematician and physicist Maxwell was
opened in 1871. It was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Sir
Henry Cavendish. Now it is one of the greatest physical laboratories known
throughout the world.
Kembrij universiteti
Kembrij universiteti XII asrda va undan oldin tashkil etilgan o'n uchinchi asrning boshlari deyarli tan olingan Ta'lim markazi edi. Universitet Evropa qit'aviy universitetlari namunasida tashkil topgan. Boshida zamonaviy ma'noda kollejlar ham professorlar ham bo'lmagan. Ma'ruzalar va og'zaki imtihonlar lotin tilida o'tkazildi. Hech qanday yozma narsa yo'q edi imtihonlar. XV asrga qadar Kembrijning tarixi shunday emas edi Oksford kabi muhim. Ammo XVII asrning oxiriga kelib
Universitet ser Isaak Nyutonning matematika professori bo'lgan Ta'siri chuqur va doimiy bo'lgan 1669 yildan 1702 yilgacha. O'sha paytda jiddiy sinovlar ilmiy darajalarga nomzodlarga taklif qilindi. O'n to'qqizinchi yillarning boshlarida asr imtihonlari ancha yaxshilandi va yozma imtihonlar ko'proq bo'ldi ko'pincha og'izdan ko'ra ishlatiladi. Shu bilan birga tabiatshunoslik uchun bir qator laboratoriyalar jumladan Kavandish laboratoriyasi qurildi. Kavendish laboratoriyasi taniqli Shotlandiyalik matematik va fizik Maksvell tomonidan uyushtirilgan 1871 yilda ochilgan. 18-asr ingliz olimi Sir nomi bilan atalgan Genri Kavendish. Hozir bu taniqli fizik laboratoriyalardan biri butun dunyo bo'ylab.
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