The advent of broadband Internet in offices around the world means that
holding a meeting online is becoming increasingly common. While there are a
number of advantages to web conferencing, like saving money on travelling and
bringing all your colleagues together with the touch of a button, there is one
disadvantage that could discourage those not raised in the digital age from ever
conducting a meeting on-line - the fact that you can’t always see your attendees.
This not only means that you can’t always be sure that your attendees are
paying attention, but also that those present in the meeting might feel free to work
on other projects at the same time they’re attending the meeting. If this is
something that you are concerned about, there are a number of things you can do to
ensure that your participants are completely involved in your web conference. The
tips below can help you be fully engaging with your attendees, making your web
conference interesting and productive. Make each participant responsible for some of the presentation. This will ensure that your attendees have researched the topic they are presenting, which will make them feel more involved in the meeting to begin with. This also helps to get everyone talking and interacting during the meeting, so even those people who are shy and don’t usually participate will make a contribution. And once the ice has been broken, it could lead to great discussions that will give you the result you need. Use your web conference tools features. After all, they’re there to help you make the best of your meeting. Familiarize yourself with them thoroughly and prepare polls, let your participants ≪raise their hands≫ and ask questions, and use the video feature if your software allows for video conferencing. This makes your web meeting more personal and engaging, increasing participation levels. Also think of creative ways you could use each tool.
Konferentsiyada ishtirok etish
Dunyo bo'ylab ofislarda keng polosali Internetning paydo bo'lishi shuni anglatadi
uchrashuvni onlayn o'tkazish tobora keng tarqalgan bo'lib bormoqda. Bor bo'lsa ham veb-konferentsiyalarning afzalliklari qatori masalan sayohat uchun pul tejash va tugmachani bosish bilan barcha hamkasblaringizni birlashtirish bitta bor raqamli asrda tarbiyalanmaganlarni azaldan ko'nglini ko'tarishi mumkin bo'lgan kamchilik uchrashuvni on-layn rejimida o'tkazish - siz har doim o'z ishtirokchilaringizni ko'rishni istamasligingiz.
Bu nafaqat sizning ishtirokchilaringiz ekanligiga doimo ishonch hosil qila olmasligingizni anglatadi diqqat bilan shuningdek yig'ilishda qatnashganlar o'zlarini erkin ishlashlari mumkin
bir vaqtning o'zida boshqa loyihalar bo'yicha ular yig'ilishda qatnashadilar. Agar shunday bo'lsa Sizni xavotirga soladigan narsa siz qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan bir qator narsalar mavjud ishtirokchilaringiz veb-konferentsiyangizda to'liq ishtirok etishlarini ta'minlash.
Quyidagi maslahatlar sizning tashrif buyuruvchilaringiz bilan to'liq aloqada bo'lishingizga yordam beradi veb-saytingizni yaratadi konferentsiya qiziqarli va samarali. Har bir ishtirokchini taqdimotning bir qismi uchun javobgar qiling. Bu sizning ishtirokchilaringiz taqdim etayotgan mavzuni o'rganib chiqishini ta'minlaydi bu ularni boshlash uchun uchrashuvga ko'proq jalb qilishlarini ta'minlaydi. Bu shuningdek yig'ilish paytida hamma bilan suhbatlashish va suhbatlashishga yordam beradi shuning uchun hatto uyatchan va odatda qatnashmaydigan odamlar ham o'z hissalarini qo'shadilar. Va muz buzilganidan so'ng bu sizga kerakli natijani beradigan ajoyib munozaralarga olib kelishi mumkin. Veb-konferentsiya vositalari xususiyatlaridan foydalaning. Axir ular sizning uchrashuvingizni eng yaxshi o'tkazishingizga yordam berish uchun u erda. Ular bilan yaxshilab tanishib chiqing va so'rovnomalarni tayyorlang ishtirokchilaringizga qo'llarini ko'tarib savollar berishga ruxsat bering va agar sizning dasturiy ta'minotingiz videokonferentsaloqa o'tkazishga imkon bersa video xususiyatidan foydalaning. Bu sizning veb-uchrashuvingizni yanada shaxsiy va qiziqarli qiladi ishtirok etish darajasini oshiradi. Shuningdek har bir vositadan foydalanishning ijodiy usullari haqida o'ylab ko'ring.
1. What kind of conferences do you know?
While there are a number of advantages to web conferencing, like saving money on travelling and bringing all your colleagues together with the touch of a button, there is one disadvantage that could discourage those not raised in the digital age from ever conducting a meeting on-line - the fact that you can’t always see your attendees.
2. Have you ever participated in any conference?
3. What kind of conference do you prefer? Why?
4. Does a face to face conference play an important role?
5. Do you prefer an no-line conference?
I like both
6. Can you tell us about advantages of face to face conference?
7. Can you say about disadvantages of both conferences?
Online conference Low quality internet
8. How to encourage participation in a web conference
I don’t know
9. How to deal with conference participants
You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people
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