Baltic russian institute

Cooperation agreement are concluded with

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Cooperation agreement are concluded with:

  • Latvian Academy of Culture

  • The University of Daugavpils

  • Latvian Academy of Arts

  • The Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy

  • The Latvian Culture College

  • Litorina Folkhogskola i Karlskrona (Sweden)

  • Ukrainian People Academy (Kharkov, Ukraine)

  • The Academy of Humanities and Economics (Lodz, Poland)

  • Moscow State Academy of Theatre (Russia)

  • Moscow Academy of Humanities and Social science (Moscow, Russia).

7. 8. 3. Guest lecturers

To implement the studies’ programme the faculty of culture of BRI regularly invites guest lecturers. In 2003. – 2005. for implementing studies’ programme as guest lecturers there were lecturers, researchers and professional in the sphere of culture from USA (University of Oregona), Great Britain (University of Luton), Germany (Open University, Berlin), France (University of Paris „de l Universite Paris VIII”), Lithuania and Russia. Part of the guest-lecturers’ courses was organised in cooperation with BRI and BKK programmes.

  • Prof. Steven Shenkman (USA, University of Oregona, director of the humanitarian centre of the University of Oregona),

  • Olga Ribka (Moscow, Work and social relations academy),

  • Prof. O.Blokh (Moscow state University of Culture and Arts, Russia.),

  • Sergey Raflin (USA, radio station “Voice of America” commentator, cinematography prize “Oscar” committee member),

  • Prof. John Steffen (Great Britain, University of Luton),

  • Prof. Manfred Kerner (Gemany, Berlin Open University),

  • Michael Rogatchi (Finland, AAC (Arts Against Cancer) charity artists fund co-funder and executive director),

  • Andre Skogstrom Filler (France, University od Paris „de l Universite Paris VIII”),

  • Gerd Weise – entrepreneur, manager of the Gerlice city festival project (Germany),

  • Prof. Markus Mekls, ( Island, University of Akureiri).

8. Plan of development of study programme.

Study and methodical work.
To improve and introduce alterations in the study plan taking into consideration changes in culture, job market requirements, other highschools’ experience, and students’ suggestions.

It is planned to introduce new courses in the C part: “European multiculturalism policy and national minorities’ rights”, “Gender in culture”, “Popculture aesthetics”. To introduce in the B part as the modul courses the following courses: “Cultural antropology”, “Modern art-market specific character”, “Cultural research quantitative methods”.

To expand the students’ opportunities to the practical mastering of modern video and audio equipment, ti ensure more active computer programmes application in the tutoring of professional disciplines (Drafting technology).

To develop subdivision of the subject’s proficient mastering “Intercultural projet management”, to develop subdivision Latvia-Finland. To offer the students to study one of the Eastern Europe languages (taking into account Latvian ethnic groups, perhaps, the Ukrainian language).

To continue development of various methodological systems, giving the priority to the special disciplines of the programme.

To continue the improving of the study methods, interactive methods, group’s creative work, “case” situations’ application, as well as development of interdisciplinary integrative connections.

To improve the students’ independent work organization and control.

To offer students the study work’s themes in cooperation with potentiaal employers.

To increase the students’ number in the programme securing the programme’s realization in one of the BRI branches.

To stimulate the students’ motivation to continue studies in the magistracy and activize cooperation with LAC and DU which have relevant magistracy programmes.

Study practice
To develop partner relations with the employers on a regular basis to secure the practice places.

  • To develop contacts with professional associations, continue cooperation with national cultural unions and the Ministry of Integration;

  • To maintain the students’ participation in the professional associations; to participate in their suggested projects more actively;

  • To initiate independent projects (like “Old Hanzas Riga”) and maintain partner groups for their realization, as well in cooperation with other related programmes (for example, LAK).

  • To keep contact with the graduaters of the programme and involve them as employers to organize the students’ practice;

  • To continue development of the away practice system. To achieve that it is planned to maintain closer contact with the universities of Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden.

Plan of the development of academic personnel

  • To stimulate the tutors’ research work participating in scientific conferences, studying for the master and doctor degree;

  • To attract new tutors, magistracy graduates, including the programme’s graduates, to the work on the programme;

  • To continue the tutors exchange programme. To invite foreign tutors to read particular courses, as well as open lectures, master classes (creative workshop), scientific practical seminars and discussions;

Scientific research

  • To develop the researches’ trends which are connected to the initiative in the field of culture and specific character of the cultural projects management. To achieve that it is needed to organize on a regular basis scientific practical interdisciplinary seminars with experienced specialists, entrepreneurs and different profile specialists. To initiate the research of the public taste and interests in the context of modern culture (to involve partner universities in Lithuania, Ukraine, and Poland).

  • To continue a long-term study project realization.

  • Also in the future to include the tutors’ researsh “Actualization of the problem of cultural heritage” results into the tudy process. To maintain a methodological scientific seminar activity with other BRI programmes’ tutors participation on a regular basis.

  • To create and develop partner relations with similar schools and programmes which are interested in participating in a research of the similar character. In 2006 to organize an international scientific conference “Youth and national culture in the age of globalization: perspectives of the XXI century” in cooperation with the UNESCO department “Theory of education in the popculture society”, “Theory of education in the multicultural society” (St. Petersburg), involving partners from Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and publishing the acquired materials.

  • To organize an international theoretical seminar “Intercultural communication and European’s identity”. To consider the organization of a respective section’s activity at the annual international scientific student conference in Daugavpils.

  • To participate in a regular international scientific conference “Collaboration of culture and language”.

  • To prepare a project with regard to the regular connection of the culture management problems to the scientific work and publishing of the volume of scientific materials.

  • To stimulate the students’ research work, maintain the students’ participation in international conferences, projects, and exchange programmes.

9. Comparison of BRI study programme with the study programmes of other universities

9.1. Comparison of BRI study programme with the study programmes of other universities of Latvia
At this moment in Latvia there are quite a lot of programmes of second level higher education connected to cultural administration. The programmes within which the completion of disciplines concerning cultural research are taught at least five Latvian universities – Academy of Arts, Academy of Music, Academy of Culture, the University of Latvia, the Liepaja Pedagogy Academy and the University of Daugavpils. Three of them are formed according to the united principles and structures of academic humanitarian programme.

The Pedagogy Academy of Liepaja and the University of economics and culture (Riga) realise higher professional education programme “The management of cultural work”, professional bachelor programme “Cultural administration” with the professional bachelor degree in the cultural entrepreur’s business and qualification of the manager of cultural establishments. The magistracy programme in cultural administration is available at LAC.

The Academy of Liepaja and the University of Daugavpils realise professional pedagogical programmes, therefore profil-subjects at those universities are taught as courses with pedagogical direction. Programme “The management od cultural work” (LPA) is oriented on the preparation of specialists in cultural administration for the cultural establishments and centres, organizators of cultural events and study groups’ leaders/ interest education pedagogyes, and therefore it includes a wide range of disciplines which are connected to the cultural work management, interest education, organization of cultural events and leisure activities. In turn, Academy of Art and Academy of Music in their professional programmes are oriented on strictly defined spheres of creative activity in visual art and music.

The closest programme to the BRI programme is the one of the theory of culture and management of LAC, as well as LPA programme of cultural work management. The BRI programme differs from the LAC programme in a way that BRI choice is characterized by a business-like character, whereas LAC- by an academic one. In the BRI programme there is lesser scope of fundamental theoretical disciplines (such as history of philosophy, history of culture, cultural antropology, etc), as well as scope of culturally historical courses. There is no practice block in the LAC programme either, for it is an academic programme. The programme offered by LPA is an administrative workers preparation oriented- cultural establishment (development centres of creative activity, leisure time centre, etc) managers preparation. Due to this fact, the block of humanitarian disciplines stresses the authentic and regional culture mastering (Latvian tradicional culture (2 CP), Latvian regional folklore (2 CP), Latvian dence history (1 CP)) and courses of developing creative skills (Creativity psychology, Development psychology, Theory and methods of the upbringing work, Interest group tutoring methods), but the management science block regard the courses connected with management of personnel and finances as important (Financing of establishment’s budget, Activity of cultural establishments, Personnel management, etc).

Comparative analysis of the BA programme of the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) and the professional BA programme “Cultural administration” of the BRI

Standard requirements in the sphere of arts, approved by the Council of Deans of the art universities, were taken into consideration when developing the offered professional education model.

The analysis reveal that the study plan in the part A (compulsory discipline) in its structure corresponds to the LAC study plan. 75% of the BRI Block A coincides with the LAC sub-programme “The theory of culture and management” (11 disciplines of 15), but 90% of the BRI Block A coincides with the LAC sub-programme “Cosiology of culture and public relations” (14 disciplines of 15). The difference is in the number of credit points in particular subjects. For example, the BRI programme plans a smaller volume of philosophy, especially the historical features of philosophy (LAC programme- 12 CP, BRI programme- 8 CP), which can be explained by the business-type orientation of the total programme.

The distinctions of the offered plan are determined by the specific aspects of the professional programme. Thus, the number of lectures for the history of philosophy has been reduced, and the subject “Culture Theory and Philosophy” has been introduced instead, which envisages the study of theoretical (including philosophical) conceptions of culture. Fewer lectures are planned for the study of particular trends of art (for example, LAC- 15 CP, BRI- 6 CP), as the whole cultural situation of the age is considered. Therefore, two subjects of the history of culture are offered (“The History of Civilisation” and “Problems in the History of the World’s Culture”), that will foster the development of a complete picture of the cultural and historic processes and understand the significance of the cultural heritage in the modern culture.

The importance of the general theoretical social subjects was also considered in the development of the plan, as well as the meaning of logics and argumentation theory in decision-making. Therefore, the subjects “Cultural sociology” and “Logics” were included in Block A subjects (in Block B in the LAC). It should be noted that the BRI programmes focus on the research of modern situation and peculiarities of modern art in the study of such subjects as the basis of academic art, culture theory and history, as this knowledge will be especially important in the activities of the new specialists.

In addition, Block A includes theoretical subjects, which correspond to the basic orientation of the professional programme (“Introduction to the Semiotics of Culture”, “Modern Latvian Visual Art”, “Economics: introduction into the theory of economics, cultural economics”, “Finance: basics of the book-keeping. Finances and credit. Taxes”,”Legal basis in culture and copyright basics”). So, Part A of the offered plan comprises 4 additional subjects and it equals to 13 credit points.

Block B (professional subjects of limited choice) was developed on the basis of the future profession and its specific features (project development and management in culture).

The main distinctions in the programmes are seen in the comparison of respective sections of study plan, showing that the BRI plan, Block B comprises 4 of 19 sub programmes in subjects of “Culture Theory and Management Science” (it should be noted that 3 disciplines from the Block B are included into BRI programme’s Block A, and 3 are offered as an optional choice).

Nevertheless, there are significant differences in the number of credit points in the offered BRI programme in comparison with the LAC programme, Part B – the scope of the historic subjects has been cut seriously.

Block B of the offered study plan introduces such subjects as, “Financing and management of cultural projects”, “Methods and technics of administrating cultural projects”, “Organization of entrepreneur’s work in the sphere of culture, management, planning”, “Cultural Research Methods”, “Project Development Technology” „Social Communication and Information Theory and Practice” (26 credit points in total), which correspond to the professional focus of the programme.

In addition, the study plan comprises subjects that will provide students with knowledge about the principles of activity and basic trends of professional culture, including the entertainment business („Entertainment industry basics”, “Practice of organizing festivities and mass events”, “Trends in western theatres”, “Visual Communications” etc.).

The specific feature of this study plan is the introduction of special practical courses (36 credit points), which will promote, in combination with theoretical subjects, the development of practical skills for future specialist. A creative project of a particular cultural sphere is to be presented at the end of each practical course. The introduction of such type of work gives the new specialists a wide professional orientation and allows them to apply their capacities in developing specific projects.

A system of active practice to the scope of 24 credit points is planned as a part of study programme to foster the verification of analytical and critical theory in practice, create sufficient background of the particular features in cultural sphere and stimulate the commencement of work projects (LAC programme does not provide with the practice as long as LAC realizes an academic programme).
The LAC study plan envisages 2 credit points in the IV semester and 4 credit points in the VI semester for the development of annual research papers. The BRI study plan includes the drafting of a report of 1 credit point in the 1st academic year, and students develop annual papers (or course projects) in the 2nd and the 3rd academic years to the scope of 4 credit points.

All the above-mentioned facts allow to make a conclusion that the BRI BA study programme “Cultural administration” provides the mastering of BA standards in social sciences and secures a high level of professionalism for graduates to continue MA studies, and preserves its specific character of a professional programme of higher education second level.

Comparison of BRI professional bachelor programme “Cultural administration” with LPA higher professional education programme “Culture management”, speciality “Organiser of art event”, and EKA professional bachelor programme “Cultural administration”, speciality “Manager of cultural establishment”, awarded degree “Professional bachelor in the entrepreneur’s culture”
The analysis of study programme shows similarities between BRI and LPA: the programme structure corresponds to the standard of professional higher education, the programme foresees the practice block amounted to 26 CP; all in all more than a half of the disciplines of the programmes coincide fully or partly, or differ only in the title (for example, “Business informatics” LPA- “Practical software” BRI, “Theory of economics” LPA- “Economics theories basics” BRI, “Book-keeping” LPA- “Book-keeping basics” BRI).

Differences – different objectives of mastering different specialists. As LPA programme prepares specialists for cultural work management for cultural establishments and centres, organizators of cultural events and study group leaders/ interest education pedagogyes- in theoretical disciplines and professional blocks there are cultural work management courses; art scientific disciplines and pedagogic work courses in the interest education, courses of organizing cultural events, such as “Creativity psychology”, “Basics of compozition”, “Colour studies”, “Development psychology”, “Theory and methods of the upbringing work”, “Tutoring methods of the interest groups”, “Artistic self-expression in the workshops (10 CP)”, etc., total 37 CP, which can be compared to the BRI programme’s professional profil discipline scope (“Methods and technics of administrating cultural projects”, “Technology of drafting cultural projects”, “Financing and management of cultural projects”, “Theory and practice of social communications and information”, “Computer technologies of presentations”, “Guidelines of the EU cultural projects management”, etc.- 22 CP).

BRI programme stipulates disciplines, which are necessary for understanding the specific at possible project (“Visual communication”, “Entertainment industry basics”, “Principles of organising mass events”, “Basics of exhibitions and galleries functioning”, “Principles of organization of cultural tourism”, etc.). Therefore there are courses, which are oriented to development and realization of independent projects.

BRI programme offers more general humanitarian subjects which aim is to give the students knowledge on general culture, as well as to form the idea on basic tendencies of development of culture. As BRI graduates are oriented to work in independent projects, as well as to make important prognosis research, BRI stipulates mastering methods of culture research and course work as research elements.

The programme specific character is also determined by the practice structure. The main part of the BRI programme is connected to the project management. (Project practice 5 CP. Pre-diploma practice- 7 CP, post-diploma practice- 4 CP), in the LPA programme respective cultural establishment management (10 CP).

When comparing both programmes we should note the similarities in those positions, which refer to general humanitarian education objectives. Differences of study plans concern conceptual differences of programmes and tasks developed to prepare specialists. .

BRI programme provides wider range of students mastering by offering graduates more opportunities in labour market.

(comperative table in the appendix 4.)

BRI and EKA study programmes’ analysis proves that on the one hand these two programmes have a lot in common. Both programmes are created as professional bachelor programmes and are oriented on the preparation of specialists in the field of culture. Still, EKA programme secures preparation of the entrepreneur specialists in the field of culture and in the field of management of cultural establishments. This stipulates for the professional discipline, practice structure, and partly general theoretical subjects’ differences. 70% of the BRI A Block programme comply with the EKA A Block disciplines (20 subjects out of 29). The differences are seen in the scope of general theoretical disciplines (for example, “Aesthetics” BRI- 2 CP, EKA- 1 CP, “Semantics and semiotics of culture” BRI- 3 CP, EKA- 1 CP in the C Block). In the EKA programme a great deal of attention is paid to the foreign language course (4 disciplines in A and B Blocks, which envisage the mastering of the foreign language basics, total scope- 18 CP).

B Block of the EKA programme offers respectively the greatest number of the courses which are oriented on the preparation of the managers of cultural establishments (“Cultural administration” 4 CP, “The management of art” 2 CP, “Finance book-keeping” 1 CP, “Management book-keeping” 1 CP, “Audit basics” 1 CP, “Personnel management” 2 CP, “Work securing” 1 CP- total 12 CP).

B Block of the BRI programme stipulates the great choice of the subjects which are connected to the drafting and management of cultural projects- totally 22 CP (“Methods and technics of administrating cultural projects”- 3 CP, “Technology of drafting cultural projects” (pract.)- 4 CP, “Financing and management of cultural projects”- 3 CP, “Cultural institutions and administration”- 2 CP, “Guidelines of the EU cultural projects management”- 2 CP, etc).

In spite of the disciplines’ similarity, the programmes differ conteptually. BRI programme stipulates fewer hours dedicated to the mastering of history-oriented disciplines (its BRI programmes’ credit value is 11 CP, EKA one’s- 28 CP). In the BRI offered programme the great deal of the disciplines have a problem-oriented character or a relation to the topical culture. Many courses in the BRI programme are united in large blocks (“Lettonika”- 4 CP, “Organization of entrepreneur’s work in the sphere of culture, management, planning”- 9 CP, “Theory and practice of social communications and information”- 6 CP, “Intercultural communication: theory and practice”- 6 CP, etc.). BRI programme stipulates for the wider spectrum of the forthcoming specialists and offers the students a range of proficiency courses in disciplines (“Organization and management of festivities and mass events”- 3 CP, “Entertainment industry basics”- 2 CP, “Basics of cultural tourism organization”- 2 CP, “Basics of exhibitions and galleries functioning”- 3 CP). During the study course the students have to get 17 CP. This opportunity is ensured by the courses’ provision. A student can specialize in one of these trends choosing the course or bachelor paper theme, as well as accomplishing study projects. BRI programme includes the course (research) work as a compulsory element of a research work and there is a time reserved in the course plan for the accomplishment of the course paper (2 CP). At the same time EKA programme includes the course papers in the value of the mastered disciplines (see comparative table in the appendix 4.).


The accomplished comparisson of the programmes shows that the BRI offered programme is to be compared with other programmes of cultural administration mastered in other Latvian universities. It includes courses necessary to prepare managers in the field of culture. These courses can be characterized as typical ones for such type of the programmes- theory of economics, finanses and credit, management, marketing, etc. Besides, all culture-oriented programmes have the blocks of humanitarian disciplines, which differ from one another according to the concrete goals of a programme. In this respect the BRI programme follows the conception of a wide humanitarian education, which in turn is offered by prof. Peteris Lakis. This conception stipulates for quite a wide range of choice for the business of a forthcoming specialist and post-bachelor education. Non of the offered programmes stresses the courses which are related to the drafting of cultural projects and management of the professionals’ work, neither a respective practice (comparative results in the appendix 4.).

The accomplished analysis states that the BRI offered programme takes into account the experience of Latvian university, it has quite many similar courses with compared programmes, which gives a chance to cooperate with cognate programmes, as well as makes it possible to realize a potential students and tutors exchange programme. At the same time the programme is original, which makes it capable to compete on the higher education market, for it offers new and highly perspective profession (especially taking into consideration situation in EU) “The manager of cultural projects”, which provides the specialists with rather wide range of choices for one’s forthcoming business and education.

9.2. Comparison of BRI professional bachelor’s programme “The Management of Culture” with programmes of the universities of EU countries

The analysis of the European education system showed that in Europe there are two education types: university type of education (university) and non-university type of education (non-university). The university type of education allows students to master many general courses, offer wide range of courses choice, gives an academic education. Non-university type of education differs in terms of more profound specialization, less possibilities to alter the study programmes, greater scope of special disciplines. The research of the western experts proved that the non-university type of education is mainly aimed on the practical professional activity (E. Leither “Educational research and higher education reform in Eastern and central Europe).

The comparative analysis of the study programmes is obstructed by several factors:

  • Professional programmes implemented by non-university type of highschools are mainly oriented on a narrow speciality and are related to only one art or culture trend (for example, modern dance, photography, modern painting).

  • There are many principles of maintaining the study programmes in the European states. So, the education models in Scandinavia, England, and Germany are essentially different.

  • There are different approaches to the planning of the study programmes’ scope, proportion of lections and seminars, theoretical and practical courses. Olso the entries which are applied to assess the study work scope differ.

Still it is possible to compare the programmes on the basis of their orientation and field of professional activity, thematic blocks of disciplines, and general tructure of a course.

BRI programme is completed taking into consideration the experience of the EU states in cultural administration and preparation of art-management specialists. It has been developed taking into consideration both peculiarities of the Latvian cultural situation and jor market conditions, which also determines the programme’s conception specific character. From 1986 there has been a trend in the European humanitarian education “art management”. Most often this trend is represented alongside the respective block of disciplines within the programme “Fine Art” (bachelor programmes “Modern Art”, “Art History”). Students are provided with the opportunity to study social and management disciplines within the highschools’ interdisciplinary complex programmes (“Interdisciplinary Human Studing”, University of Brandford Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Honours; “The Modern Arts”, The Courtould Institute of Art of London’s University etc.). The comparison of the programmes is cumbered by the fact that “Cultural administration” in its structure is closer to the non-university type of programmes, for it is professional business oriented. On the other hand, it includes the standard of bachelor in humanitarian sciences, therefore stipulates for the mastering of academic education.

Two main tendencies shall be noted when analyzing programmes of cultural administration in the university types of highschools in Europe.

The most common programme in this trend is the master (postgraduate) one (for instance, “Culture and organization” in the University of Vienna, “Art politics and management” in the London City University, etc). Master of Arts/ Master of fine Arts degree is mainly given after the programme graduation, in more seldom cases- Master of Science or a double degree (Master of Arts/MA of Science), as in the University of London, for example. All the programmes are being realized on the basis of respective faculties of a college. Each programme is unique, putting its own accents and having possibilities to use the potential of an academic base, still, it all has also common features. It shall be noted, that at the moment there is a similar structure developed for the programmes of these types, which unite both European and the USA universities’ study programmes.

The Master programme stipulates mastering of the following basic block:

  • Marketing the Arts/ Art Markets

  • Arts and Education/ Education in the Cultural Sector

  • Finance and Busines Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Public Policy and Arts/Policy Making in the Arts

  • Finance Accounting/Arts Audiences and Marketing

  • Management of particular culture/ art (Visual Arts Management/Music Management/Museum and Gallery Framework)

The studies in these programmes last for 1-2 years. Often the applicants are demanded for the education in one of the art trends (in history of arts), some programmes set requirements for the students to master art disciplines during the studies.

The other study programmes’ type is the combined bachelor programmes in arts and culture. The art bachelor degree is given after the graduation of these programmes (BA Fine Arts/Art History/BA Science/BA Cultural Studies and Music).

Each of these programmes pay attention to the respective art (modern art/ history of arts) or culture trend. In additional blocks of disciplines there are the basics of the management mastering of a respective field of art.

The following characteristic structure blocks are to be pointed in these programmes:

  • Introduction in Marketing

  • PR and Communication

  • Human Resource Management

  • Financial and Management Accounting

  • Management of particular art field (Performing Arts Management/ Theatre Management/ Dance Management)

In this case the students of the programme are offered an opportunity to master extra knowledge in the field of management.

The closest programme to the BRI professional bachelor programme “Cultural administration” is the combined art bachelor programme of the University of Plymount, UK: BA Art History with Popular Culture, BA Popular Culture with Gallery and Museum Studies, BA Cultural Practice.

The analysis of this programme proves the similarity of its maintainance principles. So, the programme “Popular Culture with Gallery and Museum Studies” stipulates the parallel mastering of such theoretical courses which are related to the research of modern popular culture, as well as the practical courses which are oriented on the organization of the activity of art galleries and museum epositions. So, the 1st study year programme stipulates the following disciplines:
Popular culture:

  • Introduction into the research methods of modern popular culture.

  • Courses in the main tendencies of modern popular culture (music, cinema, TV, and other cultural texts).

  • Questions of identity, rase, gender in culture.

  • Introduction into the modern cultures” (after 1945) in the development concepts.

Gallery work:

  • Introduction into the gallery and museum studies.

  • Introduction into the interpretation and approaches of the pieces of art.

  • Ethnographic collections and modern culture.

  • Art and its audience.

The bachelor programme “Cultural Practice” stipulates for the students’ wider orientation in the fields of culture. Alongside it gives an opportunity to master classic disciplines of the history of arts or one of the linguistic programmes, as well as practical courses which are oriented on a practical work in a field of modern culture. During the 1st study year the questions of cultural politics and context of culture, basics of financing economics and culture, basics of galleries and museums functioning are considered.

The 2nd study year alongside the mastering of methodology and methods of cultural research stipulates the direct cultural research, “live” participation in organization and administrating cultural events (exhibitions, celebrations, festivals).

During the 3rd study year the attention is paid to the independent or collective project realization, maintaining practical skills in the following fields: project work, technology of drafting projects, and project development models.

The study programme maintainance principles are realized in the BRI programme in a similar way. Alongside the history of arts and theory studies it is envisaged that the students master practical disciplines, which are oriented on the management of cultural processes and independent project development.

For example, during the 1st study year alongside mastering of the history and theory of arts and literature, the students master practical courses which are oriented on the problems of perception of the visual art, principles of organizing art expositions. The 2nd study year stipulates mastering of the basics of management of modern communication technologies. The 3rd course puts an accent on mastering the project technologies. The students are offered an opportunity to participate in the organization and administration of real cultural events. The 4th study year stipulates the profound research of the modern culture, as well as development of skills in the field of practical cultural research and realization of individual projects. At the same time the students get the idea about the profession permanency and the demand for it on the job market. The Art University of Vienna in the 2003 catalogue offers the “Art management” as modern specialization in the humanitarian education. The work in the museums and galleries, libraries, publishing houses, cooperation in magazines and newspapers, tourism, as well as individual projects in the field of culture are regarded to as possible business field.

Besides, the programme “Cultural administration” is compared to the following universities:
University of Limerick, College of Humanities. Bachelor of Arts in Publick Administration (Programme of Study. Programme Outline:Years 1,2,3,4);

Dublin City University. B.A. in Communication Studies (The programme based on the integration of a range of contributory disciplines including Media Studies, Semiotics, Cross–Cultural Communication, Informatics, Broadcasting, Marketing Media Writing an Film Studies); University College Cork Calendar – Faculty of Arts. Programme requirements (first, second, third social sciences). Personal tutorial system (first, second, third social sciences).

The University of Cracow programme “Social administrating”, specialization “The administration of culture”.

The State Culture and Art University of Moscow. The faculty of social activity. The department programmes- management of social culture activity, history of culture, theory of culture, ethics and aesthetics.

The programmes of cultural administration in the universities of Europe and the USA have by now pretty long history and strong traditions. Relatively short time ago these programmes appeared in the Baltic states. The closest programme to the BRI programme out of the offered higher education programmes in cultural administration in the Baltic states is the one in the University of Vilnius. It also realizes the conception of wide-ranged humanitarian education combining it with the business skills which are necessary to manage the cultural processes (different standards, different practice hours amount, etc.). The great deal of attention in the programme included into the humanitarian block at the University of Vilnius is paid to the topical culture (Popular culture and symbolic thinking, Aesthetics of popular culture, Theory of postmodernism culture). It shall be noted that there are several very interesting theoretical and business-like courses included into the programme of the University of Vilnius (“Qualitative methods of cultural research”, “Modern society antropology”, “Gender sociology”, “Corporative analysis of culture”, etc.). this positive experience is to be further on applied to develop BRI programme.
The programmes of the following universities have been chosen for the comparison:

  • South Bank University (UK) “Arts management”.

  • Professional bachelor programme of the University of Vilnius „Cultural administration”

  • professional study programme “Cultural sciences and eathetical communication” (Kulturwissenschaften und Ästhetische Kommunikation) of the Hildesheim University (Universität Hildesheim)

Comparison of BRI professional bachelor’s programme “Cultural administration” with the programme “Arts Management” (BA, Hons), South Bank University (UK)

This programme was opened November 3, 1994, and was acreditated in November, 2001. Length of the programme – 3 years, 6 semesters, each of them lasts 15 weeks.

Programme is structured by thematical blocks. During each semester students study 4 thematical blocks, which contain lectures and proseminars (3-4 hours per week). At the end of semester students have examination in each block.

When comparing BRI programme, SBU programme “Arts Management” pays more attention to the media technology (Media Orientations, New Media and Digital Arts), as well as strictly defined discipline cycles in management of separate art trends (Visual Arts Management, Performing Arts Management, by choice – Event Management). SBU programme stipulates thematical blocks for individual design (3rd year, 1st and 2nd semester). SBU programme offers an opportunity of choosing the study courses, which are connected with the direction of future activities- city tourism, theater management, music, PR (3rd year, 1st and 2nd semester).

SBU, as well as BRI, has thematical blocks “Research methods” and “Management law”. SBU programme “Arts Management” stipulates students practice (1st course, 2nd semester and 2nd course, 1st semester) and mastering the thematic blocks in the special management.

The basic difference with BRI programme is shown at fundamental humanitarian discipline block. SBU study plan also stipulates the mastering of each thematical block during one semester.

Taking into consideration the thematic blocks’ titles in the South Bank University and BRI programmes, it is still possible to find common trends in their content. So, the programme “Arts Management” stipulates special courses in the financing the art field (Fundraising for the Arts; Music in Subsidised Sector), BRI programme contains the course of the project financinf and management. SBU block “Curators’ practice” corresponds to the BRI discipline block “Basics of the gallery work”, “Analysis of organization” (SBU)- to the “Administration and establishments’ culture” (BRI).

Analysis of the programme shows that SBU and BRI programmes are close in the sense of structure, partly they have similar subjects of professional block and principles of organising students practices, as well as understanding of study tasks.

BRI programme corresponds to SBU programme “Arts Management”, although it is directed to the other tradition of higher education and observes specific of Latvian market.

Comparison with the professional study programme “Cultural sciences and eathetical communication” (Kulturwissenschaften und Ästhetische Kommunikation) of the Hildesheim University (Universität Hildesheim)
The Hildesheim University (Universität Hildesheim), Germany, offers the higher education professional programme “Cultural sciences and eathetical communication” (Kulturwissenschaften und Ästhetische Kommunikation).

The duration of the studies is 9 semesters, diploma- the certified scientist in culture.

Acquired professions

After the studies graduation the students have a possibility to work in the following fields:

  • Organization of cultural processes (employees in the cultural establishments, private or public cultural mediators): organizers of cultural events, galleries, museums, theatres.

  • Cultural education (folk schools, educational “academies”, theatre pedagogic and museum pedagogic centres, music schools, socially cultural centres).

  • Art production (theatre, cinema, sound studios, TV, radio).

  • Journalism production (newspapers and books publishing, private and public media).


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