Bachelor degree

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63Module designation


Cell Biotechnology

Modern research methods in Biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable

CB 3504

MRMB 3506

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable



Cell Biotechnology

3 (2 lectures+1 seminar per week)

Modern research methods in Biotechnology

3 (2 lectures+1 lab per week)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5, 6 semester

Person responsible for the module

Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.


Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)



Guided self-study


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester

1 hour per week

Credit points

3 credits =5 ECTS

3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

Students should be able to know biotechnological methods, technologies and principles of cultivation prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It is necessary to apply the theoretical knowledge in scientific research.

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Biotechnology, Basics of Physiology, Cytology and Histology, Molecular biology, Genetics, Biochemistry

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




-Theoretical and practical basics of Cell Biotechnology; the main cell technologies producing biotechnological products and breeding methods of the creation new plant varieties; to know modern requirements for biotechnology products;

-Undergraduates must know modern methods of biotechnology, including the methods used tissue, cellular and molecular levels, their principles and applications.

Overview of the most commonly used techniques and equipments in biotechnology. Principles and essence of modern methods of biotechnology, such as biochemical, biophysical molecular biology, mmunological, genetic engineering, bioinformatics methods.


Theory and principles underlying each of biotechnological methods.


Theory, principles and are of application underlying each ofbiotechnological methods.


Based on the knowledge, skills acquisition of the skills required for self-realization in the scientific activities in the field of biotechnological processes for the production of modern products.

- on the basis of knowledge and skills acquisition of competences, apply for modification of existing methods and develop new ways to create a biotech product;

- Create personal qualities, providing self-development and professional self-improvement


Methods used for biotechnology research, evaluate the results, and make conclusions of the analysis of scientific papers

-Skills of cultivating cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

The students should be able to apply the received practical skills and theoretical knowledge in different field: in research, in industry, in breeding ;to have the skills to use the equipment applying in the biotechnology;

-planning the experiment during the laboratory classes, carry out experimental steps; conduct the statistical treatment of the data.


selection of the optimal and the necessary methods, selection of conditions in accordance with the aim and objectives of experiments, and carry out the extraction, detection and identification of biopolymers, their analysis to obtain the desired biotechnological products


Сritical to choose methods for biotechnology research, to select the experimental conditions, to identify and evaluate the results, make

conclusions from and for scientific papers


Circuit of experiments and methods which are best suited for a particular research question or problem common biochemical and biophysical methods to study

General competencies:
-to have a basic knowledge in the field of biotechnology and related areas,

- to be able to apply knowledge in practice;

- to be ready for the act rationally and independently, guided by evidence scientific-based conclusions, observations and experience received as a result of cognitive professional activities in the field of biotechnology;


skills of appropriate selection of techniques and analysis of experiments results.

Modification of existing methods and development of new ways to create a biotech product


skills of appropriate selection of techniques and analysis of experiments results.

Modification of existing methods and development of new ways to create a biotech product


The courses “Cell biotechnology” and “Modern research methods in Biotechnology” are presented covering the major disciplines of Basics of biotechnology , Cell biology. These courses emphasizes recent findings as well as relevant fundamental background information. Programs within the modul provide students with an opportunity to actively participate in discussions on the most recent advances in the field of the modern biology and biotechnology sciences. These courses provide the opportunity for students interested in careers in academic biology and research to obtain the necessary training in basic sciences in an education period. Content of disciplines include following themes: biotechnology methods applying for prokaryotes and eukaryotes; cell and gene engineering, cell therapy (stem cell culture) and gene therapy, cell selection, basics of agrobiotechnology, agrotechnologies, basics of ecobiotechnology, cell biotechnologies using for solution ecological problems

Modern biotechnology is a multidisciplinary science. It includes new methods of study of biological organisms, new areas of application of the results obtained using e methods. The methodological approaches used in biotechnology, aimed at the study of physico-chemical, biophysical, biochemical properties and principles of functioning of living systems. Among these are methods that are used for a long time (centrifugation, spectrophotometry, various chromatography, immunological methods, etc.). However, they still remain effective in the study of biological objects. In recent years, the development of new high-tech methods used to obtain the results, dramatically accelerated progress in biology and biotechnology. Thus, the methods of transfer of genetic material from one object to the other reached such perfection that the experiment can now get almost any combination of genetic elements of various biological systems

L1.Introduction. Methods of study and use of membrane structures in biotechnology. Separation of subcellular components

L2. Identification of cell components and criteria for their purification. Separation and analysis of membrane lipid components

L.3. The methods used for isolation and study of lipid membrane structures

Solubilization and reconstruction of membrane proteins.

L.4. Physical and biophysical techniques used in biotechnology. Spectral methods for the study of stationary properties of biological systems.

L.5 Methods of studying biopolymers. Traditional methods of separation and purification of biopolymers. Centrifugation, salt fractionation, gel filtration, dialysis.

L.6 Quantitative methods for the determination of proteins

L.7 Methods of analysis and synthesis of nucleic acids.

L. 8.Using polymerase chain reaction for analysis of the primary structure of nucleic acids. Automating the process of nucleic acid sequencing

L.9 Techniques of nucleic acid hybridization. Methods of genetic engineering. Creation of recombinant DNA expression of transferred genes.

L. 10 Physical methods for gene transfer into plant cells. Vector systems based plasmids.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed

Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journals

Reading list

Turasheva S.K. Cell Biotechnology (in Kazakh). Textbook. Almaty: “Daur”. 2011. - 260 P. (in kazakh)

Turasheva S.K., Atambaeva Sh.A. Basics of Cell Biotechnology (in Kazakh). E-book. CD. 2009. (in kazakh)

  1. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)

  2. Higgins I.J., Best D.J., Jones J. Biotechnology: principles and applications. 2008. -480 P. (in english)

  3. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind., 7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)

  4. Staba E.J. Plant Tissue Culture as a Source of Biochemicals, CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida.2000. (in english)

  5. Kershanskaya O.I. Plant genetic engineering. A practical approach. 152 P. 2007 (in russian)

Module designation

Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)

Basics of bioinformation

Basics of Bionanotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable

BB 4509

BB 4510

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable



Basics of bioinformation

3 (2 lectures+1 seminar)

Basics of Bionanotechnology

3 (2 lectures+1 seminar)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Anatoliy Ivashenko

Dr., Professor Shoinbekova S.A.


Dr.Professor Tatyana A. Karpenyuk

Dr., Professor Anatoliy Ivashenko

Dr., Professor Shoinbekova S.A.

Associate Professor Alla V.Goncharova


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours




30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)



Guided self-study


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)



15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Credit points

3 credits =5 ECTS

3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

It’s necessary to have knowledge in Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Virology, Lowmolecular biological substances; General and molecular genetics

Students should be able to know bionanotechnological methods and principles of work with nanobiostructures. It is necessary to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice (in industry)

Recommended prerequisites

Biochemistry, Basis of Biotechnology, Molecular biology, General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




The students have to know and be able to apply modern information technologies to accumulation, storages, processings and uses of bioresources and their properties in various branches of human activity.
In the course of studying of discipline of "Bionanotechnology" students have to receive knowledge of the main directions of bionanotechnology;
"Basics of Bioinformation"


to remember the main data on informatics;


to understand a subject of studying of bioinformatics;

-to be able to systematize and generalize the knowledge received at lectures and from educational, scientific sources of information; freely, competently to state a theoretical material on bases of the real course, to carry out discussions;


to apply the gained knowledge to statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of computer calculations


to analyze genome and proteome of animals and plants;

use information technologies in the performance of the experimental tasks and analyze the results; be able to work with information in global computer networks.

-to use the received knowledge for statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of experimental work.


to estimate value of received results of researches;


to create models and to resolve key issues in bioinformatics.


"Basics of Bionanotechnology's" discipline for bachelors allows to expand and deepen knowledge of the various directions of bionanotechnology. Modern bionanotechnology - an interdisciplinary branch of science and productions. Use of biological nanostructures in production promotes disclosure of new properties of biological systems. Biological nanostructures - components of different multimolecular systems possess almost boundless range of properties which are used in various areas of human activity.

"Basics of Bioinformation"

1. A role of irregular biopolymers as information cellular a component.

2. Genetic processes as operations with the genetic information.

3. Self-reproduction of the genetic information: replication, transcription, translation.

4. The elementary complexes of information biopolymers: transposons and plasmids.

5. Genomes and proteomes of chloroplasts.

6. Genomes and proteomes of mitochondria.

7. Genomes and proteomes of archeabacteria and eubacteria.

8. A variety of the sizes of the structurally functional organization genomes and proteomes of higher organisms.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests, defense of the group projects, case-study, presentations

1st interim control: oral discussion, testing, , problem solving, testing

2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

control of knowledge will be carried out in the form of a colloquium, the project, work in small groups

Media employed

Lectures in presentation, e- books,video-materials.

Reading list

  1. Gene and genom. vol.1. М.:Мir, 2005. (in russian)

  2. Modern microbiology. Prokaryot. Vol.2.- М.:Мir, 2005. (in english)

  3. Таrasov В.А. Моlecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М.: Nauka, 2008. (in russian)

  4. Glik B., Pasternak D Моlecular biotechnology: principle and application. – М.: Мir, 2002. (in english)

  5. Singer М., Berg P. Gene and genom: vol.2. М., 1998. (in english)

  6. Rybkin В.N. Basis of genetic engineering. S-P, 2002. (in russian)

  7. Ratledge C, Kristiansen B. Basic Biotechnology. Cambridge, Weinheim. 2006, 666P. (in english)

Module designation

Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)


Bioinformational polymers in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable

Enz 3505

BPB 4508

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable




3 (2 lectures+1seminar)

Bioinformational polymers in biotechnology

3 (2 lectures+1 lab)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr.Professor Tatyana A. Karpenyuk

Dr., Professor Anatoliy Ivashenko


Dr.Professor Tatyana A. Karpenyuk

Dr., Professor Anatoliy Ivashenko

Dr., Professor Shoinbekova S.A.

Associate Professor Alla V.Goncharova


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

Credit points

3 credits =5 ECTS

3 credits =5 ECTS

3 credits =5 ECTS

3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

It’s necessary to have knowledge in Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Virology, Lowmolecular biological substances; General and molecular genetics

Recommended prerequisites

Biochemistry, Basis of Biotechnology, Molecular biology, General and molecular genetics

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




After learning discipline students must:

-Understand the general features characterizing regulatory (genetic, covalently and non covalently regulated) enzymes;

- describe multi-enzyme complexes and mechanistic advantages offered by them;

- understand principles of classification and nomenclature of enzymes;

to know basic structure and functional organization of different proteomes, an understanding of the methods of proteins analysis;

The students have to know and be able to apply modern information technologies to accumulation, storages, processings and uses of bioresources and their properties in various branches of human activity.

to know a structure and properties of proteins and nucleinic acids, mechanisms of regulation of protein biosynthesis;

The students must own:

methods for identify some criteria for determining the purity of enzymes;

special techniques employed in the study of enzymes kinetics;
The students must own:

- skills in isolation of enzymes and determine their activity.

- to own methods the biochemical analysis of biopolymers;
-to be able to systematize and generalize the knowledge received at lectures and from educational, scientific sources of information; freely, competently to state a theoretical material on bases of the real course, to carry out discussions;


to analyze genome and proteome of animals and plants;

The student should be able:

- describe the various laboratory procedures for the isolation, purification and characterization of enzymes.;

- explain the mechanisms and kinetics of enzyme

-catalysed reactions for both single substrate and bi-substrate enzymes;

-to be able to practice the classical methods research of biological molecules;
The students must: know the main trends in contemporary enzymology; methods, techniques, tools, form the basis of scientific and applied activities in the field of enzymology;
-to use the received knowledge for statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of experimental work.


to estimate value of received results of researches;


Nucleinic acids and proteins are the natural polymers realizing genetic information. Structure, properties and functions of proteins and nuclea acids. Amino acids. Spatial configuration of proteins. Nucleotides. Different types of RNA, their function. Transcription (copying of nukleo sequences of sites of DNA in shape m-RNK). Translation. Genetic code. Splaysing. Introns and exons. Mechanism of biosynthesis of protein. Protein Folding.

Modern concepts of the enzymes structure. The principles of classification and nomenclature of enzymes. The main points of the kinetics of enzymatic catalysis. The specificity and mechanism of enzymes action. Practical application of enzymes and processes catalyzed by them.

The course will cover the following topics:

Modern concepts of the enzyme structure.

Coenzymes and other cofactors.

Functional groups of enzymes and their role in catalysis.

The mechanism of enzymatic catalysis.

Enzyme-substrate complexes. Specificity of action of enzymes.

The kinetics of enzymatic reactions.

Factors determining the rate of the enzymatic reaction.

Regulation of biosynthesis enzymes. Induction and repression of enzymes.

Enzymopatology. Enzymodiagnostics. Enzymotherapy.

Classification of enzymes.

Methods for isolating and identifying enzymes.

The use of enzymes in industry.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests, defense of the group projects, case-study, presentations

1st interim control: oral discussion, testing, , problem solving, testing

2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

control of knowledge will be carried out in the form of a colloquium, the project, work in small groups

Media employed

Lectures in presentation, e- books,video-materials.

Reading list

1.Plakunov V.N. Fundamentals of Enzymology, 2001, 128 p. (in russian)

2.Bissvanger X. Practical enzymology. BINOM 2010, 328 p. (in english)

3.Nikolaev A.Y. Biological chemistry. 2004 (in russian)

4.Varfolomeev S.D. Chemical enzymology. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. 472p. (in russian)

5. Dixon, M., Webb, E. Enzymes (in 3 volumes) M, New York, 1982. (in english)

Module designation

Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)

Technology of Plant clonal micropropagation and plant preservation

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable



Technology of Plant clonal micropropagation and plant preservation


2 lectures+1 labper week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Asrandyna S.Sh.


associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Asrandina S.Sh.


Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points

3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Plant Biotechnology

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




- to know bases of phytopathology, the reason of plants diseases;


the concepts and techniques of plant biotechnology and their application;

theoretical background knowledge in molecular, biochemical and plant science for an understanding of plant biotechnology


An understanding of the theoretical background knowledge in technology of clonal propagation and improvement of plants

- to own methods of diagnosing of plants diseases and methods cloning of the revitalized plant material;


-apply, or adapt, practical instructions safely and accurately

- carry out a variety of experimental procedures in the laboratory.

- interpret quantitatively the results of experiments undertaken by themselves or others

devise experimental methods appropriate for tackling a particular problem

-to be able to use biotechnological methods of plant material improvement in practice;


evaluate experimental methods appropriate for tackling a particular problem


An understanding of the aims and needs of industrial enterprises using plant biotechnology techniques to develop new products.

A capacity to undertake research in plant biotechnology


experimental methods,

interpret quantitatively the results of experiments undertaken by themselves or others


In a course technologies of cloning of the revitalized and virus-free plants are studied. Phytopathology basics, methods of diagnostics of plants diseases and methods of wood and grassy plants improvement of in vivo and in vitro are covered.

In a course methods of plants improvement are considered. Culture of apex and burn to revenges. The Plants diseases of a bacterial, fungies, virus etiology are considered. Technologies of receiving virus-free plant material are studied

Introduction to plant tissue culture, Lab equipments and their working

Various sterilization and preparation techniques, used in plant tissue culture.

Improvement of plants. Apical meristem culture

Technology for producing virus-free material (thermo and, chemotherapy)

Diagnosis of infection of plants

Technology for producing virus-free material potatoes

Mass micropropagation of healthy plants

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests

tests, the project, work in small groups, the essay

Media employed

Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journals

Reading list

  1. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)

  2. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind., 7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)

  3. Staba E.J. Plant Tissue Culture as a Source of Biochemicals, CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida.2000 (in english)

Module designation

Modules for individual educational trajectories (IET)

Practical experience in cell and molecular biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IET 2: «Cell and molecular biotechnology»

Code, if applicable

PECMB 4511

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable



Practical experience in cell and molecular biotechnology


1 lectures+2 lab per week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

7 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S.


Dr., Professor Kenzhebaeva S.S., PhD Beisenova A.A.


Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)




Guided self-study


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points

3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of general biology, chemistry.

Recommended prerequisites

Basics of Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




As a result of study of this module students must know:

-biochemical and physiological principal of investigation;

-to know the modern methods and approaches in various areas of cellular and molecular biotechnology.

As a result of study of this module students must be able to work with a microscope, prepare of different medium: selective medium, liquid medium etc. for growing callus.

Have skills to apply modern biochemical and biophysical methods of separation of cellular structures, getting them in a pure state, their identification, isolation and purification of biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids) and their qualitative and quantitative analysis methods using by spectrophotometry and electrophoresis methods, methods of separation, purification of nucleic acids, nucleic acid cloning PCR-based reactions and analyzes of amplified DNA fragments


The development of modern biology is due to significant advances in the field of cell and molecular biotechnology. The study of biological objects at the cell and molecular level requires knowledge of physical and chemical properties of living systems. In recent years the complexes of different physical and chemical methods and approaches are used in addressing key problems in biology, celland molecular biotechnology. In this regard, it is necessary to know the modern methods and approaches in various areas of cell and molecular biotechnology.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests

1st interim control: problem solving, testing, case-study

2nd interim control: problem solving, testing, project method

Final examination: written, 1 theoretical questions, 1 exercise,1 practical question

Media employed

Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journals

Reading list

  1. Valichanova G.Zh. Plant biotechnology. Аlmaty. Kazakh University. 2009 (in russian, in kazakh)

  2. Valichanova G.Zh., Еsmagulov K.Е. Bases of plant biotechnology. Аlmaty. 1999. (in kazakh)

  3. Rensli D., Donnelli D., Rid N. Food and food additives. M., 2004 (in english)

  4. Soldatenkov A.T, Kolyadina N.M. and Bases of organic chemistry of food, feed and supplements. M., 2006 (in russian)

  5. Nechaev A.P. Food Chemistry. St. Petersburg, 2007 (in russian)

  6. Drozdova T.M., Vlyuschensky P.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Physiology of nutrition. Novosibirsk 2007 (in russian)

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