Natural weathering involves more than the effects of UV light. Other factors are the effect of
oxygen, humidity, and temperature fluctuations that can damage the coating layers. Humidity
results not only from rainfall; air always contains some degree of humidity. Sunlight can heat
coating layers to surprisingly high temperatures. For example, temperatures in excess of 70 °C
have been measured on coating layers on car roofs. Not only that, the damage will be exacerbated
if electrolytes are present on the coating layers in addition to humidity. Such situations can arise
in the event
of environmental pollution, e.g. acid rain following industrial emissions.
Molecular decompositions in coating films are mainly oxidation reactions initiated by oxygen
free-radicals and hydroxyl free-radicals (formed from water). Such oxidation reactions lead to
decomposition of the molecular networks in clearcoat film matrix. Decomposition and the forma-
tion of oxidation products containing carbonyl and carboxyl groups cause the film to become
brittle. In the past, it was believed that UV light forms free-radicals which trigger post-crosslink-
ing that could lead to embrittlement. Nowadays, it is known for certain that post-crosslinking
increases the elastic component of flexibility. The best example of this is the flexibility of UV
coatings, which is high, irrespective of the parallel high crosslinking density. Low-molecular
decomposition products, by contrast, are never flexible. The molecular decomposition generates
holes in the film matrix. Ultimately, such holes, frequently under the influence of temperature
fluctuations, can lead to macroscopic (visible) damage. Either the clearcoat layer loses thickness
or cracks are formed. Excessive cracks look like crackleware. The reason clearcoat layers behave
in different ways on exposure to weather is as follows: aromatic compounds in the film matrix
absorb UV light via their double bond system. Consequently, lower sections of the clearcoat layer
are protected against the UV light. However, absorption of UV light by aromatic double bonds
leads to decomposition reactions, e.g. the ligands on aromatic rings are cleaved. The decomposi-
tion of such molecules is much less pronounced than in molecules that have no aromatic building
blocks. Molecular networks without aromatic compounds are degraded faster, this resulting in
matting and loss of layer thickness, even after only brief exposure. However, as far as the value
of passenger cars is concerned, this type of physically measurable degradation (matting and loss
of film thickness) is perceived totally differently. Clearcoats are washed and polished, and so
matting and loss of film material is compensated or accepted. Although clearcoat layers whose
film matrix contains aromatic compounds are much more resistant and have relatively good gloss
retention, damage in the form of cracking, which may occur after a relatively long time, is not
accepted by customers.
An additional factor governing damage by cracking is the physical hardness of the clearcoat film.
Hardness can be influenced via the type of resin building block. For example, monomers for acrylic
resins are chosen on the basis of glass-transition temperature (T
). The value of the glass-transition
temperature correlates with the hardness of the resin. The higher the glass transition, the harder
is the film and the greater is the probability of cracking. Figure 3.8.2 illustrates cracking in acrylic
and melamine clearcoats following artificial weathering by UV lamps (in hours) as a function of the
glass-transition temperature of the acrylic resin. The clearcoats did not contain any UV light protec-
tion and the test was carried out in a weather-o-meter equipped with UV lamps and edge-filters (for
separating the light fractions). The glass-transition temperature of the acrylic resins was increased
from the value of the starting composition (-15 °C) by adding two different monomers (from 0 to
40 %), which increase the glass-transition temperature in the same manner: methyl methacrylate
and styrene (aromatic component). The results after exposure clearly show that both monomers
accelerated cracking, especially the aromatic component (shorter cracking times).
Ever since the development of clearcoats got underway, there have been attempts to shorten the
time needed for an evaluation of weathering resistance, i.e. to achieve qualitative results as soon
as possible. Initially, natural areas were chosen which experienced particularly high UV light irra-
diation and possibly high humidity. In these areas, the coatings producers and also the assembly
OEM coatings
plants installed test stations for exposing panels to sunlight and humidity. Test stations of this
kind were installed in Florida (USA; the best known test area), Arizona (USA; high UV fraction,
but low humidity), Okinawa (Japan), Allunga (northern Australia), and other less important places.
To intensify the impact of the sunlight and humidity, special conditions were created for exposing
the panels. The panels have a special angle of inclination (e.g. 5°) and face south. Alternatively,
they are surrounded with a frame whose inside is coated with a matt black topcoat that raises
surface temperature of the test panels (heated box).
Car makers specify guarantee times for the weathering resistance of clearcoats. For example,
the most common is two years’ outdoor exposure in Florida, with negligible decrease in gloss
and resistance. The car makers extrapolate these results to offer their customers a guarantee of
10 years (normal European use conditions), and the promise of no cracking, no loss of adhesion,
and no corrosion.
Two years is a long time for the introduction of a new clearcoat system into the market. Not only
that, but in contrast to the widely held view, the results from Florida exposure can vary from year
to year in accordance with the different weather periods there. Consequently, in the early days of
development, short-term, artificial weathering tests using UV lamps were introduced. Ever since
such weather-o-meters have been used, the question has arisen as to how the times produced by
Florida exposure correlate with the results of artificial weathering. UV lamps emit higher quanti-
ties of light of very short wavelength, and in some cases waves that have a much shorter wave-
length and are more energetic than those emitted by sunlight. Figure 3.8.3 (page 170) compares
the radiation emitted by UV lamps and by sunlight as a function of wavelength.
Very short UV light radiation is highly energetic and can trigger decomposition reactions dif-
ferent from those caused by sunlight. This means that natural weathering is not being properly
simulated. For this reason, edge filters for certain fractions of UV light were fitted to the UV
lamps. This simulated the sunlight very well, but at a higher intensity that created a time-lapse
effect. The test machines were also equipped with sprinkling equipment to simulate rain and
temperature fluctuations
. All sorts of weathering test equipment are available nowadays, and
Figure 3.8.2: Cracking times of clearcoats as a function of the glass-transition temperature and the content of
aromatic monomer