Smart Library: Need of 21 st Century 4 Library Progress (International)/ Vol.40 No.1/ January-June 2020 Figure 2: DTU Library Denmark Water Conservation: It was observed that water table has reduced drastically during the last decade which that effect most
of the countries across the world are water stressed like India also. IGBC have used certain norms to
encourages use of water in a self-sustainable by reduce, recycle and reuse water strategies
9 . In the
market there have so many ways by which any smart architecture can conserve water. Proper site
selection is a one of the most important criteria if properly selected, strategies can be used to capture
rainwater runoff to be used in irrigation, extra water tanks can be maintains for rainwater harvesting
and other thinks also
10 . If we talking about smart water conservation we can used smart automated
water taps, water tanks alarms, waterless urinals facility and smart recycle toilet water system etc.
Smart Security Assistance: With smart architecture it is a fundamental need to secure their premise. Security of any institution or
corporations and big business plays a very impotent role and its starts with the physical layout of the
construction but also optimizes technological services. It includes monitoring of employees, networks
and visitors. Fast internet, voice communication, digital signage, and visitor management should be
integrated into the initial design of the architecture
7 . Security assistance is a wide area it’s quite
difficult to cover all security assistance for smart architecture but some of the major we highlighted
Smart Parking security management system, with IoT base( if require)
Smart RFID cards/Biometrics security entrance /exit terminals.
Network security fire walls.
Monitoring security system like CCTV
Fire extinguisher/ fire security exit during emergency.
Open Layout: Open layout, this gives an opportunities to the group by which they can plan a new sets of ideas on
how to best optimize the library space. If the initiative of the open layout and flexibility in theirs
design and structure they allows their employees to suggest rather than the stick area to work. It’s
also gives an opportunity to the employees to best use of the space of their work according to the
need of the organization
7 . If we implement the idea of open layout than there have no reasons to
confine the library services to specific areas which giving as much freedom of the layout to the
employees and their client.