International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications
Volume: 2 Issue: 3 26-Jul-2014,ISSN_NO: 2320-7248
particular security level. One is to design algorithm carefully so that the entire input to
be preserved. The other is to design the algorithm with so many key bits that attacks to
reduce the effective key length.
The sub key generation process is designed to preserve the entire inputs of the key
and distribute equally to all the sub keys. It also reduces the storage requirements. The
448 limit on the key size ensures that every bit of every sub key depends on every bit of
the key.
Assume that the key bits are not repeated, but instead padded with zeros to extend it
to the length of P- array. An attacker might find two keys that differ only in 64 bit
value XOR ed with P1 and P2 known as sub keys produce the same encrypted value. If
so he can find two keys that produce all the same sub keys. This is highly tempting
attack for a malicious key generator. To prevent this attack
the key bits are XOR ed
repeatedly with Pi in the initial P- array. A total 522 iterations required to test a single
Secret key cryptography is older one and it contains only one key on both sides for
encryption and decryption based on Data encryption standards.
Blow fish algorithm is
one of the best block cipher technique for large amount of data blocks. In this research
we studies deeply about the blow fish algorithm and its operation.
Also studied how
the create sub keys with the help of permutation and substitutions.
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[2] B. Schneier, Description of a New Variable-Length Key, 64-Bit Block Cipher
[3] Fast Software Encryption, Cambridge Security Workshop Proceedings (December
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[4] Yonatan Aumann, Yan Zong Ding, and Michael O. Rabin. Everlasting security in
the bounded storage model. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
48(6):1668– 1680, 2002.
ISRJournals and Publications
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International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications
Volume: 2 Issue: 3 26-Jul-2014,ISSN_NO: 2320-7248
[5] Akavia, S. Goldwasser, and V. Vaikuntanathan. Simultaneous hardcore bits and
cryptography against memory attacks. In Omer Reingold, editor, Theory of
Cryptography— TCC 2009, volume 5444 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer-Verlag, 2009.
[6] Steven M. Bellovin and Michael Merritt. Augmented encrypted key exchange: A
password- based protocol secure against dictionary attacks and password file
compromise. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
pages 244–250, 1993.
[7] Eli Biham and Adi Shamir. Differential fault analysis of secret key cryptosystems.
In Jr. [Jr.97], pages 513–525.
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