Umumiy tezkorlik
turli-tuman harakatlarda, masalan, sprinterlik yugurishda, sport o’yinlarida va h.k., tezlikni namoyon qilish qobiliyatidir.
a variety of movements, for example, a sprinter-up race, sports, games, etc., the ability to speed.
Sportchining oddiy reaksiyasi
bu oldindan mahlum zarba bilan raqibning mahlum ochiq joyiga javob berish.
This pre-strike Mahluf opponent Mahluf to respond to the open position.
Umumiy chaqqonlik
murakkab koordinasiyali harakat-larni egallashga bo’lgan qobiliyat, shuningdek, sport uchun xos bo’lmagan faoliyat turlarida harakatlarni tez egallab olish.
the capabilities of the complex, which coordinates action to seize them, as well as sports-specific activities to get quick action.
Sportchining egiluvchanligi
usulni kerakli amplitudada bajarish qobiliyatidir.
method is the ability to carry out the necessary measures.
Sport texnikasi
bu jangni muvaffaqiyatli olib borish uchun sportchiga zarur bo’lgan maxsus usullar majmuasi.
This war is necessary to conduct a successful athlete, specific methods are complex.