as the interval is more finely partitioned.
To demonstrate subadditive discount-
ing and distinguish it from hyperbolic discounting, Read elicited discount rates
for a 2-year (24-month) interval and for its 3 constituent intervals, an 8-month in-
terval beginning at the same time, an 8-month interval beginning 8 months later,
and an 8-month interval beginning 16 months later.
He found that the average
discount rate for the 24-month interval was lower than the compounded average
discount rate over the 3 8-month subintervals—a result predicted by subadditive
discounting but not predicted by hyperbolic discounting (or any type of discount
function, for that matter). Moreover, there was no evidence
that discount rates
declined with time, as the discount rates for the 3 8-month intervals were approx-
imately equal. Similar empirical results were found earlier by Holcomb and
Nelson (1992), although they did not interpret their results the same way.
If Read is correct about subadditive discounting, its main implication for eco-
nomic applications may be to provide an alternative psychological underpinning
for using
a hyperbolic discount function, because most intertemporal decisions
are based primarily on discounting from the present.
Other DU Anomalies
The DU model not only dictates that the discount rate should be constant for all
time periods, it also assumes that the discount rate should be the same for all
types of goods and all categories of intertemporal decisions. There are several
empirical regularities that appear to contradict this assumption, namely: gains are
Read’s proposal that discounting is subadditive is compatible with analogous results in other do-
mains. For example, Tversky and Koehler (1994) found that the total probability assigned to an event
increases the more finely the event is partitioned—for example, the probability of “death by accident”
is judged to be more likely if one separately elicits the probability of “death by fire,” “death by drown-
ing,” “death by falling,” and so on.
A few studies have actually found
discount rates. Frederick (1999) asked 228 respon-
dents to imagine that they worked at a job that consisted of both pleasant work (“good days”) and un-
pleasant work (“bad days”) and to equate the attractiveness of having additional good days this year or
in a future year. On average, respondents were indifferent between twenty extra good days this year,
the following year, or forty in five years, implying a 1-year discount rate of 5% and a
5-year discount rate of 15%. A possible explanation is that a desire for improvement is evoked more
strongly for 2 successive years (this year and next) than for 2 separated years (this year and 5 years
hence). Rubinstein (2000) asked students in a political science class to choose, between the following
two payment sequences:
Then, two weeks later, he asked them to choose between $997 on November 1 and $1,000 on Decem-
ber 1. Fifty-four percent of respondents preferred $997 in November to $1,000 in December, but only
34% preferred sequence A to sequence B. These two results suggest increasing discount rates. To ex-
plain them, Rubinstein speculated that the three more proximate
additional elements may have
masked the differences in the timing of the sequence of dated amounts, while making the differences
in amounts more salient.
March 1
June 1
Sept. 1
Nov. 1
April 1
July 1
Oct. 1
Dec. 1