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1st Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR) <Narrative Symposium – with Jim Wertsch, Katherine Nelson, Wolfram Fischer, & Martina Goblirsch>, September, 20-24, Seville, Spain
MLA Convention Symposium – with David Herman, Barbara Johnstone, & Rita Charon>, December 27-30, Washington, D.C.
International Society for Self and Identity in Austin, TX (January, 29)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Austin, TX (January, 29 – February, 1)
SRIF Meeting in Baltimore (March, 11)
SRA Meeting in Baltimore (March, 11-14)
Ms Foundation for Women’s Symposium on Gender: Supporting Boys’ Resilience in New York (March 25-26)
Narrative @ Memory Research Conference in Huddersfield, UK (April, 3)
The Founding Conference of the Clark/Holy Cross Consortium on Narrative – Inaugural Lecture by Jerry Bruner (The Reality of Fiction: Thoughts on Teaching Literature), Worcester, MA (April, 16-18)
International Narrative Conference in Burlington, VT (April, 22-25)
Narrative Workshop – Pre-Conference Workshop in New Brunswick, Canada (May, 19)
Narrative Matters Roundtables in New Brunswick, Canada (May, 20-23)
IGALA at Cornell, Ithaca, NY (June, 4-6)
Self-Concept, Motivation and Identity in Berlin, Germany (July, 4-7)
Kolloquium @ Universitaet Landau, Germany (July, 8)
Kolloquium @ Universitaet Freiburg, Germany (July, 9)
Text & Discourse in Chicago (August, 1-4)
Narrative Workshop – Pre-Conference Workshop of the IACCP in Xian, China (July 31 - August 1)
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology in Xian, China (August, 2-5)
Peace as a Global Language Conference in Kyoto, Japan (September, 24-26)
Open lecture @ Ochanomizu University in Tokyo (September, 30)
Quasthoff Symposium in Dortmund, Germany (October, 4)
March 3, 2003 – Trinity College Dublin (IRE) Colloquium-Workshop on Narrative
March 5, 2003 – Kings College, London (UK) “Discourse, identity, and the use of narratives in the constructions of self”
March 12, 2003 – UMass Amherst, Center for the Study of Communication – Colloquium presentation
March 22-25, 2003 -- AAAL-Meetings in Arlington, VA – Panel on Positioning (Sat morning 9:00-12:30)
April 4, 2003 – UMass, Amherst (1-day workshop on Social Positions and Structures in Interaction) – presentation: “Narrative, Discourse – Positioning”
June 5-7, 2003 -- 33rd Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society – Symposium on Discourse and Gender Development
July 13-18, 2003 - 8th International Pragmatics Conference in Toronto, Canada – Panel on Positioning
July 19-20, 2003 – Perception and Realization in Language and Gender Research – an international conference; East Lansing, MI – presentation: “Gender – a separable category for analysis?”
September 26th, Colloquium at Lehigh University
November 6th, Colloquium at Connecticut College
November 20-22, 2003 – 2nd International Colloquium “Narratology Beyond Literary Criticism” – presentation: “Narratives, Identities, and the Interactional Construction of Context”
December, 13-14, 2003 – Narrative Workshop @ Swarthmore
Jan 29th Universität Oldenburg (Germany) -- Psychologisches Colloquium ---- „Diskurs und Gender in 10-15-jaehrigen Maennern“
Feb 20th Neue Gesellschaft für Psychologie Kongress (Berlin, Germany) ---- "Conversational storytelling among young boys on the topic of 'girls'"
Mar 19th Kings College Cambridge (UK) -- Narrative Workshop III - The Centre for Narrative Research in the Social Sciences ---- "Working with narratives from adolescent boys: The method of using narrative-in-talk for the analysis of identity claims"
April 23rd Freie Universität Berlin ) -- Institut für Soziologie (Lebenslaufsoziologisches Kolloquium) ---- "Männlichkeitskonstruktionen bei Jugendlichen - Zur Rolle von konversationellen Erzählungen in Identitätskonstruktionen"
April 30th Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany) -- Psychologisches Kolloquium ---- "Diskursanalyse und Gender: ‘Warum man Frauen nicht trauen kann’“
May 14th Stockholm University (Sweden) – Gender and Discourse Group Colloquium ---- “The analysis of gendered identity in discourse and in narratives”
May 15th Linköping University (Sweden) – Department of Psychology ---- Workshop with graduate students
May 16th Linkoeping University (Sweden) – Department of Psychology Colloquium ---- "'You're right, it's nuts, you can't trust girls' -- The role of NARRATING in the identity claims of 10-year-old boys"
May 19th Copenhagen (Denmark) -- International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA 02) Panel 7: Narratives in Interaction ---- "Narrative: A privileged discourse mode for identity construction? -- Sequencing narratives in the interaction of 10-year-old boys"
June 11th Dortmund (Germany) -- Kolloquium Fachbereich Deutsch ---- 16:00-18:00h "Wie 10-Jaehrige sich zu Männern machen: Zur Funktion von Erzählungen in der Identitätsherstellung bei Jugendlichen"
June 18th Amsterdam (The Netherlands) -- International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory - ISCRAT "'You're right, we can't trust girls!' -- Stories of competition and solidarity in conversations among 10-year-old males on the topic of gender"
June 28th Potsdam (Germany) -- Potsdamer Gender Studien ---- "Die Herstellung von Männlichkeit in konversationellen Erzählungen bei 10-jährigen Jungen"
October, 2002 -- Two Narrative Workshops in Tokyo, Japan, at Meiji Gakuin University (Oct. 16th) and Japan Women’s University (Oct. 18th)
Dec 18th Singapore - 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA) Symposium on Discourse and Masculinities in Adolescence (symposium organizer) presentation: "Differences and contradictions in male positions: How 10-year-old boys position themselves vis-à-vis girls and women"
February 24th-27th, American Association for Applied Linguistics, St. Louis
May 16th Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) PUC --- (all day) Workshop presentation on “Analyzing narrative and discourse”
May 17th-19th Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) PUC --- Keynote speaker and Discussant at the International Identity Conference
June 18th-29th Odense (Denmark) --- Keynote speaker and teaching appointment at the Graduate School in Language & Communication, Odense University
Sept. 28th Passau (Germany) – 32nd Jahrestagung der GAL (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft) ---“Discourse, positioning, and the (re-)presentation of self”
Oct. 24th Universität Potsdam (Germany) -- Kolloquium zur linguistischen Kommunikationsforschung --- "Konversationelle Eryählungen zum Thema 'Girls' - Warum man den Mädchen nicht trauen darf"
November 2nd Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) -- Germanistisches Forschungskolloquium --- "'Sluts, Girls, und wir' - Identitätskonstruktionen von 15-jaehrigen Jungen im Gruppengespräch"
Nov 12th Clark University (US) -- Psychology Colloquium (Department of Psychology) --- "The role of narratives in identities: Theoretical & methodological considerations"
Nov 15th Hokkaido University, Sapporo (Japan) -- Department of Psychology --- "Identity and Male Adolescence: Recent Trends in Youth Development"
Nov 16th Hokkaido University, Sapporo (Japan) -- Department of Psychology --- "The Discursive Construction of Identity -- New Approaches to Research in Identity Development"
Nov 16th Kokka Gakuen University, Sapporo (Japan) -- Department of Psychology --- "Narrative Approaches to Psychology -- Their Merits and Their Limitations"
Nov 18th Osaka (Japan) – New School --- „Identity Issues and New Forms of Construing Instruction“
Nov 21st Kyoto University (Japan) -- Department of Educational Psychology --- "Working with Narratives from Adolescent Boys: The Method of Using Talk-Data for Identity-Claims"
Nov 21st Kyoto University (Japan) -- Department of Educational Psychology --- "Developmental Psychology and Qualitative Methods: How to Do Developmental Research in the New Century"
Nov 24th Kitakyushi (Japan) -- International Conference Center (Pan Asian Conference) --- "Masculine Identity Inside and Outside the Classroom" - Contribution to the Forum: 'Inquiring into Gender Identity and Education'
Dec 4th Technical University Berlin (Germany) -- Psychologisches Kolloquium --- "Zum Erwerb männlicher Identität bei Jugendlichen. -- Zwischen Diskurs- und Erzählanalyse"
December 18th, Colloquium at the3 Linguistics Department, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
November 14th-20th, Teaching appointment at Serrambi Summer School in Developmental Science, Recife, Brazil
October 10th-14th, National Academy of Education Meeting in New York
July 16th-20th, Presentations at the III Conference for Sociocultural Studies in Campinas, Brazil ("Positioning Analysis in Written and Oral Self Presentations of Young Adolescents") ("Narrating Self and Narrative Identity") (Discussant in Session on Gender Construction in Cross-Cultural Contexts) (Roundtable Session of Journal Editors)
July 9th-14th, Presentations at the International Pragmatics Association Conference in Budapest, Hungary ("How Is Narrative Order Achieved?") ("Positioning vis-à-vis Self and Others")
May, 18th, Colloquium at Brown University, Providence, RI
April 6th-9th, Presentation at the International Narrative Conference in Atlanta, GA ("Narrative – A Privileged Discourse Mode for Identity Research?")
March 11th-14th, Presentation at the American Association for Applied Linguistics in Vancouver, Canada ("Positions toward Self and Other in the Construction of Male Identities")
March 2nd-4th, Conference at Clark University on Discourse Methodologies for Identity Research
January 27th, Colloquium at the University of Alberta, Canada
February 14th, Colloquium at the Federal University Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Cohesion, Coherence, and Identity. From talk to assumptions about who we are." Invited guest lecturer at the School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, December, 1999.
Discussion Note on panel "Narrative and Institutional Discourse" at AAA Conference, Chicago, November 1999.
Session Organizer "The Self: Construction/Deconstruction"; International Conference on Social Construction and Relational Practices". University of New Hampshire, September 1999
"Identities through talk: From discourse data to positioning." Paper presented at the Luxembourg Conference "From Talk to Identity: How to Interpret Discourse Data for Identity Claims," July 1999.
Session organizer at the VIIIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, San Sebastian, Spain, July 1999.
Several guest lectures and workshops at universities in Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Brasilia, and Campinas in Brazil, June 1999.
"Narrative and the ability to transform master narratives and dominant discourses". Paper presented in the symposium on "Critical reflections on narrative and development". Biennial Meeting of SRCD, Albuquerque, NM, April 1999
Invited Keynote speaker at the "Kobe Symposium on Narrative Discourse", Kobe, Japan, March 1999.
Two guest lectures at the College of Arts and Science in Hyogo, Japan, March 1999
Invited panel speaker at International Symposium on "Discourse and Identity" at the Women’s University, Tokyo, March 1999.
Discussion note to the panel on "Narration and institutional identity". AAAL Annual Meetings, New York, March 1999.
Before 1999:
Discussion note to the panel on "Language socialization: Ideologies and emotion". 6thInternational Pragmatics Conference, Reims, France, July 1998
"The narrator and narrational mediation between story and discourse: Agency, perspective, and the creation of characters". 28th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, IL, June 1998.
"Identity as narration". Fourth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory (ISCRAT), Aarhus, Denmark, May 1998.
"Emotion talk and the construction of the person - Language and the sense of self." Symposium on Critical Personalism, Department of Psychology, Georgetown University, October 1997.
Several lectures and workshops at German academic institutions: Trier (Sociology; Linguistics, Psychology); Dortmund (Linguistics); Regensburg (Psychology); Mannheim (Institut für Deutsche Sprache); Berlin (Psychology), May – August, 1997.
"Is there anything behind Discourse?". Berlin Meetings of the International Society for Theory of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, May 1997.
"Functionalist approaches to Child Language". Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC, April 1997 (co-authored with Nancy Budwig, Clark University).
"Why American English-speaking children confuse anger and sadness", Invited Colloquium at Yale University, Department of Psychology, September 1996
"Constructing events with multiple characters: A functionalist approach". XIVth Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD, Montreal, Canada, August 1996.
"The impact of discourse purpose on emotion experiences: Why 5-year old children conflate sadness and anger in personal narratives". VIIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1996.
"The discourse cohesive function of passives: A crosslinguistic comparison: English, German, Maori". VIIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1996.
"Discourse and emotion in development", Conference presentation at Clark University: 'Development and the organism', Worcester, MA, April 1996.
"The role of perspective and agency in narrative constuctions of emotions", Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, IL, March 1996
"Perspective and agency in the construal of narrative events", 20th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, November 1995.
"The role of language in the analysis of emotions", Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Albuquerque, NM, July 1995.
"Perspective and agency in the construal of 'narrative events'", New Zealand Linguistics Annual Meeting, Wellington, NZ, April 1995.
Several lectures and workshops in Australia (LaTrobe University; Psychology Department; Univ. of New England: Psychology Department; Macquarie University: Linguistics Department) and in New Zealand (Victoria University: Psychology Department; Otago University: Psychology Department; Waikato University: Education Department; Massey University: Psychology Department; Auckland University: Psychology Department), august 1994 – June 1995.
"The linguistic differentiation of 'anger' and 'sadness' in child discourse," Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Washington, DC, July 1994.
"What constitutes 'good' data for the study of language development?" - Talk about things with no name: "double emotions," Fifth Biennial Symposium of the Department of Linguistics and Semiotics at Rice University on : Descriptive and Theoretical Modes in the Alternative Linguistics. Houston, TX, March 1993.
"The discursive construction of emotions," Conversation at the Eastern Education Research Association, Clearwater, FL, February, 1993.
"Involvement and detachment: Children's perspectives on emotional conflicts," National Academy of Education Spencer Fellows Forum, Cambridge, MA October 1992.
"Narratives in discourse and development", Crossing Boundaries: Formal and Functional Determinants of Language Acquisition, University of Tübingen, Germany, October 1991.
"Informed consent in medical and psychiatric research", Presentation to the `Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities', University of Tübingen, Germany, September 1991.
"Narrative and episodic structure", First Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Chicago, IL, August 1991.
"How linguistic forms cue meaning: A linguistic approach to the development of narrative", Symposium on narrative development: theories and methodologies, Eleventh Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Minneapolis, MN, July 1991.
"How linguistic forms cue meaning: A linguistic approach to the development of narrative", Symposium on narrative development: theories and methodologies, Eleventh Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Minneapolis, MN, July 1991.
"Towards a theory of development in language acquisition research," Keynote Address to the Symposion Deutsch-Didaktik, Pädagogische Hochschule Erfurt, June 1991.
"Discourse development," Three Invited Colloquia at the Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università "La Sapienza", Rome, May 1991.
"Actions, events, scenes, and plots. Language and the constitution of part-whole relationships," Fourth Biennial Symposium of the Department of Linguistics and Semiotics at Rice University on: Language and Its Cognitive Interpretation. Houston, TX, April 1991.
"’You're not the only one!’ An examination of children's understanding of mixed emotions in narrative contexts," Child Language Seminar, Manchester, March 1991.
"’Informed Consent’ in der Wirklichkeit und im Rollenspiel. Diskurs-analytische Überlegungen," 13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Aachen, February 1991.
"Opening remarks to the Clark Symposium on Narrative Studies", Second New England Symposium on Narrative Studies in the Social Sciences, Worcester, MA, December 1990.
"Narratives and the concept of self." Discussion note to Donald Polkinghorne, First New England Symposium on Narrative Studies in the Social Sciences, Harvard, October 1990.
"Inceptives, continuatives, and completives: A developmental analysis of children's encoding of episode boundaries", 15th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, October 1990 (co-authored with Virginia Marchman, University of California, San Diego).
"A discourse-analytic approach to `Informed Consent': Quality of information and the therapeutic misconception", 25th Linguistic Colloquium, Paderborn, September 1990 (co-authored with Nancy Budwig, Clark University).
"A discourse-analytic approach to `Informed Consent': Why there is `ambiguity' in doctor- patient interactions, and how we can disambiguate without getting rid of it", American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1990.
"The linguistic realization of chaining events: How children encode episode boundaries", The 5th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Budapest, Hungary, July 1990 (co-authored with Virginia Marchman, University of California, San Diego).
"The expression of affect in narratives", The 5th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Budapest, Hungary, July 1990 (co-authored with Judy Reilly, California State University, San Diego).
"The role of narrative analysis in the cross-linguistic study of child language", discussion note, Symposium on the cross-linguistic study of child language, Tenth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Jyväskylä, Finland, July 1989.
"Form and function of evaluative language in narration", Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas, Missouri, April 1989 (co-authored with Robin Damrad, Clark University).
"Have we lost the notion of development in studying child language?", 13th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, October 1988 (co-authored with B. Kaplan & N. Budwig, Clark University).
"Tense and time between semantics and pragmatics", Max-Planck-Institut für Psycholinguistik, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, August 1988.
The concept of development in theories of language acquisition", German Research Council Workshop on Language Acquisition, Braunschweig, West Germany, July 1988 (co-authored with Nancy Budwig, Clark University).
"Person- and time-tracking in narratives: Towards the establishment of narrative coherence", Department of Psychology, Technical University, Braunschweig, West Germany, May 1988.
"Using narrative data for the study of linguistic development", Language Behavior Colloquium, Boston University, March 1988.
"Discourse analysis in first and second language acquisition and in language teaching", Foreign Language Department, Williams College, February 1988.
"The text-constitutive functions of temporal expressions in German", 14th International Congress of Linguists, East Berlin, August 1987 (co-authored with Huang Yu Yin, Tongji University).
"Developmental perspectives on the discourse functions of tense contrasts and anaphora", 14th International Congress of Linguists, East Berlin, August 1987. (Chairing the Session on Language Acquisition)
"The discourse base in the acquisition of linguistic systems: Tense, pronouns and their interface", 4th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lund, Sweden, July 1987.
"The relevance of Vygotsky's theory of `development' for language acquisition", The 4th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lund, Sweden, July 1987.
"Tense contrasts and anaphoric relationships: The development of form contrasts for discourse functions", Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland, April l987.
"Language, cognition and culture: Discourse analysis as the `connective tissue'", Invited Colloquium at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 1987.
"A developmental analysis of the relation between tense contrasts and anaphora in the organization of narratives," UC Davis Conference on the Interaction of Form and Function in Language, Davis, January 1987.
"Where grammar and discourse meet: Form and function of tense-contrasts in the constructions of narrative structures", Ancillary Session to the Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 1986.
"Wo Grammatik und Diskurs sich paaren: Form und Funktion der Tempusmorpheme beim Aufbau narrativer Strukturen", 8. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Heidelberg, February 1986.
"Contrastive use of tense marking in narration: `Aspect before tense'", 10th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, October 1985.
"Sequencing events in simple narratives: Cognitive processes involved in temporal marking", Department of Psychology, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, May 1985.
"The development of temporal anaphora in simple narratives", Department of Linguistics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, April 1985.
"The acquisition of narrative skills: Maintaining and switching reference", Cognitive Seminar, Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley, March 1985.
"Zum Problem der Reorganisierung des sprachlichen Regelsystems im kindlichen Spracherwerb: Die Zeitbomben-hypothese", 19th Linguistic Colloquium, Vechta, September 1984.
"Anaphorische Pronomen in Erzählungen von 4-9 jährigen Kindern", 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Bielefeld, February 1984.
"Temporality and backgrounding - A study of narrative construction", Linguistics Colloquium Series, Department of Linguistics, UC Berkeley, April 1983.
"Temporal sequencing in children's stories", Developmental Seminar, Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley, February 1983.
"Metaphors as `framing devices': Relating linguistic and cognitive processes in 3-year olds", 17th Linguistic Colloquium, Brussels, September 1982.
"Metaphoric processes in the language acquisition process", Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, April 1982.
"The communicative functions of metaphor in young children", American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August 1981.
"Metaphor and play-interaction in young children", 7th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play, Fort Worth, Texas, April 1981.
Editor: Narrative Inquiry
Associate Editor: Journal of Narrative and Life History (from 1990-97)
Series Editor: Studies in Narrative (Publisher: John Benjamins)
Editorial Board:
Discourse Processes
Discourse Studies
Thymos: Boys Studies
Handlung, Kultur, Interpretation. Zeitschrift fuer Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften
Psychology of Language and Communication
Associate: Behavioral and Brain Sciences