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KOIMALI cunning, tricky, shifty, deceitful

KOIMALIDAMBI to act cunningly, to act in a tricky manner, to act deceitfully

KOIMAN tricky, cunning, deceitful

KOIMASITAMBI to act always in a tricky manner

KOITOLOMBI to employ tricks, to act deceitfully

KOITON trick, deceit, subterfuge

KOITONGGO cunning, tricky

KOKI tadpole

KOKIMA poverty-stricken, indigent

KOKINGGA FUKJINGGA HERGEN a style of calligraphy

KOKIRABUMBI cans./pass. of kokirambi

KOKIRAKŪ one who harms other people

KOKIRAMBI to harm, to damage, to injure, to wound

KOKIRAN damage, harm, injury

KOKIRANDUMBI to harm one another

KOKIRANGGA INENGGI a day on which the earth's branch overcomes the heaven's stem

KOKO (onom.) the sound made by chickens

KOKOLI 1. a garment without lapels that is pulled on over the head 2. baby's clothing 3. the name of a small bird that resembles the woodcock

KOKOLIBUMBI caus. of kokolimbi

KOKOLIMBI to remove, to take off, to strip off (clothing)

KOKSIMBI 1. to cackle 2. to cry (of pheasants in springtime)

KOKSIN ULHŪMA "cackling pheasant"--the cackling by a pheasant when it senses an oncoming storm

KOLABUMBI caus. of kolambi

KOLAMBI to skin, to remove the tile from a roof

KOLOI channel, furrow

KOLONGSO bad body odor, the odor of

the armpits

KOLOR SEME too large, loose fitting (shoes, boots, etc.)

KOMO a felt blanket placed under a camel's saddle

KOMOLOBUMBI caus. of komolombi

KOMOLOMBI to put on a felt saddle blanket, to put a felt pad on a camel

KOMOLOHO ENGGEMU a saddle with felt padding for skinny or saddle-sore horses

KOMON see komo

KOMSO few, little, a little

KOMSOKON rather little, rather few

KOMSOLABUMBI caus. of komsolambi

KOMSOLAMBI to become little or few, to decrease

KOMSOLOMBI see komsolambi

KOMSONGGE what is few, that which is little

KONGGIR (onom.) the sound of a small bell

KONGGIR KANGGIR (onom.) the sound of many small bells

KONGGIR SEME (onom.) ringing, tinkling

KONGGOHON 1. sunken (eyes) 2. emaciated

KONGGOLO the crop of a bird

KONGGOR (onom.) the sound of pouring water

KONGGOR SEME flowing swiftly

KONGGORO Isabella colored, an Isabella horse

KONGSIMBI to speak nonsense in a loud voice

KONJISUN see konjosu

KONJOSU the end of the large intestine

KONSUN hemorrhoidal swelling

KOOJIHA dolphin, porpoise

KOOLAMBI see kolambi

KOOLI 1. rule, norm, statute, codex, decree, law 2. custom, habit 3. document 4. method

KOOLI AKŪ without regulation, without a rule

KOOLI DURUN rule, regulation

KOOLI DURUN I BOLGOBURE FIYENTEN Department of Ceremonies, BH 376A

KOOLI HACIN regulations and precedents

KOOLI HACIN I BITHEI KUREN division of regulations and precedents (one in every Board and important organ of government)

KOOLI ICIHIYARA BA office of regulations of the Imperial Household

KOOLI OBUMBI to make into a rule, to make the norm

KOOLINGGA prescribed, ordered, ordained

KOOSA see kūwasa

KOR (onom.) the sound of sniffling or snoring

KORAMBI the same as kūrambi

KORDON a person good on skis or snowshoes

KORIBUMBI 1. caus./pass. of korimbi 2. to be washed away (by a river current)

KORIKŪ gouge, chisel, a small curved knife

KORIMBI to erode, to hollow out, to dig out, to cut out

KORKONG KORKONG (onom.) the sound of repeated coughing

KORO sorrow, regret, damage, injury, offense, wound

KORO ARAMBI to take offense at, to be wounded

KORO BAHA 1. was wounded, was injured 2. sustained loss

KORO BAHAMBI to suffer loss, to be at a disadvantage, to be hurt

KORO DE DAILAMBI to fight a vendetta

KORO GOSIHON sorrow and suffering

KORO ISIBUMBI to bring harm to

KOROMBI to be sorrowful, to suffer, to regret

KORSOBUMBI caus./pass. of korsombi

KORSOCUKA regrettable, annoying

KORSOCUN regret, annoyance

KORSOMBI 1. to regret, to miss 2. to be annoyed at, to hate

KORSONDUMBI/KORSONUMBI to be mutually annoyed, to regret mutually

KOS SEME suddenly (got away or became skinny)

KOS SEME UKCAHA suddenly got away

KOS SEME WASIKA suddenly became skinny

KOSHA globefish, swellfish

KOSIHIMBI to strive for, to aspire to

KOSKON KASKAN assiduous, busy, urgent

KOTOLI sail (of a ship)

KOTONG hard and dry


KOTOR (onom.) the sound of pheasants flying

KOTOR KATAR (onom.) 1. the sound of hard things rattling together or falling 2. the sound of a flock of pheasants flying

KOTOR SEME 1. in one gulp 2. (onom.) the sound of pheasants taking off

KOYORHOLOMBI to kill and skin the horse of a deceased man--after the offering at the grave the horse's skin and saddle are burnt together with paper money

KU 1. soot (from cooking) 2. storehouse, warehouse

KŪ IJUMBI to smear (the face) with


KU NAMUN storehouse

KUB SEME out of energy, exhausted, (fell) in a heap

KUBCEN see kubcin

KUBCIN 1. hem on a skirt 2. border at the top of boots or socks

KUBERHEN welt caused by a whip or cane

KUBERHENEMBI to raise a welt, to cause a swelling (insects)

KUBSUHUN clumsy, cumbersome, large and awkward

KUBSUHURI unwieldy, massive


KUBUHEN border, edging, hem

KUBUMBI to edge, to add a border to, to hem

KUBUHE FULGIYAN bordered red (banner)

KUBUHE LAUN bordered blue (banner)

KUBUHE SUWAYAN bordered yellow (banner)

KUBUHE ŠANYAN bordered white (banner)

KUBUN cotton

KUBUN FOMOCI cotton stockings

KUBUN I ETUKU cotton clothing, cotton padded clothing

KUBUNEMBI to become mushy (of melons)

KUBUNGGE HOOŠAN a type of soft thin paper

KUBUNGGE MOO a tree that grows in Szechuan with fruit resembling cotton and which can be woven into cloth

KUBURGEN scar, cicatrice

KUBURHEN grape vine

KOCIKER FULAN a horse with a dark mane and tail

KUCUNG SEME diligent, assiduous

KUDE alaited basket for feeding cows

KUDE ŠORO feeding basket woven from brambles

KUDEBUMBI caus. of kudembi

KUDEMBI to tie up (a boat)

KUDEŠEMBI to beat the back with both hands (a type of massage)

KUFAN two partitioned rooms at both sides of the main house

KUFANG see kufan

KUFUMBI to run aground on a sandbar

KUFUR SEME crisp, brittle

KUFUYEN crisp, brittle, the pleasant sound of someone chewing brittle things

KUFUYEN ŠULHE a type of juicy pear

KUHEN 1. a large blood vessel in the belly of livestock that is attached to the spine 2. in traditional Chinese anatomy, a vessel along the spine that was thought to nourish the five vital organs 3. grooves on a knife, sword, or arrowhead 4. sprouts on a tree

KUHENGGE swollen up lout! (oath used toward a lazy person)

KUI HŪWA mallow

KUILEBUMBI caus. of kuilembi

KUILEKU a form used for maintaining the shape of quivers, shoes, boots, and hats

KUILEMBI to place on a form (kuileku)

KUINI spoon

KUINIHE the name of a constellation

KUINIHE TOKDONGGO KIRU a banner depicting the constellation kuinihe

KUKDURI braggart, boaster

KUKELE ALHA a red and white spotted horse

KUKEN a horizontal piece of wood at the base of a window, window sill

KUKJI a response used in group singing

KUKJUHŪN see kumcuhun

KUKJUREMBI (-ke) to be bent over, to be stooped

KUKU 1. blue-gray, gray 2. a sort of incense

KUKU FULAN a blue-gray horse

KUKU IHAN a gray cow

KUKU ULHŪMA a blue-gray pheasant

KUKU KAKA (onom.) the sound of many people laughing

KUKU SEME INJEMBI to laugh unintentionally, to titter, to giggle

KUKULE see kukulu

KUKULEMBI to foment a serious wound in the open breast of an animal

KUKULU 1. the tuft on the head of a bird 2. the hair in the ears of horses and mules

KUKUREMBI to call a mate, to call the female (of birds)

KUKURI a flat vessel for tea and milk

KUK'AN a board along the edge of an oven-bed

KULGE means of transport, vehicle

KULKURI SURU a white horse good in mountain terrain

KULU healthy, vigorous, strong


KULUN vigor, strength


KULUTU FULAN a gray steed

KUMBI (-ke/he) to swell, to bloat

KUMCUHUN bent forward, stooped, crooked

KUMCUHUN WASE tiles used on the roof ridge

KUMCUN MUKE TASHARI one name for the eagle; cf. ing gasha, tashari

KUMCUREMBI to have stooped posture

KUMDU empty, hollow

KUMDULEBUMBI caus. of kumdulembi

KUMDULEMBI to be empty or hollow

KUMUN I FAIDASI director of music

KUMUN I JURGAN the Board of State Music, BH 387

KUMUN I KARMANGGA Standard-bearers Section, BH 122


KUMUNGGE noisy, festive, exciting, lively, animated

KUMUNGGE SIMENGGE noisy and exciting, full of bustle and excitement

KUMUSI dancer (in the palace)

KUMUSI I DA the chief dancer (of the palace)

KUMUSI MAHATUN a hat worn by dancers in ancient times

KUNDU respect, honor

KUNDUJIN one name for the peacock; cf.tojin

KUNDULEBUMBI caus./pass. of kundulembi

KUNDULEMBI to respect, to treat with respect, to honor

KUNDULERE KOBTOLORO honor and respect

KUNDULEN respect, honor

KUNDUN respectful

KUNESUN provisions (for a journey)

KUNG (onom.) the sound of a large object falling to the ground

KUNG CANG (onom.) the sound of drums and cymbals

KUNG CANG SEME BANJIMBI to live on a a grand scale

KUNGGE YAMUN a section (of an organization)

KUNGGER SEME incessantly


KUNGGERI SEME see kungger seme

KUNGGUHEN see kungguhun

KUNGGUHUN having sunken eyes

KUNGGUR (onom.) 1. the sound made by empty wagons 2. the sound of heavy thunder

KUNGGUR KANGGAR (onom.) the sound of thunder

KUNGGUR SEME 1. the same as kunggur 2. in droves

KUNGGUR SEME YAMULAMBI to go to the yamen in droves

KUNGGURI SEME see kunggur seme

KUNGŠUKEN a little burnt or scorched

KUNGŠUMBI to burn, to scorch, to boil (milk)

KUNGŠUN burnt, scorched, scalded

KUNGŠUN WA the odor of something scorched or scalded

KUNUSUN see kunesun

KUR (onom.) the sound of growling

KURBU a flat ridge on an arrowhead

KURBULAMBI to turn around

KURBUMBI to turn around, to turn over, to toss and turn (while sleeping)

KURBUŠEMBI 1. to turn round and round, to turn over, to toss and turn 2. to be upset, to be anxious

KURBUŠETEMBI to turn over repeatedly, to be in great anxiety

KURCE the name of a white sea fish that resembles the fu nimaha

KURCILEMBI to harden an arrow shaft by wrapping it in wood shavings and firing it

KURCILEHE SIRDAN an arrow hardened by fire

KURCIN a scaleless short white river fish with dark spots

KURDUN a Buddhist cycle, samsara

KURE a tench

KUREHU the great black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)

KURELEMBI to form cavalry into squadrons

KUREN 1. squadron, detachment 2. establishment, office, depository 3. chestnut-colored, dark brown

KURENE weasel

KURI 1. spotted, striped, dapple 2. a dog striped like a tiger

KURT ALAN spotted birchbark

KURI DAMIN a striped eagle

KURI HIYAHALI CECIKE a striped crossbill

KURI IHAN a spotted cow

KURI KARA black and yellow spotted

KURI WEIFUTU a black-spotted dog

KURINGGE spotted, striped

KURINGGE GASHA a black-headed bird with a spotted body

KURINGGE HOOHAN a black-striped

KUMDUN MOO a tree that grows in mountain valleys, six or seven (Chinese) feet tall, having light reddish bark

KUMGETU a red staff with one hundred vermilion lacquered bamboo rods and velvet tassels hanging from it--used to direct music

KUMUCI 1. master of music in antiquity 2. official of the Board of State Music

KUMUCI DA bursar of the Board of Štate Music

KUMUDA Master of Music, Director of Music; cf. BH 391

KUMUN music

KUMUN BE ALIHA AMBAN an official concerned with musical matters in antiquity

KUMUN BE ALIHA HAFAN an official of antiquity who was in charge of musical matters

KUMUN BE KADALARA HAFAN an official in charge of music

KUMUN DE BAITALARA JAKA musical instrument

KUMUN I AHŪRA musical instrumentcrane

KURKU 1. a children's toy cast from lead in a hollowed-out bone--used like dice 2. head, chief, ring-leader, instigator

KURNE see kurene

KURU height, elevation, rise

KURUKEN a somewhat elevated place

KURUME a coat or garment worn over the outside of one's other garments

KURUNE see Pureue

KUS SEME INJEMBI to not be able to keep from laughing

KUSKUN SEME steadily, without rest, assiduously

KUSKUREMBI to ruffle the feathers and beat the dirt with the wings (of birds)

KUŠULEBUMBI caus./pass. of kušulembi

KUŠULEMBI to dislike, to find annoying, to be tired of, to be disgusted

KUŠUN 1. disgusted, sick of, unwell 2. not well-fitting (clothes)

KUŠUNGGE SURI silk crepe

KUTECI a horse herder, stableboy

KUTITU LORIN a mule born from a jenny, a hinny

KUTULE 1. serf, banner slave 2. horse herder

KUTULEBUMBI caus. of kutulembi

KUTULEMBI to lead (animals)

KUTUNG (onom.) the sound of a large object falling to the ground

KUTUR FATAR 1. affectionate, friendly, affable 2. with all one's might, to the best of one's ability

KUTUR SEME (onom.) 1. the sound of incessant drumbeating 2. the sound of horses galloping 3. the sound of horses shaking themselves off

KUTURCEMBI to behave deferentially toward

KUWAI ŠEO bailiff

KUWALAR see kūwalar, hūwalar

KUWANG CANG SEME see kūwang cang seme

KUWANGGAR SEME see hūwanggar seme


KUWECEHE see kuwecihe

KUWECICEHE see kuweciheri

KUWECIHE pigeon, dove

KUWECIHE BOCO dove-gray, light gray

KUWECIHERI dove-gray, light bluish gray

KUWEDAN see kuweten

KUWELEMBI to remove the skin and the layer of fat attached to it (from bears and pigs)

KUWETEN see huweten

KUYERHEN knot on a bowstring

KŪ CA (onom.) the sound of fighting

KŪBULIBUMBI caus. of kūbulimbi

KŪBULIMBI (-ka) to change, to become altered (in appearance), to revolt

KŪBULIN change, alteration, revolt

KŪBULIN ILENGGU CECIKE one name for the myna

KŪCA a male goat

KŪDARGALAMBI to grasp the crupper

KŪDARGALAME DORIME FIYELEMBI to trick ride, at a gallop holding the crupper

KŪDARGAN crupper (on a horse)

KŪDARGAN DABAME CASHŪN FIYELEMBI to ride backwards passing over the crupper (equestrian acrobatics)

KŪDARGAN TATAME CASHŪN FIYELEMBI to ride backwards pulling on the crupper

KŪDARGAN TATARALAME KURBUME FIYELEMBI turn about while pulling on the crupper (equestrian acrobatics)

KŪDARHAN see kūdargan

KŪLAN 1. a yellow horse with black tail and mane 2. wild ass

KŪLIBUMBI caus. of kūlimbi

KŪLIMBI to be scared stiff, to be stunned (from fear), to lie silently because of fear (animals)

KŪLIN CALIN frivolous, not serious, inconstant, furtive

KŪLISIDAMBI see kūlisitambi

KŪLISITAMBI 1. to be petrified by fear, to be extremely frightened 2. to be frivolous, to be irresponsible, to act furtively

KŪME see kūwarame

KŪNGGA deep valley, canyon

KŪR KAR (onom.) 1. sound made when something is caught in the throat 2. the sound made by the intestines

KŪRAMBI to engage in sexual intercourse

KŪRCA black (from smoke)

KŪRCALAMBI to blacken (with smoke)

KŪRCAN eastern common crane (Grus grus)

KŪRCANAMBI 1. to blacken (with smoke) 2. to cover with soot

KŪRDAMBI to stir up, to mix up

KŪRU a type of sour cake made from cow or mare's milk and liquor

KŪTAMBI to mix

KŪTAN pelican (Pelecanus philippensis)

KŪTAN MORIN a white horse with red breast

KŪTHŪBUMBI caus. of kūthūmbi

KŪTHŪMBI to mix, to mix up, to stir, to stir up, to mingle, to confuse

KŪTHŪME AFAMBI to fight a fierce battle

KŪTHŪRI a decorative cloud form used on the tops of boots, yurts, and other objects

KŪTHŪRI ŠUFATU a turban decorated with cloud designs that was worn in ancient times

KŪTKA the young of the Tibetan black

bear; cf. mojihiyan.

KŪTU FATA hurrying, rushed

KŪTU KATA (onom.) the sound of walking feet

KŪWA light-yellow (horse)

KŪWA DAMIN a light-yellow eagle

KŪWACA 1. an inkstone made of horn (carried on trips) 2. an ink vessel used by carpenters to draw straight lines 3. object babies can suck on, a pacifier

KŪWACA I BERI a vessel made of horn used for holding gunpowder, powder horn

KŪWACA YORO a large bone arrowhead used for mounted archery

KŪWACAMBI to cry (of deer)

KŪWACARABUMBI caus. of kūwacarambi

KŪWACARAMBI to hollow out, to clean out the inside of some object with a small knife, to scrape

KŪWAHA the name of a small bird with a thin beak that cries at night

KŪWAHALAMBI to open the mouth wide

KŪWAHALAFI INJEMBI to laugh out loud, to rock from laughter

KŪWAI FAI SEME frivolous and talkative, shallow, empty-headed

KŪWAI FAI SEME HŪWALIYASUN affable, friendly in a frivolous sort of way

KŪWAI FAI SEME WEIHUKEN thoroughly frivolous

KŪWAICI 1. a fastener on the crupper 2. with the toes pointing outward

KŪWAICIDAMBI to walk with the toes pointing outward

KŪWAK CAK (onom.) the sound of fighting with poles or sticks

KŪWAK CAK SEME 1. careless, coarse, carelessly boasting 2. (onom.) the sound of fighting with sticks

KŪWAK CAK SEME ARBUŠAMBI to act in a careless, boastful manner

KŪWALA light yellow

KŪWALA IHAN a light-yellow cow

KŪWALABUMBI caus. of kūwa1ambi

KŪWALACI a board over which hides are stretched to remove the hair

KŪWALAMBI to skin, to peel

KŪWALAR SEME straightforward, friendly

KŪWALAR SEME GISUREMBI to speak in a straightforward manner

KŪWANG (onom.) 1. the sound of an explosion 2. the sound of knocking on wood

KŪWANG CANG (onom.) the sound of drums and cymbals

KŪWANG SEME (onom.) the sound of many people talking

KŪWANGKAR SEME see hūwanggar seme

KŪWANGTAHŪN 1. an area without trees or plants 2. bare, waste

KŪWAR (onom.) the sound of a seam ripping

KŪWARA MEGU a wild mushroom of a faint greenish color

KŪWARA SENCE the same as kūwara megu

KŪWARABUMBI caus./pass. of kūwarambi

KŪWARACANAMBI to look askance at

KŪWARAMBI to surround, to encircle, to circle (an erroneous word)

KŪWARAN 1. enclosure, encirclement, corral 2. camp (military), barracks 3. workshop, plant, factory 4. market place 5. yard of a monastery or temple

KŪWARAN FAIDAN USIHA the name of a constellation

KŪWARAN I BOO barracks

KŪWARAN I CALU the name of the granary of the troops of the green banner and garrison troops

KŪWARAN I DA a commander elected by the officers of a camp

KŪWARAN I KUNGGERI the barracks office of the Board of War

KŪWARANAMBI to encircle, to circle

KŪWAS (onom.) 1. the sound of chopping wood 2. the sound of a falcon striking an object with its wings

KŪWAS KIS (onom.) 1. the sound made by someone dragging his feet 2. the sound of a sickle mowing 3. the sound of dragging sacks of grain on a floor 4. the sound of a breaking stick

KŪWASA braggart, boastful

KŪWASADAMBI to brag, to boast wildly

KŪWATA KITI (onom.) the sound of a hard object striking something

KŪWATAR SEME spooked (of an excitable horse)

KŪWATIKI a one-year-old bear

KŪWATIRI a small animal resembling the bear, with scant shiny hair

K'AMDURI the name of a constellation

K'AMDURI TOKDONGGO KIRU a banner depicting the constellation k'amduri

K'ARSI see garša

K'O section (of an organization)--same as kunggeri

K'OSE a figured textile woven from gold and silk threads on a gauze background

LA LI AKŪ see la li seme akū

LA LI SEMBI capable, adept

LA LI SEME quick-witted, sharp

LA LI SEME AKŪ slow, slow-witted, desultory, lethargic

LA TAI a candleholder

LA ŽU YALI smoked meat

LAB SEME with the mouth packed full

LABA a horn; cf. buleri

LABARI 1. a large wooden cup for liquor 2. canopy over a Buddha-image

LABDAHŪN hanging down, drooping


LABDU 1. many, much 2. wide, extensive (learning)

LABDUKAN rather a lot, rather many

LABDULAMBI to increase, to make more

LABDUNGGE much, many

LABI 1. diaper 2. protective curtain for defense against arrows on warships and battle wagons

LABSA 1. scant, rare, lacking 2. disappointed 3. considerably, rather much


LABSA EKIYEHE considerably diminished

LABSA OHO become disappointed

LABSAMBI to fall in large flakes (snow)

LABSAN snowflake

LABSARI ILHA the name of a snow-white flower

LABSIMBI 1. to become soiled all over, to become covered with sores 2. to speak foolishly 3. to gulp down, to devour

LABSIME JEMBI to gulp down food

LABTA LABTA in tatters, in rags

LADU a round quiver made of pigskin

LADURAMBI to drag around, to drag back and forth (as the result of a dispute)

LAFIHIYAN stupid, clumsy, awkward

LAFU SOGI Chinese cabbage (Brassica sinensis)

LAGU a river shrimp resembling the hasima

LAGU YOO a large sore on the hand

LAHA 1. straw mixed with mortar, used for making walls 2. catfish

LAHARI tarajo tree (Ilex latifolia)

LAHIN complicated, troublesome

LAHIN TABUMBI to involve in a troublesome matter

LAHIN TAHA got involved in a troublesome matter, became burdened with

LAHŪ 1. not adept, unskilled (especially at hunting and dealing with livestock) 2. scoundrel, hoodlum

LAHŪTA a type of small, rather incompetent hawk

LAHŪTAN ILGA the same as hosan ilha

LAI COKO bustard

LAIDABUMBI caus./pass. of laidambi

LAIDAKŪ 1. lapwing, peewit 2. mischievous, ill-behaved, self-willed (children)

LAIDAMBI 1. to welsh, to refuse to recognize one's debts or promises, to disavow 2. to blame someone else for one's own errors 3. to be mischievous, to be self-willed

LAIFA a type of small wild bean suitable for horse's fodder

LAIFAN see laifa

LAIFARAMBI (-ka) to collapse (from exhaustion), to wither and fall (of flowers)

LAIHŪ 1. a person who repudiates his debts or promises, a person who blames others for his own mistakes, shameless, unreliable 2. a self-willed child, a mischievous child

LAIHŪ JUI profligate, undependable rascal

LAIHŪDAMBI to refuse to recognize one's debts or deeds, to be obstinate

LAIHŪN an undependable person, a good-for-nothing, a rogue

LAIHŪŠAMBI 1. to behave like a good-for-nothing, to act like a rogue 2. to be self-willed and obstinate (of children)

LAIHUTU a worthless rascal, a good-for-nothing

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