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M. E. Vilchinskaya-Butenko

Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts

St. Petersburg, Russia, 3055556@rambler.ru
The beginning of the XXI century can be considered as the beginning of humanity's transition to a creative and informational civilization. This transition is characterized by a large-scale transformation of the spiritual, economic, social, cultural, professional and daily life. For example, the development of the global information flow leads to the formation of not only new scientific views, but also to serious psychological shifts in consciousness and the behavior of people (up to the extreme cases of anti-human behavior of Breivik, Lanz or a quiet office employee D. Vinogradov); widespread transnational corporations as a result of unprecedented mobility of the population and the changes in the economic roles and social stratification (the emergence of "creative class" [1], downshifting), the development of high technology, the changing nature of the organization of the productive forces determines how changes in the structure of production activities (the emergence of "virtual corporations "), and in the organizational structure of the companies (outsourcing, freelance).

Thus, the decay of the traditional ideas about the way of life and the patterns of human behavior among the colleagues from which the employer is now waiting less predictability and diligence but more creativity and social activities that promote competitiveness of the company is one of the manifestations of the transition to the creative -information society.

In fact, the new features of corporate entertainment ensue from changes taking place today in the workplace. Thus, if M. A. Ariarsky based on many years of research within the framework of his school teaching of cultural studies highlights the two main functions of leisure: of recreational and developmental (and in the latter - educational, creative, informal communication and compensatory sub-functions) [2, p. 222-223], then in respect of corporate leisure accents are arranged in a different way.

So, if leisure is "part of the free time that is used for companionship, consumption values ​​of spiritual culture, amateur art, walks, entertainment and other forms of non-regulated activities that provide relaxation and the further development of the individual" [3, p.246], the corporate leisure (as a specific concept) has the following specific characteristics in comparison with the generic concept "leisure":

  1. The disjunction of corporate leisure with work and outside of work (of the free as well) time;

  2. activity-oriented vector of the corporate entertainment mainly on the provision of professional self-realization and self-assertion of the individual interactions within the workforce;

  3. stratification and demonstrative differentiation in the terms of material prosperity of the particular the business community;

  4. unification, and the union of the members of the corporate community marked in the same field of interests, motivations and values ​​[4, p.50]

Therefore, in the view of the ongoing changes of the creative-informational age there is a change of enterprise leisure in the professional working life of individuals (psychological and emotional overload, transforming the organizational structure of the companies and, as a consequence, - changes in economic roles and the social stratification of employees):

- The developing function of corporate entertainment is implemented within the framework of social, educational and creative sub-functions;

- The focus has shifted with a recreation to the relaxation function.

Let us explore these features in more detail.

Corporate leisure can be implemented the most effectively in the corporate training members of the workforce or, in modern terms, in the construction of a corporate culture of the organization: the development of values, norms, ethics, relationships within the organization and with the external environment, customs, traditions, symbolic elements of culture. As a rule, all this hard work on building a corporate culture requires targeted volitional, financial and other efforts by the management company. If the manager does not have sufficient knowledge and skills, or is not at all interested in the problem of corporate education which means that the formation of values ​​and norms of cultural elements of the organization will occur not only spontaneously, but it is not excluded, out of a constructive way. If we talk about corporate leisure in such a situation, it will not only enhance the cohesion of the members of the personnel, but quite possibly acquire destructive color, such as Russia's "corporative" with alcohol, drugs, the emergence in public places negligee, calling prostitutes, etc. In other words, in order that the corporate leisure did not acquire the character of "imaginary leisure" (by B. A. Titov), ​​serious efforts on the part of the constructive nature of the company administration (or, in the case of self-organization - initiative on the part of the group) are needed. In this case, the corporate sector as a leisure pedagogical (andragogical) activity can implement social and educational function, namely, to provide social adaptation of new employees, the socialization of staff and inculturation of corporate values.

As stated above, in the creative-information society the problem of «imaginary leisure" due to lack of the leisure skills of some members of the working groups in order to use the available free time for the benefit of themselves and society is not reduced. Modern global trend of democratization of culture leads to the fact that the boundary between high culture and subcultures loses clean-cut and is more and more blurred. The theatre and museum were the venue for leisure activities mainly bohemian and business elite half a century ago in Europe and the U.S., today tolerant and pluralistic set up "creative class" attends the opera and rock concerts, art exhibitions and gay clubs. In terms of increasing the flow of recreational offerings adult is guided, as a rule, his previous experience of leisure pastime (not always rich and not always constructive.) Therefore, the corporate leisure (as an activity, as opposed to the self-organized leisure activities, not always involves the voluntary choice), can extend human representation of the diversity of types and forms of leisure activity. It is able to compensate for the lack of leisure qualifications of individual members of the company as well - to adapt the values ​​of high culture to understand the bulk of their workers ("serious leisure" by R. Stebbins). The correct selection of the forms and technologies of the organization of the corporate entertainment is able to create the problematic situation of the value of choice, to develop the ability to empathize, to provide spiritual and moral perception of the phenomena of life and culture, the lack of creativity in the selection of corporate leisure facilities to disparage the highest values ​​[4, p. 135]. Consequently, corporate leisure inheres sub-function of formation, development and the elevation of the spiritual needs of an adult.

One of the main objectives of corporate education is the professional development of a specialist is that it was decisive until some time, however, with the transition to the creative- informational society, the creative development of the individual in the workplace got, the urgency of the problem along with the above direction. A modern employer (in particular - West) is not just investing in the human capital, but in creativity in all the forms of its manifestation: the financing of research and development, education, interior design work and the urban environment in general, art, music, in other words, just , thereby increasing the overall level of creative professionals working at it. Modern companies have no other choice: either they will be able to create a creative environment, or lose the competition. Thus, today the employer is interested in the fact that with the help of corporate leisure facility to creative self-realization. In particular, it is promoted by creative interiors work environment, training creativity, team building, interactive holidays for staff, etc.

Any activity is carried out on the basis of human needs, but not every need can be realized in the field of professional activity. Accordingly, it is able to compensate for the corporate leisure stiffness requirements for the organization of the staff in the course of employment. Here the relaxation function inherent in corporate leisure ensues. Relaxation as a mean of removing the psychological and physical stress, harmonizing the inner world with the external environment is quite different from the traditional functions of recreational implying relaxation, rest to recuperate, a distraction from everyday worries. The American sociologist R. Florida [1] describing the lifestyle of "creative class", the core of which, he believes, is the people of culture, art, education, science and technology sphere, and the periphery - a large group of creative professionals in business, law, finance, health and related areas, introduces the concept of "time warp", that is, temporary blurring of the boundaries between different types of activities. Indeed, the development of the investment strategy, or computer programs, legislation or new architectural project cannot be carried out strictly in the allotted time, a long intellectual concentration is not possible without relaxing even in the infamous "working hours" and free time is increasingly spent on a human thinking of new ideas, related to his employment. Thus, a simple recreation in a creative- informational society is replaced by relaxation, which is the practice of Western companies are now built into the business philosophy.

Thus, during the transition of Russian society to the creative-leading information civilization there are the functions of corporate leisure relaxation and developing, aimed at raising the spiritual needs and creative self-realization of an individual, his adaptation, socialization and inculturation in the workplace.

1. Флорида Р. Креативный класс: люди, которые меняют будущее (The Rise of The Creative Class and How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life)/ пер. с англ. А. Константинова/ Р. Флорида. - М.: Классика-XXI, 2005.

2. Ариарский М.А. Педагогическая культурология : в 2 т. / М.А. Ариарский. Т. 2. Социально-культурная деятельность и технологии ее организации. - СПб., 2012.

3. Ариарский М.А. Социально-культурная деятельность креативно-информационной эпохи// М.А. Ариарский. - СПб.:Концерт,2013.

4. Вильчинская-Бутенко М.Э. Корпоративные досуговые практики: монография/ М.Э. Вильчинская-Бутенко. - СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУСЭ, 2012.


А. M. Zhirkova

FGAOU VPO "North-east federal university of M. K.Ammosov"

Teacher training college Yakutsk, atilea_zhirkova@mail.ru
The special place in moral education is taken away at elementary school as children at this age willingly open for themselves the world of the human relations, can understand and endure that happens to other person. At younger school students moral feelings – association, responsibility for a class, indignation intensively develop at someone's injustice. Moral education begins with the first steps of conscious life when children comprehend essence of the good and evil, honor and disgrace, justice and injustice. At the same time with these truisms it is necessary to open before pupils of elementary school essence of such moral values, as love for the country, heroism, firmness, honor, independence. Skill and art of education consists in that the world of moral riches carried away children.

Moral education - purposeful formation of moral consciousness, development of moral senses and development of skills and habits of moral behavior; it is bilateral process which page 59] consists in impact of tutors on pupils and in their reciprocal actions, that is in assimilation of moral concepts by them, in experience of the relation to moral and immoral in acts and in all behavior [2. Moral concepts become the guide to action only when they aren't simply learned, and deeply comprehended and turned into moral belief. Existence of such belief and long term habits of moral behavior testifies to good breeding of the person morally, his moral maturity. The unity of moral consciousness embodied in steady moral qualities, - the most important indicator of compliance between process of education and moral development of the personality.

Moral education is effectively carried out only as complete process to pedagogical, meeting standards of universal morals, the organization of all life of school students: activity, the relations, communication taking into account their age and specific features.

It is necessary to consider as specific feature of process of moral education that it is long and continuous, and its results are delayed in time. Essential sign of process is its concentric construction: the solution of educational tasks begins with elementary level and comes to an end with higher. For achievement of the objectives all becoming complicated kinds of activity are used. This principle of sequence is realized taking into account age features of pupils.

If at all times recognized a huge role of moral in development and formation of the personality, the this problem in system of modern education has more value.Many social conditions and biological factors make impact on moral formation of the personality, but a crucial role in this process play pedagogical, as the most operated, directed on development of a certain sort of the relations.

The essence of moral education consists in formation at the child of system of the relations to society, other people, to itself. The content of moral education includes development in children of keenness and responsiveness, kindness and honesty, ability to empathy, respect for people in combination with insistence to them. Special value has discipline and culture of behavior formation. The main way of moral formation of the child – communication with adults, and the is richer communication, the emotional perception the child of world around, subjects of ample opportunities of moral education [3, page 125] is more active. Carrying out conversations and debates on the example of works of art and practical situations is also necessary.

Thus, moral education includes arms of the child knowledge of norms of moral and morals, and also behavior formation according to these norms. From the above definitions, to us it is more close definition of the scientist of Ancient Greece Aristotle: "It is moral fine call the person of perfect advantage. After all about moral beauty speak concerning virtue: it is moral the fine call fair, courageous, reasonable and in general the person possessing all virtues" [1, page 83].

1 . Aristotle. Compositions in 4 volumes – M: 1984 .

2 .Rubenstein S. L. Psikhologo-pedagogichesky problems of moral education of school students / Page. L.M. Rubenstein. – M: Education, 1996.

3 .Yanovsky M of.Moral education and emotional sphere of the personality/M of Yanovsky. - M: Education, 2003.

SECTION 9. Art Criticism




Sarah M. Krykbaeva

Ph.D., Kazgoszhenpu, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Sarakm@yandex.ru
The profession of a designer is a young one in comparison with other artistic and creative professions and it is a counterweight to the increasing urbanization of technology and social life, the result of a serious revision of the conceptual foundations of interaction of artistic and technical creativity.

The objects of professional designers are integral aesthetically expressive complexes objective environment, satisfying the utilitarian and spiritual needs of the person (machinery and equipment, vehicles, interiors, consumer goods).

In this regard, a designer today has a high status which appears in solving urgent problems of spiritual enrichment capacity in socio-cultural practices of the individual and society as a whole.

The development of a designer profession is associated with the implementation of many educational problems, among which a special place belongs to the development of a future designer of artistic and aesthetic taste. Its development is linked to those spiritual qualities of personality, as a worldview, morality, life interests, culture, intelligence, spirituality, creativity, etc.

In contrast to the aesthetic taste, the taste in art is formed gradually and only in a regular contact with the original works of art. The taste is necessarily associated with the artistic and psychological attitudes, as it carries a certain attitude to art, a certain orientation of the psyche, as well as certain mental skills. Taste is a predisposition to understanding works of art and artistic production of pleasure, if his score is positive.

The development of the artistic and aesthetic taste depends on the conditions and the nature of educational influences. This point of view is supported in the work of N.V.Dorodneva, L.Y.Sayapina, B.A. Almuhambetov, S.M. Krykbaeva etc. Considering the artistic taste as one of the most important characteristics of the artistic education of the individual, tying it with the terms of the formation being artistic culture of the society, the teacher must develop the ability to feel the beauty in himself and his students [1,2,3,5].

The inclusion study of the fundamentals of world culture in the curriculum of the specialty «Design» contributes to the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, exquisite sensitivity and education of spiritual elevation of our students. Developed artistic and aesthetic taste can resist negative influence of pseudo culture and will become a landmark in the development of the world and art, a factor to update the existing stereotypes.

In the context of globalization in Kazakhstan the potential consumers of the product design are the people of different nationalities, cultures, aesthetic views, an important unifying factor in communication has become tolerance, i. e. visualization of the most content-neutral ways.

A non-national well perceived ethnically mixed society has become the main criterion for versatility in design.

However, the question of national identity is becoming more actual. It is necessary to use all of the reserves: traditions, customs, folk arts and crafts, etc for formation of art students’ taste on the basis of the Kazakh traditional art, altered conditions corresponding to the current reality.

The understanding of the beauty of his native land, the concept of rhythm, harmony of colors, the visual balance of form and colors of the ornamental art, artistic processing of various products are forming in the minds of the students thanks to the works of folk and traditional arts[4].

In order to enhance cognitive interest as a condition of development of artistic and aesthetic taste, we tried to identify effective, in our view, the ways to improve the taste preferences of students in the development of art.

The methodology is based on the formation of a creative approach to learning in general. We believed that one of the conditions for increasing the level of artistic and aesthetic taste of the students will use active teaching methods that contribute to the perception of original works of art.

In the selection of methods of artistic pedagogy we take into account the "methodical" orientation of the art itself and the purpose of teaching the concept of coming out of his nature.

Educational setting in drawing and painting in the folk style allow the student to develop creative thinking, the ability to create an artistic image in accordance with the job. The student applies the texture, composition, coloristic techniques in solving the problems.

Graphic works are the spirit of folk traditions, and at the same time convey the nature and the unique perspective of each student, its unique architectural handwriting. The sitter figure dressed in clothes on folk motifs and additional attributes to help students creating a song, graphic work, using a variety of methods and means of artistic expression. Felt products pass through the typical style of the peoples of color, antiques and handicrafts.

Future designers acquire the skills of creative activity, modeling in the teaching of self-development of their intellectual and spiritual potential in training that will enable the transfer of experience of creative activity in the forthcoming experience of practical work.

The use of personality-oriented approach allows us to study the interaction of artistic taste and aesthetic ideals of unity with the laws of development of the whole personality designer, given the maximum individual aesthetic interests and needs of students, their creativity, uniqueness, aesthetic value judgments. The indicators of development of artistic and aesthetic taste of the students may be:

  1. Independence (original) - captures the tendency to productive and reproductive activities, stereotype or free thinking, observation, memory.

  2. Dynamism - reflects the development of fantasy and imagination (structural analysis indicates the absence of the work plan of the unformed ability to find and create designs of their work).

  3. Emotionality - shows the presence of emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of life, attitude to his subject.

  4. Expressiveness - is fixed by the presence of an artistic image.

Thus, the result of the development of artistic and aesthetic taste is an art education, which can be defined as psychological education, which arose on the basis of the unity of artistic and aesthetic education. The signs of artistic education of the individual are of formation of knowledge and skills in the field of the perception of art, the development of artistic taste, judgments, and estimates expressed communication needs with art, capacity for independent artistic creation.

1.Дороднева Н. В. Учебно-познавательная деятельность студента как творческий процесс: Автореф. дисс. канд. пед. наук – М.: Издательство МГОУ, 2005.

2.Саяпина Л. Ю. Соединение художественных традиций с формированием профессиональных компетенций при обучении студентов 1-го курса специальности «Культура и искусство» // Мода и дизайн. Современная одежда и аксессуары 2011: Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции. – Ростов-на-Дону: Издательство РТИСТ ЮРГУЭС, 2011. – С. 229.

3.Альмухамбетов Б. А. Художественное образование и воспитание как средство формирование исследовательских умений учителя//«Педагогика и психология» №2, 2010, С.127-129.

4.Шайгозова Ж. Н., Данилушкина С. Н. Научно-теоретические основы национальной модели непрерывного образования в области изобразительных искусств /Монография. – Алматы: КазНПУ им. Абая, 2008. - 103 с.

5.Крыкбаева С.М. Сущность казахской женской одежды в контексте декоративно-прикладного искусства: Автореф. дисс. искусс. наук – А.: Издательство Принт, 2010

SECTION 10. Psychological science


  1. A. Nasirpur

Altai State Academy of Education of the VM Shukshina,

BYSK, Russia, alina_all_ali@mail.ru
The majority of children are more likely to need psychological help and support during recent years. The education system is an issue of preserving and strengthening the health of students, starting from pre-school age. Diseases, weak immune system, wrong daily routine have a negative impact on their psycho-physical development. Children may be able to mental stress because of excessive demands of adults and backbreaking loads for modern preschoolers.

Mental stress is a psycho-physiological state of a person. The concept of mental health is reflected in many studies. The first more or less systematic study of the mental state begins in India 2-3 millennium BC, the subject of which was the state of nirvana. The philosophers of ancient Greece also touched on the issue of mental state. The development of the philosophical category of "state" continued in the works of Kant and Hegel.

There are several distinct types of tension: an operational and emotional, torpid, impulsive, and generalized, mental and physical. If psychological stress is due to the high rate of sensory or intellectual activity, it is told about the operational intensity, and if the mental stress occurs as a result of frustration - about the emotional tensions. This and the other are characterized by a high level of activation (arousal). Moreover, often these types of mental tension accompany each other such that separate them and it is difficult to isolate them in a pure form. [2]

In psychology the term "stress" is mainly used in the studies that examine the mental tension, as well as the states of mental stress. Their common feature is the consideration of stress as a stress reaction in the context of adaptation to different extreme, difficult conditions [3].

According to T.A. Nemchin, "a state of mental stress is a very complex clinical-psychological phenomenon which constitutes one of the main links in the general adaptation process". [2]

"Nervous and mental stress, therefore, is a special, all-pervasive state of the whole organism, the process of developing a system-wide, attached to the appropriate laws of the system. State of mental stress in this context should be seen as an active state of the system to adapt to an extreme situation, which includes those constituent elements, which generally form a structural and functional organization with a hierarchical, not only subordinate, but the principle of the regulation and coordination "[3]. Thus, the voltage is a condition that occurs in complex, difficult conditions and acting as a manifestation of stress.

According to A.I. Zakharov, the mental stress is seen as a manifestation of neurosis, but as a broader concept than an internal conflict, because it is derived from a variety of sources and is not always psychologically motivated. [1]

Despite the fact that the problem of mental stress is being considered by many scientists for many years, it remains poorly understood and poorly systematized.

State of preschoolers’ mental stress can be caused by physical unpreparedness for the proposed training loads, high expectations from parents, the actions of the teacher, the teacher which is not trained to work with children of preschool age, which uses the methods and techniques of education and training, suitable for older .

A state of nervous tension is also transmitted to children and their parents. In addition, some parents forgetting that the child's capabilities are not unlimited deal with it on the curriculum and even at home, that may account for the creation of additional psychological problems. Growing and the unresolved tension create a first prerequisite to the appearance of neurosis in the future also entails psychological and physiological disintegration of personality. In neurotic reactions may occur irritability and resentment, frequent headaches, disturbance of heart rhythm and high blood pressure.

On the basis of the "Children's Creative Center number 4," Biysk there was conducted a study to identify mental stress in children of preschool age. The study saw a total participation of thirty children attending the "School of early development." These techniques were picked up: "A beautiful picture," Lusher test. Also, the method of peer review was used.

Analysis of the data revealed the following: ranking made it possible to identify a group of 10 children (33% of subjects), whose experts have identified elevated levels of mental stress. According to the results of the test methodology Luscher, 27 pre-school children from 30 showed signs of mental stress. These include the presence of alarms - primary colors put on the last three places (6,7 and 8), as well as the location of complementary colors for the first three places.

According to the results of the method "Beautiful Picture", 87% of pre-school children from 30 showed signs of mental stress. These include the presence of red, purple and black colors, a strong push a pencil or pressure varies greatly, multiple broken lines, the contents of the drawing, which shows aggressive or disturbing images.

The results show that taking into account the mental state of a child is one of the important problems of the modern educational practice which is designed to ensure the physical and mental health of the younger generation. It is, therefore, a very important time to see signs of mental stress in children, to determine the sources of threats to the psychological safety of the children, to block or weaken stressors extent of their damaging effects with a help of using special techniques and technologies.


  1. Захаров, А. И. Неврозы у детей и подростков. Анамнез, этиология и патогенез [электронный вариант] / А. И Захаров.

  2. Ильин, Е. П. Психофизиология состояний человека / Е. П. Ильин. - СПб.: Питер, 2005. - 412 с.: ил.

  3. Киршбаум, Э. И., Еремеева, А. И. Психические состояния / Э. И. Киршбаум, А. И. Еремеева. - Владивосток, 1990. - 94с.

  4. Немчин, Т.А. Состояния нервно-психического напряжения / Т. А. Немчин. - Л.: Изд-во Ленингр. ун-та, 1983. - 167с.

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