Fascinating Phosphorus
Phosphorus is one of the most interesting of all the elements. Its peculiar property of glowing in the dark places it in a spccial and rare category. For some unexplained reason, man has always been intrigued by any substance with phosphorescent properties.
The history of phosphorus is no less interesting than the element itself. It was first prepared in 1669 by a German alchemist Hcnnig Brand, who like every other alchemist of his day, was searehing for the elusive philosopher’s stone. We can never tell you what gave him the idea that his magic stone could be found in human urine, but, nevertheless, he carried on a scries of elaborate experiments with urine. After much experimentation he could obtain a yellowish waxy substance by distilling a residue from the urine. We can imagine how thrilled he must have been when he noticed that the strange substance glowed in the dark.
Brand kept the details of the preparation of this strange substance se- cret, but the news soon leaked out. He then sold his formula to other chemists, who also made the element in secret. The method o f isolating phosphorus was made known to the world in general only in 1737. It was soon discovered that the clement could be obtained from bones, and the unpleasant method of obtaining it from urine could be abandoned. It is truly remarkable that Brand could prepare phosphorus with very limited equipment and knowledge then available. Even today with all of our modem equipment, phosphorus is not isolated with ease.
Phosphorus may be fascinating, but is also intensely poisonous. It should never be allowed to touch the skin, as it causes painful bums which are extremely difficult to heal. We must always handle it with forceps and keep it under water when it is not in use.Phosphorus has a garlic-like colour. Its fumes are poisonous too.
Words and Word-Combinations to Be M emorized
allow, categoiy, detail, distil, in general, handle, isolate, itself, limit, method, notice, phosphorus, poisonous, preparation, rare, reason, for this (that) reason, residue, strange, urine, wax
Ex. 6. Give the Uzbek equivalents fo r th e following:
be one of the most interesting, a peculiar property, a spccial category, for some reason, phosphorescent properties, nevertheless, carry on experiments, a series of experiments, keep the details of the preparation secret, in secret, make the method known to the world in general, obtain some element, abandon some method, very limited equipment, available knowledge, isolate an element with ease, be poisonous, cause pain, be extremely difficult, handle phosphorus, keep under water
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:
noyob kategoriya, qiziqarli bo'lish uchun, qorong'ida, biron sababga ko'ra, elementning o'zi, boshqa alkimyogarlar singari, nimadir qidiradi, taklif qiladi, bir qator eksperimentlar o'tkazadi, sarg'ish rangli modda, ba'zi mulklarga e'tibor beradi, sir saqlaydi fosfor qazib olish, umuman 1737 yilda, mavjud bo'lgan asbob-uskunalardan, hattoki zamonaviy uskunalardan ham element olinadi, zaharli bo'lishi mumkin, suv ostida saqlanadi (saqlanadi)
Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
in, under, at, with, of, on, by, fo r
1. Phosphorus is one ... the most interesting ... all the elements.2. Phosphorus has a peculiar property ... glowing ... the dark. 3 .... some unexplained reason man has always been interested ... any substance ... phosphorescent properties. 4. Phosphorus was first prepared ... 1669 ... a German alchemist Brand. 5. Brand earned ... a series ... experiments to obtain phosphorus. 6. Brand kept the details... the preparation... phosphorus ... secret. 7. The method ... isolating phosphorus was made known ... the world... general only... 1737.8. Brand prepared phosphorus... very limitedequipment and knowledge. 9 present phosphorus is not isolated... ease.10. Phosphorus should be kept... water when it is n o t... use.
Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into Uzbek paying attention to the word
1. Hydrogen atom contains only one electron and one proton. 2. Red phosphorus is more stable than the white one. 3. An element is a substance which consists of only one kind of atoms. 4. The salts formed by hydrochloric acid are called chlorides, the ones formed by sulphuric acid are called sulphides. 5. Chlorine exists in two isotopic forms: the one has the atomic weight of 35 and the other— of 37.6. Phosphorus is one of the elements of Group V. 7. Reactions of dilute acids and the concentrated ones are not alike. 8. Phosphorus exists in several allotropic modifications, yellow and red are the most common ones. 9. The chemical properties of ozone are similar to those of oxygen, but one must point out that ozone is more chemically active. 10. Phosphorus is readily dissolved in carbon disulphidc, one part of it will dissolve nine parts of phosphorus. 11. This modem apparatus gives more accurate results than the old one and it is much easier to handle.
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Uzbek, paying attention to the verbs
may, might, could, ought.
1. Phosphorus may be fascinating, but it is also intensely poisonous.2.Whcncvcr you may work with phosphorus, remember, it must not be handled with bare hands. 3. The instruction was quite clcar so that the students might perform the analysis themselves. 4. Such unexpected resultsmight be accountcd for by the fact that the substance was not very pure.5. However slow the reaction may procccd, it gives a good yield. 6. They suppose they could finish their scries of experiments by Friday. 7. The calculations ought to be done after cach scries of measurements. 8. Important as this question may be, We have no time to discuss it now. 9. In order that the glassware might be used, it should be thoroughly washed. 10. The author gives a very detailed description of the properties of cach clement lest anything may be missed. 11. It is quite dear that the reaction could go to completion after some heating. 12. The methods o f preparation of phosphorus could have been mentioned together with the description of properties. 13. The experiment ought to be repeated several times, so that you could get some results to compare. 14. In the middle of the 18th ccn- tury it was discovered that phosphorus could be obtained from bones.15. Oxygen and hydrogen could be obtained by the electrolysis of water.16. The question how many elements are essential to life couldn’t be answered with ccrtainty. 17. Some generalizations ought to be made about the role of various elements. 18. The schcmc of the process is given in addition to the photograph so that the reader may understand it better.19. Such researeh might tell us about the carbon chemistry. 20.Thcsc observations reveal chemical mechanisms that could only have been uncovered by studies of reactions at high energies.
Ex. 11. T ran slate the sentences into English.
1. Fosfor qorong'ida porlash uchun qiziqarli xususiyatga ega. 2. Fosfor elementning tarixi qiziqarli. 3. Fosfor birinchi marta 1669 yilda olingan, ammo uni olish usuli dunyoga faqat 1737 yilda ma'lum bo'ldi. 4. Barcha kimyogarlar singari, Brand fosfor olishning usulini sir saqlagan. 5. Shuni esda tutish kerakki, fosfor juda zaharli. 6. Fosforning bir necha allotropik shakllari ma'lum. 7. Fosforni zamonaviy uskunalar bilan ham ajratib olish oson emas. 8. Fosforning bir shakli sarg'ish rangli mumsimon modda bo'lib, bunday fosfor sariq yoki oq deb ataladi.
Ex. 12. M ake up questions to th e italicized p a r ts o f th e sentences.
1. For some unexplained reason, man has always been intrigued by any
substancewith phosphorescentproperties (3). 2. It was soon discovered that phosphoruscould be obtained from bones(3). 3. Its peculiar property o fglowing in the darkplaces phosphorus in a special and rare category(3).
Ex. 13. A nsw er the following questions:
1. What is the most interesting property of phosphorus? 2. When was phosphorus first prepared? 3. What kind of substance is it? 4. What methods were used to prepare phosphorus? 5. Why is it necessary to be careful working with phosphorus? 6. How must phosphorus be kept when it is not in use?
Section II
Mashq 1. Ushbu matnni o’qing 11 В. matndan yangi biror narsa o'rgandingizmi
Mashq 2. Quyidagi xalqaro so’zlar nimani anglatadi?:
modification, allotropic, violent, regular, amorphous, action, catalyze, separate, crystallization, distillation, condense, disulphidc, spontaneously
Mashq 3. Tanlangan so’zlarning ma’nosini vaziyati bo’yicha aniqlang. Qavs ichidagi sinonim so’zlar yordamida.
1. As to the properties of phosphorus, they are very interesting.2. Phosphorus ignites (takes fire) in the air at the temperature of 30 degrees. 3. Substances that easily take fire are called inflam m ablesubstances. 4. A pressureof 760 mm Hg is called normal atmospheric pressure. 5.Phosphorus combines readily(easily) with oxygen. 6. Some reactions can be catalyzed by traces(very small amounts) of substances.7. Opinions(points of view) concerning this problem differ. 8. Reductionis a process when a pure substance is obtained from an oxide. 9. It is difficult to realize(understand) that yellow and red phosphorus are the same element. 10. A very finely divided substance is a powder. 11. Red phosphorus can be prepared by heating yellow phosphorus in the absenceof air (without air).
Tekstga so’zlar:
trace — iz; partially — qisman; careful — ehtiyot; drum — baraban; vaporize — bug’lanmoq; pretty — yoqimli,yetarlicha; dangerous — xavfli; dispose of — sabab bo’lmoq
Text 11 В
Matnni o’qing (o’qish vaqti — 5 daqiqa).
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