11.Give the main directions of the state policy in the field of tourism according to the torism law of the Republic of Uzb The main directions of state policy in the field of tourism are:
development of this sphere as a strategic sector of the country's economy;
ensuring the rights of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling;
rational use and conservation of tourism resources;
improvement of the regulatory framework;
creating the necessary conditions for the development of domestic tourism, including the organization of tourism and excursions for children, youth, the elderly, as well as persons with disabilities and low-income groups in the framework of the development of social tourism;
attracting investment and creating favorable conditions for investing in the tourism sector;
development of public-private partnerships in this area;
creation of equal opportunities in the market of tourism services for business entities;
incentives through the establishment of tax and customs benefits for tourism entities;
ensuring the safety of tourists and sightseers, protecting their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests and property;
organization and development of scientific research;
training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;
development of international cooperation;
enhancing the image of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a country attractive for tourism;
rendering state support to tourism industry entities in their promotion of a national tourism product in tourism markets;
stimulation of the introduction of advanced innovative and information and communication technologies;
stimulating the development of tourist areas and tourist clusters.
12. Give info about powers of the territorial departments of the authorized state body The authorized state body has territorial divisions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent.
The heads of the territorial divisions of the authorized state body are appointed and dismissed by the head of the authorized state body on the proposal of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the respective regions and the city of Tashkent.
Sources of financing of the territorial divisions of the authorized state body are the budget funds of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of the regions and the city of Tashkent. Additional material incentives for employees of the territorial divisions of the authorized state body are carried out at the expense of the extrabudgetary Tourism Support Fund under the authorized state body.
The territorial units of the authorized state body in the relevant territory perform the following tasks:
ensuring the implementation of a holistic concept for the development of tourism aimed at increasing the tourism potential of the corresponding territory;
coordination of development and monitoring of the implementation of territorial programs in the field of tourism in the relevant territory, attracting investment in the tourism sector of the corresponding territory;
interaction with local government on the conservation and development of tourism resources;
ensuring the development of tourism activities in the relevant territory, assistance in the creation of new tourist routes;
rendering to the subjects of the tourism sector methodological and advisory assistance in matters related to the organization of their activities;
assistance in ensuring unhindered access for tourists and excursionists to tourist resources while traveling in the corresponding territory;
development of proposals for the development of tourism potential, the removal of barriers to the development of tourism, as well as the promotion of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism;
the organization of the promotion of the tourist potential of the corresponding territory in the tourist markets, the preservation of the tourist attractiveness of the corresponding territory;
collection, analysis and submission to the authorized state body, local government bodies of information on the development of tourism in the relevant territory.