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Document 10 of 50

Genetics instruction with history of science: Nature of science learning

Author: Kim, Sun Young


Abstract: This study explored the effect of history of genetics in teaching genetics and learning the nature of science (NOS). A quasi-experimental control group research design with pretests, posttests, and delayed posttests was used, combining qualitative data and quantitative data. Two classes which consisted of tenth grade biology students participated in this study. The present study involved two instructional interventions, Best Practice Instruction with History of Genetics (BPIw/HG) and Best Practice Instruction (BPI). The experimental group received BPIw/HG utilizing various historical materials from the history of genetics, while the control group was not introduced to historical materials. Scientific Attitude Inventory II, Genetics Terms' Definitions with Concept Mapping (GTDCM), NOS Terms' Definitions with Concept Mapping (NTDCM), and View of Nature of Science (VNOS-C) were used to investigate students' scientific attitude inventory, and their understanding of genetics as well as the NOS. The results showed that students' scientific attitude inventory, and their understanding of genetics and the NOS were not statistically significantly different in the pretest ( p >.05). After the intervention, the experimental group of students who received BPIw/HG demonstrated better understanding of the NOS. NTDCM results showed that the experimental group was better in defining the NOS terms and constructing a concept map ( p .05). Further, VNOS-C data indicated that a greater percentage of the experimental group than the control group improved their understanding of the NOS. However, the two groups' understanding of genetics concepts did not show any statistically significant difference in the pretest, the posttest, and the delayed posttest ( p >.05). This result implicated that allocating classroom time in introducing history of science neither helped nor hindered learning science content.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Kim%2C+Sun+Young&rft.aulast=Kim&rft.aufirst=Sun&rft.date=2007-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9780549164593&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Genetics+instruction+with+history+of+science%3A+Nature+of+science+learning&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Secondary education; Science education

Classification: 0533: Secondary education; 0714: Science education

Identifier / keyword: Education Genetics instruction History of science Learning Nature of science

Title: Genetics instruction with history of science: Nature of science learning

Number of pages: 308

Publication year: 2007

Degree date: 2007

School code: 0168

Source: DAI-A 68/07, Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9780549164593

Advisor: Irving, Karen E.

University/institution: The Ohio State University

University location: United States -- Ohio

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3275243

ProQuest document ID: 304817350

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/304817350?accountid=14709

Copyright: Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.

Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 11 of 50

Burying nuclear waste, exposing nuclear authority: Canada's nuclear waste disposal concept and expert -lay discourse

Author: Durant, Darrin


Abstract: This thesis investigates Canada's debates about nuclear waste disposal, concentrating on the public inquiry into a nuclear waste disposal concept (held 1996-97). My evidence is an analysis of public inquiry transcripts, plus industry and Government documents (produced since 1954). My focus is on disputes about what the issue was that was in contention. I identify several different ways in which the issue in dispute was framed, specifically how expert and public groups enacted competing framings. I show that proponents of the waste disposal concept shifted grounds in terms of how they framed the issue: from solving the nuclear waste problem as intimately connected to ensuring a future for commercial nuclear power, to separating these two issues. Proponents also initially excluded the public from involvement in decision-making, but in contemporary times they embrace public involvement. This shift was mediated by declining support for nuclear power in general, as well as failures to retain control over the terms of debate and assessment themselves. Disposal concept supporters framed the issue as one of how to proceed in the face of technical uncertainty, and have thus marginalized deficiencies in present-day evidence for safe disposal by arguing future site-specific investigations will resolve all technical issues. This 'viable in principle' defense has been strenuously opposed by public opposition groups, who have framed the issue as involving more than just narrow questions of concept feasibility and safe disposal. Public critics have framed the issue as intimately connected with the legitimacy of present-day democratic procedures for ensuring the accountability of decisions. An analysis of the history of these competing framings suggests that much skepticism should attend recent nuclear industry claims to be accountable to public feedback. I also draw upon this history to comment upon debates about what is more salient: public capacities as experts or public rights as citizens. I show that ensuring democratic accountability, rather than just representation, has been an underlying political demand of public opposition groups, and that their main concern has been with the very ability to negotiate what the nuclear waste disposal issue ought to mean.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Durant%2C+Darrin&rft.aulast=Durant&rft.aufirst=Darrin&rft.date=2008-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9780494447468&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Burying+nuclear+waste%2C+exposing+nuclear+authority%3A+Canada%27s+nuclear+waste+disposal+concept+and+expert+-lay+discourse&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Canadian history; Philosophy; Modern history; Science history

Classification: 0334: Canadian history; 0422: Philosophy; 0582: Modern history; 0585: Science history

Identifier / keyword: Philosophy, religion and theology Social sciences Authority Expert-lay discourse Nuclear waste Waste disposal

Title: Burying nuclear waste, exposing nuclear authority: Canada's nuclear waste disposal concept and expert -lay discourse

Number of pages: 370

Publication year: 2008

Degree date: 2008

School code: 0779

Source: DAI-A 69/12, Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9780494447468

University/institution: University of Toronto (Canada)

University location: Canada

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: NR44746

ProQuest document ID: 304344109

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/304344109?accountid=14709

Copyright: Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.

Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 12 of 50

Little man: Four junior physicists and the Red Scare experience

Author: Mullet, Shawn Khristian


Abstract: This dissertation examines the Red Scare through the experiences of four junior physicists: Bernard Peters, David Bohm, Joseph Weinberg, and Giovanni Rossi Lomanitz. Each of the men studied under J. Robert Oppenheimer in the years prior to the Manhattan Project and each worked on the Project at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory and engaged in left-wing political activity. After World War II, each obtained a teaching position in the United States, only to be called before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. In the aftermath of their appearance, each left his university. This thesis examines how these young scientists were viewed by security officials during the Manhattan Project and by other institutions such as their universities, the State Department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the postwar years. Concurrent with exploring how they were perceived, it also examines the extent to which decisions made by these men also shaped their experience of the era. From a historiographical point of view, this thesis argues that the documents produced by investigative or intelligence agencies are more problematic than has been considered in previous research and are more informative of how the investigative agency perceived their subject than they are an accurate account of historical events. From a historical point of view, this thesis goes beyond examining the most famous case of a scientist running afoul of the loyalty/security apparatus, that of Oppenheimer, and in focusing on those who did not enjoy the protection of professional distinction, it argues that it is only in certain respects that historians can think of scientists, particularly physicists, as being a special category of Red Scare victim. It also argues for the need to distinguish between the public aspects of anticommunism, i.e. HUAC, and the private ones, i.e. FBI agents working in the field. This distinction speaks to how it was the case that for these young men the anticommunist apparatus was not necessarily a monolithic entity, but rather something which could be negotiated in some cases and less so in others.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Mullet%2C+Shawn+Khristian&rft.aulast=Mullet&rft.aufirst=Shawn&rft.date=2008-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9780549617778&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Little+man%3A+Four+junior+physicists+and+the+Red+Scare+experience&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Biographies; American history; Science history

Classification: 0304: Biographies; 0337: American history; 0585: Science history

Identifier / keyword: Social sciences Anticommunism Bohm, David History of physics Lomanitz, Giovanni Rossi McCarthyism Peters, Bernard Physicists Politics and science Red Scare Weinberg, Joseph

Title: Little man: Four junior physicists and the Red Scare experience

Number of pages: 222

Publication year: 2008

Degree date: 2008

School code: 0084

Source: DAI-A 69/04, Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9780549617778

University/institution: Harvard University

University location: United States -- Massachusetts

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3312464

ProQuest document ID: 304602692

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/304602692?accountid=14709

Copyright: Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.

Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 13 of 50

People, rocks, and some interesting restaurants along the way: A study of the work of John M. Dennison and the burgeoning theory of plate tectonics

Author: Tinsley, Mark Allen


Abstract: As the theory of plate tectonics swept across the world in the latter half of the twentieth century, geologists of all persuasions and theoretical biases were called upon to reckon with the changing paradigmatic landscape. Dr. John M. Dennison, Distinguished Professor of Paleozoic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was no exception. Yet, Dennison had an interesting and noteworthy reaction to the tectonics revolution. Though accepting it in principle, he nevertheless continued to examine basinal stratigraphy from a eustatic-paleoclimatological perspective and effectively kept global tectonism at arm's length. At the same time, however, Dennison meticulously measured, catalogued, and correlated the Devonian rocks of the Appalachian (foreland) basin and, in the end, produced a "stratigraphic framework" upon which many later geologists fashioned, in part leastways, their own theories of global tectonism. Furthermore, Dennison fostered professional relationships which enhanced the overall quality of the scientific community during his tenure as a teacher and researcher. Finally, his adherence to the scientific method, strict attention to detail, and hunger for academic pursuit provide a model for present-day geologists to emulate. Though Dennison's name is not among the most noted scientists of the twentieth century, his life and work stand as testaments to diligence and steadfastness. He is one who, when faced with the uncertainties of a changing world, weathered his trials in a manner worthy of considered respect and even commendation.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Tinsley%2C+Mark+Allen&rft.aulast=Tinsley&rft.aufirst=Mark&rft.date=2008-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9780549993636&rft.btitle=&rft.title=People%2C+rocks%2C+and+some+interesting+restaurants+along+the+way%3A+A+study+of+the+work+of+John+M.+Dennison+and+the+burgeoning+theory+of+plate+tectonics&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Biographies; Geology

Classification: 0304: Biographies; 0372: Geology

Identifier / keyword: Social sciences Earth sciences

Title: People, rocks, and some interesting restaurants along the way: A study of the work of John M. Dennison and the burgeoning theory of plate tectonics

Number of pages: 132

Publication year: 2008

Degree date: 2008

School code: 1340

Source: MAI 47/04M, Masters Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9780549993636

Advisor: Aber, James S.

University/institution: Emporia State University

University location: United States -- Kansas

Degree: M.S.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 1462805

ProQuest document ID: 304829851

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/304829851?accountid=14709

Copyright: Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.

Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 14 of 50

Singularities: Technoculture, transhumanism, and science fiction in the 21st century

Author: Raulerson, Joshua Thomas


Abstract: A spectre is haunting contemporary technoculture: the spectre of Singularity. Ten years into a century thus far characterized chiefly by the catastrophic failure of global economic and political systems, deepening ecological anxieties, and slow-motion social crisis, the only sector of our collective cultural myth of Progress still vibrantly intact is the technological – a project which, in vivid contrast to the systemic failure that seemingly prevails at nearly every other level, continues to charge forward at breakneck speed. Since the late twentieth century, prompted by the all-but-exponential growth of machine intelligence and global information networks, and by the still largely obscure but increasingly profound-seeming implications of emerging nanotechnology, futurists and fabulists alike have postulated an imminent historical threshold whereupon the nature of human existence will be radically and irrevocably transformed in a sudden explosion of technological development. This moment of transcendence, it is supposed, is at most only a few years off; indeed, some say, it may have already begun. The "Singularity" – a term coined in 1986 by the mathematician and science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, and subsequently adopted throughout technocultural discourse – is at present the primary site of interpenetration between technoscientific and science-fictional figurations of the future, an area in which the longstanding binary distinctions between science and SF, and between present and future, are rapidly dissolving. As much as the Singularity thesis implies a total reorganization of society and of the self – which posthumanist cultural studies and cyborg theory have already begun mapping – it also poses a daunting existential challenge to the enterprise of SF itself, to the extent that the Singularity imposes what Vinge has described as "an opaque wall across the future," an impenetrable cognitive obstacle beyond which the extrapolative imagination cannot glimpse. For a genre long defined by its efforts to assert, through the narrative technique of extrapolation, a meaningful continuity between present and future, the Singularity presents a thorny problem indeed, demanding both a reevaluation of SF's conception of and orientation toward the future, and a new narrative model capable of grappling with the alien and often paradoxical complexity of the postsingular. This study is an inquiry into the properties and problematics of Singularity across fictional and nonfictional discourses, and as such it operates on two levels. Reading Singularitarian literature against a broadly articulated context of fringe-science and transhumanist movements, consumer culture, political and economic theory, and related areas of contemporary cyber- and technoculture, I examine how the metaphor of Singularity structures and signifies the aspirations and anxieties of late-twentieth and early twenty-first century technocivilization. As a project of literary criticism specifically, the study works to identify and theorize a grouping of texts that is emerging from cyberpunk and postcyberpunk tendencies in contemporary SF, organized around the premises of Singularity and the posthuman, and classifiable primarily in terms of an attempt to mount a response to the formal and conceptual problems Vinge has identified. Primary readings are drawn from a wide-ranging selection of twentieth- and twenty-first-century technocultural fiction, with emphasis on SF works by Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow, Neal Stephenson, Bruce Sterling, Rudy Rucker, and William Gibson.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Raulerson%2C+Joshua+Thomas&rft.aulast=Raulerson&rft.aufirst=Joshua&rft.date=2010-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781267462435&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Singularities%3A+Technoculture%2C+transhumanism%2C+and+science+fiction+in+the+21st+century&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


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