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Scopus маълумотлар базасида And (И) ёрдамида идириш нимани ан


84). Find the line with the correct order of primary article components

Title, Author(s) and institution(s), Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References
Abstract, Title, Author(s) and institution(s), Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References
Method, Author(s) and institution(s), Title, Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, Results, References
Title, Abstract, Introduction, Author(s) and institution(s), Discussion, Method, Results, References

85). Michael hands out a survey to find out the average age and schooling level of his class. What type of research is this?



86). The difference between revising and editing is that...

When we revise we make minor changes, and when we edit we make major changes to our writing.
When we edit we make minor changes, and when we revise we make major changes to our writing.
Revising has to do with improving the text, and editing doesn`t.
Editing has to do with improving the text, and revising doesn`t.
87). The interpretation of “differences are significant” means that the differences found are_________________.

Creative outcomes

Probably not due to chance
Due to chance
Not dictated by the hypothesis

88). In general, an online source is not good if…

The author has authority on the subject.

There are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.
What the author says can be substantiated by other sources.
The author provides evidence to substantiate opinions.

89). Which of the following are techniques of the Survey method?

Case study, brainstorming

Classroom observation, video lesson
Questionnare, interview
Interview, essay

90). Натижаси ҳаракат дастури, бизнес-режа, кейс, стратегия, маълумотнома, тавсия бўлган лойиҳалар

Тадқиқот лойиҳалари
Ижодий лойиҳалар
Амалий лойиҳалар
Ахборотли лойиҳалар

91). Кредит-модуль тизимида ўқув йили бўйича барча фанларни ижобий баҳога топширган талаба ...

GPA балидан паст балл олган бўлса ҳам кейинги курсга ўтказилади
камида 1 та фандан "аъло" ва 2 та фандан "яхши" баҳо олган бўлса кейинги курсга ўтказилади
камида 3 та фандан "яхши" баҳо олган бўлса кейинги курсга ўтказилади
GPA балидан юқори балл олган бўлса кейинги курсга ўтказилади

92). Кредит-модуль тизимида ҳар бир талаба нима билан таъминланиши керак?

талабанинг шахсий иш режаси
кафедранинг иш режаси
мураббийнинг иш режаси

93). Ўқитувчи раҳбарлигидаги талабанинг мустақил иши (ЎРТМИ) элементини кўрсатинг.

ўргатувчи тестларни машқ қилиш
ҳисоб-чизма ишини тайёрлаш
форумда иштирок этиш
FAQ (кўп сўраладиган саволлар) базаси билан ишлаш

94). «Web of Science» халқаро илмий маълумотлар базасида индексация қилинадиган халқаро илмий журналларда ҳар 100 нафар Ўзбекистонлик олимлар томонидан чоп этилган мақолалар сони 2030 йилгача қанчага ошириш кўзда тутилган?


95). Кредит-модуль тизимида ўқув режалари неча марта тузилади?

4 марта, ҳар бир ўқув йили учун
1 марта, бутун ўқув даври учун
8 марта, ҳар бир ўқув семестри учун
2 марта, 1-2 курс ва 3-4 курс учун

96). Ўзгаришлар кўламига кўра таълим инновацияларининг турлари

Тармоқ (локаль), модул ва тизим инновациялари
Тармоқ (локаль), модул ва тизим инновациялари
Педагогик жараёнда ёки таълим тизимини бошқаришда қўлланилувчиинновациялар
Жамоа томонидан бевосита яратилган ёки ўзлаштирилган инновациялар

97). Материал тайёрлаш, янги шаклда ифодалаш, имитациялаш, ясаш, тузиш, қуриш, дастурлаш, яратиш, умумлаштириш, модификациялаш, мослаштириш, режалаштириш каби амаллар Блум таксономиясининг қайси категориясига тегишли?

амалда қўллаш

98). Ёзги (қишки) семестр кимнинг ташаббуси билан ташкил қилинади?


99). Ж.Дьюи ғоялари асос қилиб белгиланган таълим тури

Муаммоли таълим
Индивидуал таълим
Ҳамкорлик таълими
Модул таълими

100). “Илм-фан ва илмий фаолият тўғрисида”ги Қонуннинг нечанчи моддаси илмий даражали кадрларни тайёрлашга қаратилган?


1)Университет 3.0 моделининг янги босқичи қачон ва қаерда пайдо бўлган?
Жавоб- Германияда
янги университет модели пайдо бўлди - Гумболдт.
Гумболдт университети 1810 йилда Берлинда очилган.

101). Ўқитувчи раҳбарлигидаги талабанинг мустақил иши (ЎРТМИ) элементини кўрсатинг.

ўргатувчи тестларни машқ қилиш
малакавий амалиёт ҳисоботини тайёрлаш
FAQ (кўп сўраладиган саволлар) базаси билан ишлаш
форумда иштирок этиш

102). Сўнгги 5 йил ичида QS университетларининг дунё рейтингида биринчи ўринни эгаллаб турган университет бу

Кембридж университети
Массачусетс технология институти
Калифорния технология институти
Стенфорд университети

103). Фандан кейин ўзлаштирилиши назарда тутиладиган бандни кўрсатинг.

малакавий амалиётлар
мустақил таълим

104). Асосий функцияси билимлар етказилиши ва кадрлар тайёрлаш, яъни таълим беришдан иборат бўлган муассаса.....

Университет 3.0
Университет 1.0
Университет 2.0

105). “Тарбиячи ташкил этишни, юришни, ҳазиллашишни, қувноқ, жаҳлдор бўлишни билиши лозим, у ўзини шундай тутиши керакки, унинг ҳар бир ҳаракати тарбияласин” таъриф қайси педагог олимга тегишли

А.С. Макаренко
Я.А. Коменский
Адольф Дистервег
В.А. Сухомли́нский

106). Талабаларда ижодий изланиш, кичик тадқиқотларни амалга ошириш, фаразларни илгари суриш, натижаларни асослаш, хулосага келиш кўникма ва малакаларни шакллантирувчи таълим технологиялари

Интерфаол таълим технологиялари
Мустақил таълим технологиялари
Муаммоли таълим технологиялари
Ҳамкорлик таълими технологиялари

107). Кредит-модуль тизимида академик гуруҳ журналида келтириладиган бандни кўрсатинг.

фан коди, ўқув аудиторияси, фан ўқитувчиси
ўқитувчининг бажарган ўқув юкламаси
илмий-услубий, илмий-тадқиқот ва "устоз-шогирд" юкламалари
фан номи, коди, машғулотлар ҳажми, талабалар сони

108). Кредит-модуль тизимида талабанинг ўқув-услубий мажмуаси таркибига кирувчи элементни кўрсатинг.

академик тақвим
талабанинг шахсий ўқув режаси
кредит-модуль тизимида ўқиш тартиби
ОТМ ҳақида маълумотлар

109). Таълим соҳалари бўйича ишлаб чиқиладиган меъёрий ҳужжатни кўрсатинг.

Фан дастурлари
Малака талаблари
Давлат таълим стандарти
Ўқув режалари

110). phraseology and lexicography are …….

two major parts of the grammatical structure of language

two old parts of the grammatical structure of language
two major parts of the grammatical structure of text
two major chapters of the grammatical structure of language

111). an ability to interpret and convey meaning in context. To understand a dynamic meaning depends on time, space, and social context.

Strategic Competence

Pragmatic/discourse competence
Sociolinguistic competence
Linguistic or grammatical competence

112). An ability of understanding social meaning and being understood within a social context

Communicative competence
Discource comptence
Strategic competence
Pragmatic competence

113). What is the communicative aim of a scientific text?

to represent conceptual world picture

to attract attention
to prove theoretical assumptions
to inform about facts, events, processes

114). Grammar may be...

syntagmatic and paradigmatic

synchronic and diachronic
all the answers
practical and theoretical

115). What is the communicative aim of a literary text?

to inform about facts, events, processes

to produce an aesthetic influence on the reader
to attract the reader’s attention
to prove some theories, assumptions

116). What does text semantics studies?

the semantic structure of the text and its units, the relation of the ‘surface and deep’, layers of the text

the semantic structure of the text and its units, the correlation of the ‘surface and deep’, layers of the text
the semantic structure of the text and its units, the correlation of the ‘bottom and inner’, layers of the text
the semantic structure of the language and its units, the correlation of the ‘surface and deep’, layers of the text

117). One way to activate students in the learning of foreign languages ​​is ………………., when the student independently plans, creates, protects the project, i.e.,


self assessment
a project method

118). What categories does text grammar mostly deal with?

implicitness and intertextuality

objective and subjective modality
cohesion and coherence
prospection and retrospection

119). What does coherence mean?

semantic integrity

120). Discourse competence…

assesses the use of linguistic forms in language performance.

deal with knowledge of the language and the ability to use that knowledge to interpret and produce meaningful texts appropriate to the situation in which they are used.

was defined as the ability to connect sentences in stretches of discourse and to form a meaningful whole out of a series of utterances.

was defined as involving knowledge of the sociocultural rules of language and of discourse.

121). Diagnostic assessment is …

an act of gathering information which helps teachers identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses

Is not an act of regarding to course content

An act in which skills and knowledge is not tied directly to the course syllabus

An act of assessing only students’ strengths

123). …..involves following functions: (a) Item analysis.\n(b) Determining validity of the test.\n(c) Determining reliability of the test.\n(d) Determining usability of the test.



124). What is Continuous Assessment?

involves a procedure of collecting evidence about students’ knowledge and achievements throughout the course which then results in one final score at the end

Based on what you have learned in this section, develop or choose an available diagnostic assessment tool

provides opportunities for both teachers and students to form their further path in learning

is an act of gathering information which helps teachers identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses with regards to course content

125). Find the purpose which is irrelevant to the test.

It can be used to select the learners’ whether they need instructor or they learn solely.

It can be used to decide the mastery level achieved by the students.
It can be used to measure the entry performance.
It can be used to define the progress during the teaching learning process.

126). What is a competence


literary skill
127). What is the principle of reliability

refers to the consequence of an assessment on teaching and learning within classrooms.

the assessment instrument is authentic when it is contextualized, contains natural language and meaningful, relevant, and interesting topic, and replicates real world experiences.

refers to the tests that measure what it claims to measure.

refers to the stability of scores over time and different raters.

128). Self and Peer-assessment is …

is an act of gathering information which helps learners identify their strengths

Students can develop their own understanding of how to measure one’s or others’ knowledge

That teachers cannot assess students

Students can develop their own understanding of how to measure only their own knowledge

129). Student-related, sickness, or fatigue, rater-related, test administration-related, test-related are the types of …

130). Strategic competence …

was seen to refer to “the verbal and nonverbal communication strategies that may be called into action to compensate for breakdowns in communication due to performance variables or due to insufficient competence

was seen to encompass “knowledge of lexical items and of rules of morphology, syntax, sentence-grammar semantics, and phonology”

assesses the use of linguistic forms in language performance.

was defined as the ability to connect sentences in stretches of discourse and to form a meaningful whole out of a series of utterances.

131). Choose the appropriate answer. How to end any email?
132). Dilbar and Makhmud ______ to go camping.

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