drawings of assembled unit products........................................................................233 44.3.Recommendations and guidelines for reading and detailing parts o f assembly drawings 246 45-§.Printout o f finished graphic works in the AutoCAD program................... 262 45.1. Printing o f executed graphic works in the AutoCAD program directly
from the screen (1- w ay)............................................................................................. 262 45.2. Save drawings done in AutoCAD in formats .jpg and .pdf........................265 45.3. Printout o f completed drawings in AutoCAD by transferring the image to Word (2nd way)............................................................................................................ 267 45.4. A way to transfer an image to Word using «Print-Skreen» («PrtSc-SysRq»).268 46-§. Variants o f individual tasks for completing the assembly drawing o f products and guidelines and recommendations...................................................... 269 Bibliography.................................................................................................................. 289 303