האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים The Hebrew University of Jerusalem הכינוס הבין-לאומי השלישי על דתות ותנועות דתיות בעת החדשה

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האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
הכינוס הבין-לאומי השלישי

על דתות ותנועות דתיות בעת החדשה

ביהדות, נצרות ואסלאם והדתות הבאבית והבהאאִית
הר הצופים ירושלים טז – יח באדר ב ה'תשע"א

The Third International Conference on

Modern Religions and Religious Movements

in Judaism Christianity and Islam

and the Bábí-Bahá’í Faiths

Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, March 22-24, 2011
Academic Committee
Professor Reuven Amitai Dean, Faculty of Humanities

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Professor (Emer.) Moshe Sharon Chair Bahá’í Studies

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Professor Yael Ben Tor Chair Department of Comparative Religion, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Professor Yoram Bilu The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Professor (Emer.) Etan Kohlberg The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor Yair Zakovitch The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Nahum Regev (Associate Dean of Humanities

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Convener: Professor Moshe Sharon

Conference Coordinator: Ami Schrager

Abstracts editor: Sivan Lerer

Chief Assistants: Meirav Fisher, Linda Egger

Musical Director: Dr. Y. Hafuta

Design: M. Sharon.

Printers: Office Services Unit, The Hebrew University.
Front cover: Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee.

Page three: The Rothberg Theatre on Mount Scopus, the site of the Hebrew University Opening Ceremony in 1925.

Back cover: University Employees Choir.
Former conferences:

Convened at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 17-21 December 2000.

Convened at the Landegg Academy, Schwendi, Switzerland 27-29 May 2002.

האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Faculty of Humanities

The Chair in Bahá’í Studies The Department of Comparative Religion

The Third International Conference on
Modern Religions and Religious Movements in Judaism Christianity and Islam

and the Bábí-Bahá’í Faiths

Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, March 22-24, 2011

Conference Participants

(in alphabetical order of surnames)

  1. Reuven Amitai, Dean, Faculty of Humanities,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  1. Helen Agahi, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

  2. Lena Arava-Novotna, HTF Charles University, Czech Republic

  3. Meir Bar-Asher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  4. Menahem Ben Sasson, President, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  5. Yael Ben Tor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  6. Itamar Baum, Germany

  7. Yoram Bilu, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  8. Meir Buzaglo, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  9. Amín Egea, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain

  10. Shelley Elkayam, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar-Ilan University, Israel

  11. Yohanan Friedmann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  12. Minou Fouadi, Imperial College of Science, London, UK

  13. Yoni Garb, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  14. Muna Golmohamad, UK

  15. Yusri Hazran, Truman Institute- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  16. Meir Hatina, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  17. Ann Hinton, Australia

  18. Phillip Hinton, Australia

  19. Boaz Huss, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

  20. Moshe Idel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  21. Etan Kohlberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  22. Stephen Lambden, University of California, Merced, USA

  23. Sivan Lerer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  24. Alexander Linkov, Bulgaria

  25. Denis MacEoin, UK

  26. Hoda Mahmoudi,. BWC and University of Haifa

  27. Susan Maneck, Jackson State University, USA

  28. Udo Mischek, Institut für Religionswissenschaft, Universitaet Goettingen, Germany

  29. Moojan Momen, UK

  30. Wendi Momen, UK

  31. Yael Nathan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  32. Eldad Pardo, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  33. Bahman Payman, USA

  34. Sorour Payman, USA

  35. Sholeh Quinn, University of California, Merced, USA

  36. Vahid Ra’fati, , BWC, Haifa

  37. Julia Rubanovich, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  38. Serge Ruzer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  39. Ben Schewel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

  40. Ami Schrager, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  41. Soli Shahvar, University of Haifa, Israel

  42. Moshe Sharon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  43. Robert E. Stockman, Inst. for Bahá’í Studies, Wilmette Illinois, USA

  44. Noam Urbach, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

  45. Louis Venters, Francis Marion University, USA

  46. Itzchak Weismann, University of Haifa, Israel

  47. Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam, BWC and University of Haifa, Israel

  48. Yair Zakovitch, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Arrivals and early registration – Maiersdorf Faculty Club, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem

Monday 21 March 2011
Day One

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

08:00 – 09:00 Registration – Rabin Building of Jewish Studies
Session I: Aspects of New Religious Movements

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor (Emer.) Yohanan Friedmann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

9:20 Opening remarks by the chairman

09:30 – 10:00 Meir Buzaglo (Israel): The Promise of Monotheism.

10:00 – 10:30 Shelley Elkayam (Israel): The Unification Church - A New World Religion of the 20th Century.

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

Session II: East to West: The Bahá’í Venture Overseas

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor (Emer.) Minou Fouadi, Imperial College of Science, London, UK.

11:00 – 11:30 Yael Natan (Israel): The Spread of the Bahá’í Faith – from East to West.

11:30 – 12:00 Robert H. Stockman (USA): ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Visit to North America, 1912: An analysis.

12:00 – 12:30 Louis Venters (USA): Most Great Reconstruction: The South Carolina Bahá’í Movement in American History.
12:30 – 14:30 Lunch
Session III: Modern Aspects of Islamic Heterodoxy

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor (Emer.) Etan Kohlberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

14:30 – 15:00 Yohanan Friedmann (Israel): The Prophetology of the Ahmadi Movement.

15:00 – 15:30 Udo Mischek (Germany): Ghulām Ahmad and the Rating of the Other.

15:30 – 16:00 Yusri Hazran (Israel): Heterodox Doctrines in Contemporary Islamic Thought: The Druze as a Case Study.
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break

Session IV: Evoking the Past: Reflections on Modern Sunnī and Shīī Teachings.

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Dr. Meir Hatina, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

16:30 – 17:00 Itzchak Weismann (Israel): Mahmūd Shukrī al-Alūsī and the Salafī Circle in Late Ottoman Iraq.

17:00 – 17:30 Eldad Pardo (Israel): Iran’s Khomeinism as a Modern Religion.

Conference Opening Ceremony and Reception

Venue: the Dan Wassong Auditorium, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor (Emer.) M. Sharon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

19:00 Opening Remarks - Professor M. Sharon

19:10 Greetings - Professor M. Ben Sasson, President,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Professor R. Amitai, Dean, Faculty of Humanities,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

19:30 Keynote Address – Professor M. Idel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Renascence of Abraham Abulafia in the Last Generation.

20:00 Musical programme: University Choir conducted by Dr. Y. Hafuta.

20:30 Reception

 Day Two

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Session I: Modern Trends in Judaism

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor Yoram Bilu, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

09:00 – 09:30 Jonathan Garb (Israel): Mussar as a Modern Movement.

09:30 – 10:00 Boaz Huss (Israel): The Foundation, History, and Ideology of Early 20th Century Jewish Theosophical Movements.

10:00 – 10:30 Serge Ruzer (Israel) Jewish Christianity in 20th Century Russia as a Form of Jewish National Revival.


10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

Session II: The Language of Texts

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor Hoda Mahmoudi, BWC and the University of Haifa.

11:00 – 11:30 Stephen Lambden (UK, USA): An Examination of the Risāla Khasā˒il Sab˓a (The Treatise of the Seven Directives) of the Báb and its Early Religio-Legal Admonitions.

11:30 – 12:00 Sivan Lerer (Israel): Lawh-i-fu’ád as a Bahá’í Morality Play.

12:00 – 12:30 Sholeh A. Quinn (USA): The Mi’rāj in Shaykhī, Bábí, and Bahá’í Texts.

12:30 – 14:30 Lunch

Session III: Guardian, Guardianship – Shī‘ī Origins Bahá’í Institution

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Dr. Vahid Ra’fati, Centre for the Study of the Texts, BWC, Haifa.

14:30 – 15:00 Ben Schewel (Belgium): Energetics in the Writings of Shoghi Effendi and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

15:00 – 15:30 Denis MacEoin Imamite Wilāya from al-Ahsā’ī to Shoghi Effendi and the Bahá’í Line of the Guardian.

15:30 – 16:00 Moojan Momen (UK): The Re-Creation and Utilisation of a Community’s Memories: Shoghi Effendi and Bahá’í History.

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break

Session IV: Communities

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor Meir Bar-Asher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

16:30 – 17:00 Lena Arava-Novotna (Czech Republic): The Bydzhov Israelites and the Frankists – Two Sects in 18th Century Bohemia – Similarities and Differences.

17:00 – 17:30 Noam Urbach (Israel): Stretching the Borders of Religious Legitimacy: Bahá’ís and Latter-day Saints in China.

19:30 Naw Ruz Celebrations. (Courtesy of the Bahá’í World Centre)

Optional, for participants only; confirmation needed.

 Day Three

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Session I: Dissemination of Faith and Knowledge

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Dr. Julia Rubanovich, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

09:00 – 09:30 Soli Shahvar (Israel): For God, the Faith and Mammon: Haji Sayyid Mīrzā Muhammad-Taqī Shīrāzī and the Propagation of the Bahá’í Faith.

09:30 – 10:00 Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam (BWC): Promoting Sexual Equality through Education: Bahá’í Girls’ Schools in Iran, 1909-1935.

10:00 – 10:30 Wendi Momen (UK): The Two Wings of Humanity.

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

Session II: Aspects of Bábí- Bahá’í Message

Venue: Room 3001, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Dr. Soli Shahvar, University of Haifa, Israel

11:00 – 11:30.Susan Maneck (USA): A Nineteenth Century Zoroastrian-Bahá’í Dialogue: Manakji Limji Hataria and Bahá’u’lláh.

11:30 – 12:00 Amín Egea (Spain): The Báb and the Bábís, Early Accounts in the Western Press 1845-1851.

12:00 – 13:00 Early Launch

Visit to excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem
19:00 - Closing Ceremony

Venue: the Cellar Theater Mount Scopus

Concluding Remarks:

Professor Yael Ben Tor, Chair, Department of Comparative Religion The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.


Solo Performance


Phillip Hinton (Australia):
Portals to Freedom, a ‘play for one actor’, adapted by Phillip Hinton from the book of the same name, is the story of Howard Colby Ives who, in 1911 was a minister in a Unitarian Church in New York. Ives was one of a number of leaders of thought and society figures who were privileged to meet ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, during His visit to America in 1911/12. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, known to his followers as “The Beloved Master” was the eldest son of Bahá’u’lláh, the prophet founder of the Bahá’í Faith - now widely regarded as one of the world’s major religions.
Colby Ives’s encounters with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá profoundly altered the course of his life. He left his ministry in the church to become a devoted Bahá’í, and in 1937, published Portals to Freedom, a detailed memoir of his days in the presence of ‘The Master’. His odyssey of spiritual search and discovery are examined in this performance by Phillip Hinton, an actor whose 50 year career on stage and screen includes three years with Britain’s prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company, three seasons at the Chichester Festival Theatre, a period with the Bristol Old Vic Theatre, a host of TV roles in Britain and Australia and guest roles in several US television productions.
To-day Phillip lives near Sydney where he leads a busy life as actor and ‘voice-over’ artist. He has been a member of the Bahá’í Faith since 1961.
Portals to Freedom’ has been performed extensively throughout Australia and New Zealand as well as Britain, China, South Africa, Malaysia, Canada and on three separate tours to the United States.

Conference Opening Ceremony and Reception

end of Day one
Venue: the Dan Wassong Auditorium, Rabin Building of Jewish Studies

Chair: Professor (Emer.) M. Sharon, Chair Bahá’í Studies The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

19:00 Opening Remarks - Professor M. Sharon

19:10 Greetings - Professor M. Ben Sasson, President,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Professor R. Amitai, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

19:30 Keynote Address – Professor M. Idel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Renascence of Abraham Abulafia in the Last Generation.

20:00 Musical programme: University Employees Choir conducted by

Dr. Y. Hafuta.

20:30 Reception

This conference was made possible through the efforts

and contributions of

The Research and Development Authority,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The Faculty of Humanities,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The Chair in Bahá’í Studies,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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