Nadav Kashtan I. Curriculum Vitae Personal Details

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Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications (Updated April 2009)
Nadav Kashtan
I. Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Name: Nadav Kashtan
Place and Date of Birth: Haifa, Israel, July 24, 1953
Marital Status: divorced
Citizenship and Identity Number: Israeli. Id. no: 51832624
Permanent Home Address: 43 Hillel St. Haifa 33071, Israel
Home Telephone Number: 04-8665849
Office Address and Telephone: Department of Maritime Civilizations and Recanati

Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel Haifa - 31905, Israel

Telephones: 04-8240941(Department); 04-8240600, 04-8249934 (Institute)
Electronic Address:
Telefax Number: 972-4-8240493
Higher Education
University of Haifa, Departments of General History and Education, B.A. in General

History and Education (with distinction), 1978.

University of Haifa, Department of General History, Ancient History, M.A. in General History, 1982.
Université des Sciences Humaines, Strasbourg (France), Sciences de l’Antiquité

1983-1989; Doctorat (Nouveau Régime), 1989.

Supervisors: Prof. Ed. Frezouls (Strasbourg) and Prof. Pierre Vidal-Naquet (Paris).
University of Tel Aviv, Faculty of Arts, Museum Studies, 1990-1991;

Diploma of Museum Studies, 1991.

Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutions of Higher Education
1977-1980 University of Haifa, Dep. of General History, Teaching Assistant
1983-1988 University of Strasbourg, Dep. of Jewish Studies, Lecturer
1991-1992 Oranim College, Humanistic Studies, Teaching Associate
1991-1995 University of Haifa, Dep. of Maritime Civilizations, Teaching Associate
1995-1996 University of Haifa, Dep. of Maritime Civilizations, Instructor
1995-1996 Tel Hai College, Teaching Associate
1996 - University of Haifa, Center for Maritime Studies,

Researcher, grade: lecturer, 1997- 2000; 2005/6 onwards.

2006/7 - Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Teaching


2008 - Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion.

Senior lecturer (adjunct).

2008 - Western Galilee College, Akko

Senior lecturer.

Present Rank:
Senior lecturer, Western Galilee College

Senior lecturer (adjunct), the Technion, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.

Researcher, grade of lecturer, Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa

Teaching Associate, Department of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa

Scholarly Positions and Activities Outside the University
1988-1989 Chargé de Mission in the Israeli Embassy, Paris
1990-1995 Director of the National Maritime Museum, Haifa
1992 Founder of the Association of Friends of the National Maritime Museum, Haifa
1992 Curator of the Exhibition: The Maritime Holy Land, the Israeli Pavilion in the International Exhibition Christopher Columbus - the Ship and the Sea, Genoa, May to August, 1992.
1994 Co-editor and Reviewer of Sefunim, Bulletin of the National Maritime

Museum, (vol. 8).

1995 Israeli delegate to the International professional tour "Museums and Art

Centers in the US", Nominated by the US Government.

1997 Organizer of the International Symposium Seafaring and the Jews - Jews

And Shipping throughout the Ages (University of Haifa).
2006 Organizer of the symposium: Meetings of Populations and Cultures in Akko-

Past and Present, (Western Galilee College, Akko).

Active Participation in Scholarly Conferences (since 1986)

Conference Place and Date Title of Presentation

Cities on the Sea - Past and Present. 1st International Symposium on Harbours, Port Cities and Coastal Topography

Haifa, 1986

“Ptolemais-Acco as a Main Maritime City during the Hellenistic - Roman Period”

The City in the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Period

University of Haifa 1991

“ The Status of Dor as a Maritime City According to the Sources “

International Congress on Mediterranean Cultures

Glubenkian Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, 1991

“ Greeks, Jews and Romans in Jaffa in the Graeco-Roman Period “

Symposium on Museums and Communication

University of Haifa, 1992

“ From the Muses to the Museum and Back ”

6th Symposium on the Mediterranean Continental Shelf of Israel

National Institute of Oceanography, Haifa, 1994

“ Marine Motifs in the Odyssey - Reality and Symbol “

4th International Congress on Phoenician and Punic Studies

Cadiz, Spain, 1995

“ Palestine, Phoenicia and the Sea in Hellenistic Times “

6th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity

Lamia, Greece, 1996

“ Reality and Metaphor in Ship Representations of Hellenistic and Roman Palestine “

8th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology

Gdansk, Poland, 1997

“ Archaeological Evidence and Museological Presentation of Ancient Ships in Israel “

7th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity

Pylos, Greece, 1999

"Seafaring between Judaea and Rome: Josephus Flavius on Herod's Travels at Sea"

4th International Congress on Phoenician and Punic Studies

Jewish Diaspora – Hellenic Diaspora, International symposium at the University of Haifa

Marsala, Sicily, 2000

Haifa, Israel, 2001

"Iope-Jaffa – Cultural Crossroads in a

Maritime City According to ancient Sources"

"Jewish Presence in Maritime Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean

during Greco-Roman

Times - Evidence and Implication"

8th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity

9th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity

Hydra, Greece, 2002

Agia Napa, Cyprus, 2005

" The Ships of Jaffa – the Nautical Element in Jaffa's Destiny according to Josephus Flavius (BJ 3.419-431)"

"Nautical and Spiritual Leadership during Storms: Biblical Approaches and their Settings"

Encounters of Populations and Cultures in Akko – Past and Present 9 (Organizer of the symposium)

Hydra, 2008

10th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity

Akko, 2006

"Akko, the Maritime Metropolis: Encounters between Phoenicians, Greeks, Jews and Romans"

"On the Destiny of Ships at Sea - Greek and Biblical Approaches"

Colloquium Talks and Other Invited Addresses (selection)
May 1996, Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem: “Israel and the Sea in the Bible”

(Guest lecturer of the 1996 annual lecture-series of the museum)

November 1996, Maison d’Israël, Paris: “La Vocation Maritime d’Israël”

Guest lecturer of France- Israel Association and the Friends of the Haifa University

December 1996 to 2004, Museological Studies, University of Haifa: “Museums in the

USA and American Culture”, Guest lecturer of the course on the history of museums

February 1998, Center for Nautical Archaeology, Dor: “Israel and the Sea in Antiquity”
March 2002, University of Tel Aviv, (guest lecture): “Maritime Motifs in the Bible”
July 2002, School for Educational Leadership, Jaffa: "Is Israel a Maritime Country?"
August 2003, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem, International Conference on the

Mediterranean City: "The Characteristics of Maritime Cities according to Ancient Writers"

October 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2007: Museum Studies, University of Haifa (Opening lecture): “The Muses and the Sources of Museums in Greco-Roman Antiquity”
September 2004, Italy: "The Journeys of Paulus of Tarsus – Geographical, Maritime and Cultural Dimensions" (Guest of the Societa Paulina and the Israeli Embassy in the Vatican for a series of Lectures).
November 2004, Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, (annual series of lectures):

"The Jews, Israel and the Sea"

March 2006, University of Tel Aviv, Faculty of Architecture: "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Maritime Cities – Ancient and Modern Approaches" (guest lecturer within the international project Genoa-Haifa, Aquapolis).
March 2006, Western Galilee College, Akko (within the symposium Meetings of

Populations and Cultures in Akko- Past and Present): "Akko, the Maritime

Metropolis: Encounters between Phoenicians, Greeks, Jews and Romans".

Courses Taught in Recent Years:
Title Type Level

The Relation of Palestine to the Sea in Antiquity



Sea and Navigation in the Greco-Roman Era



The Israeli Coast - Past and Present



Preservation and Development along the Israeli Coasts


B. A.

The Ship and Shipping: Classical and Modern aspects


M. A.

Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and their Relation to the Sea



The City, the Port and the Sea - Urban and Historical aspects


B.Sc. & M.Sc (Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion)


Maritime Cities as places of encounter in the Mediterranean


M. A.


Sea and Navigation in the Odyssey


M. A.


Scholarships, Awards, Research Grants
1982: Scholarship of the French Government (Boursier du Gouvernement Francais) for Ph.D. studies in France.
1993: Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, decorated by the French President,

Francois Mitterand and the Minister of Culture, Jacques Lang.

1997 and 2006: Distinction for excellence in teaching at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion.

1995- 2001: Grant of Samson Trust and Mr. Elie Schalit for the study of “The Jewish Contribution to the History of Ship owning and Ship Operation”. $120,000

($20,000 X 6).

2005: Grant of Caesarea Rothschild Institute (CRI), in the framework of collaboration between the University of Trento (ITC IRST) and the University of Haifa for the development of a mobile guide (PDA) for museum visitors: 5,000 euros.
2007- 2009: Grant of Caesarea Rothschild Institute (in the same framework of Trento-Haifa collaboration): 28,000 euros (14,000 Euros X2 for 2 years) for the content preparation of a/v presentations (Flash program) for the entire permanent display of the Hecht Museum, University of Haifa.

MA Theses Supervised:
Theses Submitted: (since 1999, by order of publication)
Pollak Rachel, Influences and Novelties in the Technology of Roman Harbors based on Archaeological Evidence (with Prof. A. Raban), March 1999.
Rodan Shimona, Tyche-Fortuna: the Maritime Goddess of Luck in the Coastal Cities of Palestine (with Prof. M. Artzi and Prof. A. Raban), June 1999.
Mor Hadas, The Carpenter's Toolmarks in the Ma'agan Mikhael Shipwreck and their Significance in Ancient Boat Building, (with Prof. A. Raban, and Dr. Y. Kahanov), October, 2002.
Haggi Arad, The Phoenician Harbour at Athlit as an Expression of Phoenician Heritage and Harbour Planning in the Levant during the 9th to 7th Centuries BCE (with Prof. A. Raban), February 2004.
Tsemel Anat, Development of Sessile Macro-biota on Artificial Substrate next to Net Cage Fish Farms in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba) and the Roots of Marine Ecology in Aristotle's Writings on Animals, (with Prof. E. Spanier), April 2004.
Waller Sheila, From Papyrus to Books: The Mediterranean Book Trade in Greek and Roman Times, (with Prof. R. Reich), November 2004.
Gueta Simha, Venomous fish along the Mediterranean Coasts of Israel, History of Research, Diffusion and Characteristics of Injuries, (with Prof. E. Spanier), February 2007.
Aviner Shlomi, Maritime Activity of Hasmonean Leaders from Mathatias to the Rise of the Herodian Dynasty, (with Prof. M. Artzy).
Ratner, Eliana, "Cetacean Skeletons: Characteristics, Uses in Maritime Cultures, Methods of Display and Contribution to Research and to the Awareness to the Marine Environment" (with Prof. E. Spanier & Dr. D. Kerem)

MA Theses in Course:
Katz, Shachar, "The Presentation of Underwater Archaeology and Maritime History in Museums by New Multimedia Technology: The Case Study of the Meagan Michael Ship Museum" (with Dr. Y. Mahanoy and Dr. Z. Kuflik).
Nemoi, Philip, " Sponge Ecology: Historical Aspects and Recent Findings from the Mediterranean Coast of Israel". (with Prof. E.Spanier and Dr. D. Angel, submitted, April, 2009).

Ph.D. Dissertation
Kashtan, N. The Northern Coast of Palestine from 332 BCE to 70 CE - the Cities,

the Coast and the Sea. (“La côte septentrionale de la Palestine de 332 a.C.

à 70 p.C. - les villes, le littoral et la mer “, Thèse, Nouveau Régime).

In French, 378 pages; date of dissertation: April 1989.

Supervisors: Prof. Ed. Frézouls (Strasbourg) and Prof. P. Vidal-Naquet (Paris).

Edited Books
1. Kashtan, N. The Maritime Holy Land. Mediterranean Civilizations in Ancient

Israel from the Bronze Age to the Crusades, Genoa, 1992, (112 pp.)
2. Kashtan N. The Museum and Cultural Identity - The Israeli Experience, Haifa, 1998 (93 pp.)
3. Kashtan N. Seafaring and the Jews, Frank Cass, London 2000. (110 pp.)
* Seafaring and the Jews has also been published as a special issue of The Mediterranean Historical Review, vol.15/1(2000). (Published by the School of

History, University of Tel Aviv).

Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Kashtan, N. “ L’impérialisme romain et la ligue achéenne (201- 180 av. J.-C.) - l’ambiguïté au service de Rome “, Ktéma, 7(1982), pp.211-220.
2. Kashtan, N. “ Akko- Ptolemais: a Maritime Metropolis in Hellenistic and Early Roman Times, 332 BCE - 70 CE, as seen through the Literary Sources “, Mediterranean Historical Review, 3/1 (1988), pp. 37-53.
3. Kashtan, N. "Perceptions juives du navire dans les textes bibliques et gréco-romains: réalité et métaphores", in: Revue Francaise d'Histoire d'Outre-mer, vol. 87, (no.326-327), 2000, pp. 25-36.
4. Kashtan, N. " Seafaring and Jews in Graeco-Roman Palestine: Realistic and Symbolic Dimensions" in: Kashtan, N. (ed.), Seafaring and the Jews, London, 2000, pp.16-28.

Articles or Chapters in Books Which are not Conference Proceedings

1. Sas, M. Kashtan, N. Arenson, S. “Israel” in: J.B. Hattendorf (ed.) Ubi Sumus?

The State of Naval and Maritime History, Newport, 1994, pp.169-174.
2. Kashtan, Nadav, "Haifa", in: Hattendorf, J. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History, Oxford, 2007, vol. 2, pp.121-2.
1. Kashtan, Nadav, "Boats and Ships", Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin (Publication due: 2010).

Articles in Conference Proceedings
1. Kashtan, N. “Maritime Descriptions in the Odyssey between Reality and Fiction “,

Proceedings of the VI Symposium on the Mediterranean Continental Shelf of

Israel, Haifa, 1994, (Extended abstract in English and Hebrew).

  1. Kashtan, N. “Phoenicia, Palestine and the Sea: Biblical and Hellenistic Perceptions of the Coast“, Acts of the IV International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies, (Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios Y Punicos) Cadiz, 2000, vol. I pp. 379-384.

  1. Kashtan, N. “The Ship as Reality and Symbol: How it was Perceived in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine”, Tropis VI, (Proceedings of the VI International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity, Lamia, 1996), Athens, 2001, pp.317-329.

  1. Kashtan, N. "Seafaring between Judaea and Rome: Josephus Flavius on Herod's Travels at Sea", Tropis VII, (Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity), Pylos 1999, pp. 467-474.

5. Graziola I., Kahanov Y., Kashtan N., Katz S., Kuflik T., Rocchi C., Stock O., Zancanaro M., "Preparing Personalized Multimedia Presentation for a Mobile Museum Visitors' Guide: a methodological Approach", Museums and the Web, Albuquerque (The International Conference for Culture and Heritage Online), 2006.

1. Kashtan, N. "Nautical and Spiritual Leadership during Storms: Biblical Approaches and their Settings" Tropis VIII (Proceedings of the VIII World Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity), Cyprus, 2005.

Other Scientific Publications
1. Kashtan, N. “The Jews at Sea. Evidence for their Relation to the Sea in Biblical and

Graeco-Roman Times”, in: The Maritime Holy Land. Mediterranean Civilizations in Ancient Israel from the Bronze Age to the Crusades, Genoa, 1992, pp.81-87. (see

Edited Books, no.1)
2. Kashtan, N. "The National Maritime Museum in Haifa" in: Qadmoniot, 99-100 (1992), pp. 125-6 (Hebrew).
3. Kashtan, N. “The Maritime Treasures of Israel: from Excavations to Collections”,

Museum, 192 (October 1996), pp. 8-14.
4. Arenson, S. Kashtan, N. & Ran D. A Register of Jewish Shipowners from Antiquity to the 20th Century, Haifa, 2003.

Other Publications

  1. Kashtan, N. “How does one transform Marine Archaeology into a Personal Experience?” Tzlila (Bulletin of the Israeli Diving Association), no.4 (1994), pp.64-65.(Hebrew)

  1. Kashtan, N. (ed.) Shipping and the Navy in the State of Israel, (a collection of lectures, Hebrew), Haifa, 1998.

  1. Kashtan, N. (ed.) Encounters of Populations and Cultures in Akko – Past and Present, Western Galilee College, Akko, 2006 (Abstracts of conference, Hebrew).

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