The products of cotton
Cotton, one of the world’s leading agricultural crops, is plentiful and economically produced, making cotton products relatively inexpensive. The fibres can be made into a wide variety of fabrics ranging from lightweight voiles and laces to heavy sailcloths and thick-piled velveteens, suitable for a great variety of wearing apparel, home furnishings, and industrial uses. Cotton fabrics can be extremely durable and resistant to abrasion. Cotton accepts many dyes, is usually washable, and can be ironed at relatively high temperatures. It is comfortable to wear because it absorbs and releases moisture quickly. When warmth is desired, it can be napped, a process giving the fabric a downy surface. Various finishing processes have been developed to make cotton resistant to stains, water, and mildew; to increase resistance to wrinkling, thus reducing or eliminating the need for ironing; and to reduce shrinkage in laundering to not more than 1 percent. Nonwoven cotton, made by fusing or bonding the fibres together, is useful for making disposable products to be used as towels, polishing cloths, tea bags, tablecloths, bandages, and disposable uniforms and sheets for hospital and other medical uses.
Cotton fibres may be classified roughly into three large groups, based on staple length (average length of the fibres making up a sample or bale of cotton) and appearance. The first group includes the fine, lustrous fibres with staple length ranging from about 2.5 to 6.5 cm (about 1 to 2.5 inches) and includes types of the highest quality—such as Sea Island, Egyptian, and pima cottons. Least plentiful and most difficult to grow, long-staple cottons are costly and are used mainly for fine fabrics, yarns, and hosiery. The second group contains the standard medium-staple cotton, such as American Upland, with staple length from about 1.3 to 3.3 cm (0.5 to 1.3 inches). The third group includes the short-staple, coarse cottons, ranging from about 1 to 2.5 cm (0.5 to 1 inch) in length, used to make carpets and blankets, coarse and inexpensive fabrics, and blends with other fibres.
Paxta mahsulotlari
Dunyo qishloq xo'jaligining etakchi paxtalaridan biri bo'lgan paxta mo'l va tejamkor ishlab chiqarilib, paxta mahsulotlarini nisbatan arzon qiladi. Elyaflar turli xil matolarda, uy anjomlari va sanoat maqsadlarida ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan engil matolar va to'rlardan tortib og'ir yelkali matolar va qalin yivli baxmallarga qadar turli xil matolarga tayyorlanishi mumkin. Paxta matolari o'ta bardoshli va aşınmaya bardoshli bo'lishi mumkin. Paxta ko'plab bo'yoqlarni qabul qiladi, odatda yuvilishi mumkin va nisbatan yuqori haroratda dazmollanishi mumkin. Kiyish qulay, chunki u namlikni tezda yutadi va chiqaradi. Issiqlik zarur bo'lganda, uni o'rab olish mumkin, bu jarayon matoning xiralashgan yuzasini beradi. Paxtani dog ', suv va chiriyotganga chidamli qilish uchun turli xil tugatish jarayonlari ishlab chiqilgan; ajinlarga qarshi turishni kuchaytirish, shu bilan dazmollashga bo'lgan ehtiyojni kamaytirish yoki yo'q qilish; kir yuvishda 1 foizdan ko'p bo'lmagan miqdorni kamaytirish. Yuvish yoki tolalarni bir-biriga bog'lab qo'yish bilan ishlov berilmagan paxta sochiq, polishing, choyshab, choyshab, bint va kasalxonada va boshqa tibbiy maqsadlarda ishlatiladigan bir martalik kiyim va choyshab sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin.
Paxta tolalari shtapel uzunligi (namunani yoki toychani tashkil etadigan tolalarning o'rtacha uzunligi) va tashqi ko'rinishiga qarab uch katta guruhga bo'linadi. Birinchi guruhga shtapel uzunligi taxminan 2,5-6,5 sm (taxminan 1 dan 2,5 dyuym) gacha bo'lgan ingichka, porloq tolalar kiradi va eng yuqori sifatga ega dengiz dengizi oroli, Misr va pima paxtasi kiradi. Eng kam mo'l va etishtirish qiyin bo'lgan, uzun tolali paxtalar qimmat turadi va asosan ingichka matolar, iplar va paypoq buyumlari uchun ishlatiladi. Ikkinchi guruhga Amerika O'rta tog'li singari shtapel uzunligi qariyb 1,3 dan 3,3 sm gacha (0,5 dan 1,3 dyuym) bo'lgan standart o'rta shtapelli paxta kiradi. Uchinchi guruhga gilam va ko'rpa, qo'pol va arzon matolarni tayyorlash uchun ishlatiladigan va boshqa tolalar bilan aralashtirilgan uzunligi taxminan 1 dan 2,5 sm (0,5 dan 1 dyuym) gacha bo'lgan qisqa shtapel, qo'pol paxtalar kiradi.
1. What to make from cotton?
2. What kind of food is produced from cotton?
3. Uzbekistan occupies the leading position in cotton production?
4. What is the price of cotton?
5. Where cotton is processed?
1. Member – a’zo
2. Royal family – Qirollik Oilasi
3. Area – hudud, maydon
4. Public – omma, aholi
5. Service – xizmat
6. Military – harbiy
7. Go to school – maktabga bormoq
8. Help – yordam
9. Country – mamlakat
10. Queen – Qirolicha
11. Prince – shahzoda
12. Official – rasmiy
13. National – milliy
14. Events – hodisalar
15. Celebrate – nishonlamoq
16. Important – muhim
17. Duty – vazifa, burch
18. Such as – masalan
19. Work – ish, yumush
20. Family – oila
4.Round up books
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