Person’s appearance
When I see a person for the first time, I always pay attention to his or her appearance. Appearance is important today and I think it was important always. The person makes his first impression with his appearance. If he looks nice, elegant, if he takes care about nails, hands and hair, he makes good impression.
When I have to describe someone, I usually start with his appearance. The length and color of the hair, the color of the eye. I also pay attention if he is tall or small. You can also speak about his nose, hands, shoulders. Appearance for me is not only the face and body, but also the personality. If a person is positive and optimist, you can see smile on his face all the time. Smile is making our appearance more attractive.
Another important thing is the style of the person. Actually I think that every person should have his own style. If you are a housewife, student or businessmen then the style will be different.
I can also describe the hobby of the person. It’s gonna help you to understand if the person is active or passive, friendly or prefers to stay by himself. Our habits and personality are much more important than our appearance.
For example, I can say I am a positive person, so you will always see smile on my face. I have beautiful long black hair, Big brown eyes and small nose. Usually people make compliments when they see me for the first time. Remember that you have to describe a person in a good way, so it’s gonna help you to make a good impression about you.
Odamning tashqi ko'rinishi
Biror kishini birinchi marta ko'rganimda, har doim uning tashqi qiyofasiga e'tibor beraman. Tashqi ko'rinish bugungi kunda juda muhim va menimcha, bu har doim muhim edi. Odam o'zining tashqi ko'rinishi bilan birinchi taassurot qoldiradi. Agar u chiroyli, oqlangan ko'rinishga ega bo'lsa, tirnoqlarga, qo'llarga va sochlarga g'amxo'rlik qilsa, yaxshi taassurot qoldiradi.
Men kimnidir tasvirlashim kerak bo'lsa, men odatda uning tashqi ko'rinishi bilan boshlayman. Sochning uzunligi va rangi, ko'zning rangi. Uning bo'yi yoki kichkina ekanligiga ham e'tibor beraman. Bundan tashqari, uning burni, qo'llari, elkalari haqida gapirish mumkin. Men uchun tashqi ko'rinish nafaqat yuz va tanani, balki shaxsni ham anglatadi. Agar odam ijobiy va optimist bo'lsa, uning yuzida doimo tabassumni ko'rishingiz mumkin. Tabassum bizning tashqi qiyofamizni yanada jozibali qiladi.
Yana bir muhim narsa - bu odamning uslubi. Aslida har bir insonning o'ziga xos uslubi bo'lishi kerak deb o'ylayman. Agar siz uy bekasi, talaba yoki ishbilarmon bo'lsangiz, unda uslub boshqacha bo'ladi.
Men odamning sevimli mashg'ulotini ham tasvirlab bera olaman. Bu odam faol yoki passiv, do'stona yoki o'zi qolishni afzal ko'radimi yoki yo'qligini tushunishga yordam beradi. Bizning odatlarimiz va shaxsiyatimiz tashqi ko'rinishimizdan ko'ra muhimroqdir.
Masalan, men ijobiy odamman deb ayta olaman, shuning uchun siz har doim mening yuzimda tabassumni ko'rasiz. Mening chiroyli uzun qora sochlarim, katta jigarrang ko'zlarim va kichkina burunim bor. Odatda odamlar meni birinchi marta ko'rganlarida iltifot ko'rsatishadi. Biror kishini yaxshi tasvirlab berish kerakligini unutmang, shuning uchun u siz haqingizda yaxshi taassurot qoldirishga yordam beradi.
1.What is an external appearance?
2. What does a person look like?
3.What types of personality traits are manifested?
4.How to determine a person’s character?
5.What role a person’s appearance plays?
1. Literatura-adabiyatlar
2. Mathematic-matematik
3. Astronomer-astranom
4. Filosof-faylasuf
5. Physicist-fizik
6. Wealthy-badavlat
7. Medicine-tibbiyot
8. History-tarix
9. Geodrapher-geograf
10. Born-tug’ilmoq
11. penniles - bechorahol
12. princess- malika
13. shadows - soyalari
14. withdrawn - tutashgan
15. drunk - mast
16. blame - gunoh
17. thereby – shunday qilib
18 drinking – ichimlik
19. draft – qoralama
20. daughter- qiz
4.Round up books
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