Look at the line graph and complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and the correct prepositions.
The graph ........... (show) how many people ........... (visit) three London museums in the summer of 2013. Most visitors ........... (go) to the British museum ........... June and September. The number ........... (fluctuate) between 500 and 750. By contrast, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum ........... (receive) fewer visitors. The number of people who visited the Science Museum ........... (drop) gradually from 400 thousand to 300 from June to August then ........... (rise) to 450 thousand ........... September. We can ........... (see) that the trend for the Natural History Museum ........... (be) similar. There was a sharp drop in visitors from June to July. The number ........... (remain stable) in August and then ........... (increase) steadily in September.
Put the sentences in the correct order to describe the graph.
1) The graph shows changes in the amount of fish, salt and meat eaten per person per week in China between 1985 and 2010.
4) In 1985, the consumption of fish stood at 610 grams, then increased to 700 grams in 1990.
9) The amount consumed decreased steadily from almost 500 grams per person to only 200 grams by 2010.
6) However, this gradually increased throughout the period.
8) Overall, the consumption of fish rose, while the consumption of salt fell.
3) The amount of meat consumed weekly started at about 100 grams.
2) From the graph we can see that people in China consumed more fish than either meat or salt throughout the period.
10) By 2010 it was at the same level as the consumption of salt.
7) In contrast, there was a consistent drop in salt consumption.
5) Although it dipped in 1995, it then rose steadily and reached 850 grams in 2010.
11) In addition, the consumption of meat, while at a relatively low level, rose significantly during this period.
Grafikda 1985 yildan 2010 yilgacha Xitoyda haftada bir kishi iste'mol qilingan baliq, tuz va go'sht miqdori o'zgarishi ko'rsatilgan.
4.1985 yilda baliq iste'moli 610 grammni tashkil etgan bo'lsa, 1990 yilda 700 grammgacha ko'tarildi.
9.2010 yilga kelib iste'mol qilinadigan miqdor bir kishi uchun deyarli 500 grammdan atigi 200 grammgacha kamaydi.
6.Biroq, bu davr davomida asta-sekin o'sib bordi.
8.Umuman olganda, baliq iste'moli oshdi, tuz iste'moli esa kamaydi.
3.Haftalik iste'mol qilinadigan go'sht miqdori taxminan 100 grammdan boshlandi.
2.Grafikdan biz Xitoyda odamlar butun davr mobaynida go'sht yoki tuzdan ko'ra ko'proq baliq iste'mol qilganini ko'rishimiz mumkin
10.2010 yilga kelib u tuz iste'moli bilan bir xil darajada edi.
7.Aksincha, tuz iste'molida doimiy pasayish kuzatildi.
5.1995 yilda u pasaygan bo'lsa-da, keyin u barqaror o'sdi va 2010 yilda 850 grammga etdi.
11. Bundan tashqari, go'sht iste'moli nisbatan past darajada bo'lsa-da, bu davrda sezilarli darajada oshdi.
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