In the game, the child learns to communicate, he grows and develops

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In the game, the child learns

One of the urgent problems of modern teaching methods foreign languages is the organization of teaching children of different ages through games.
The urgency of this problem is caused by a number of factors, in First, the intensification of the educational process sets the task of finding means maintaining students' interest in the material being studied and activating their activities throughout the course. An effective remedy solutions to this problem are educational games. Secondly, one of the most important problems of teaching a foreign language is learning oral speech, creating conditions for the disclosure of the communicative function language and allowing to bring the learning process closer to the conditions of the real learning, which increases the motivation to learn a foreign language.
Engaging students in oral communication can be successful carried out in the course of gaming activity.
Playing is one of the main activities from a very young age. child. Through play, children learn about the world around them new skills and knowledge. They are like little spectators in a big theater stare wide-eyed at the breathtaking performance called "Life" and absorb everything that happens around them. BUT then, in a game with their peers, their "acting" talents are revealed.
In the game, the child learns to communicate, he grows and develops.
The educational possibilities of games have been known for a long time. Many prominent teachers rightly paid attention to the effectiveness of the use of games in the learning process. In the game they appear especially fully and sometimes unexpected ability of a person, a child in particular.
With age, interest in the game does not disappear. This must be taken into account when teaching children a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is not only memorization of words, phrases, but also acquaintance with another culture,
comparison of the way of life of people in the countries of the studied language and their own country [1; 25].
The game as one of the forms of gaming activity makes it possible to create and rally the team. The game gives the ability to navigate in real life situations, playing them repeatedly in a fictional world.
The game gives psychological stability. Game, being simple and intimate human way of knowing the surrounding reality, should be the most natural and accessible way to master one or another knowledge, skills, abilities. The current need for correct construction, organization and application of the game in the process education and upbringing requires a more thorough and detailed study.
The game is a unique phenomenon of human culture, its source and vertex.
The role-playing game helps to create an atmosphere of foreign language communication, it unites students, creates between them new emotional communication relationships based on interaction foreign language. Anotherfunction of the role-playing game is relaxation.
Everyone knows that most of the time children spend at school sitting at the desk, while they experience greater emotional and physical load. And the game helps to relieve the tension associated with intense learning at school. The game provides psychological training, various manifestations of personality are corrected. In connection with this object research work served as a role-playing game as a form of interaction students in a foreign language lesson.
The object of study of this work is the educational process on
foreign language at school.
The subject of the research is the method of using the game in the classroom
foreign language.
The purpose of this study is to highlight the issue of
the meaning of didactic games and their use in elementary grades in
English lessons.
- To know the role of the game in the English lesson in elementary grades.
- Consider what is the real place of the game in the educational process.
- Define the concept of a game and consider various types of game classifications.
The structure of the work: introduction, four parts, conclusion and list literature.
1. The history of the game
The term "game" in various languages corresponds to the concepts of a joke and
laughter, lightness and pleasure and indicates the connection of this process with
positive emotions. According to M.F. Stronin, the game - especially organized activity that requires tension of emotional and mental forces. The game always involves making a decision - how do what to say. The desire to resolve these issues exacerbates mental activity of the players [16; 3].
The game is a small situation, the construction of which resembles a dramatic work with its own plot, conflict and acting persons. During the game, the situation is played several times and each time in a new version. But at the same time, the situation of the game - real life situation. Despite the clear rules of the game and the limitations of the language material used, it necessarily has element of surprise. Hearing an unexpected question, the student immediately begins to think about how to answer it. So for the game characterized by spontaneity of speech. Verbal communication, which includes only speech itself, but also gesture, facial expressions, etc., has a purposefulness and is mandatory.
D.B. Elkonin in his works considers the history of the emergence role play [4; 59]. According to him, it is impossible to accurately determine the historical moment when the role-playing game first appeared. He can be different among different peoples, depending on the conditions of their existence and forms of transition to a higher stage of development. In the early stages development of human society, when the productive forces were even at a primitive level, and society could not feed its children, and tools allowed directly, without any special
training to include their children in the work of adults, there were no special exercises in mastering the tools of labor, no role-playing game. The children entered
life of adults, mastered the tools of Iaborand all relations, taking a direct part in the work of adults. At a higher
stages of development inclusion of children in the most important areas of labor activity required special training, which took place on small-sized tools. This was the so-called role play.
Thus, it is possible to formulate the most important for the theory of role game position: role-playing game arises in the course of historical development society as a result of changing the place of the child in the system of social relations. It is social in origin, by nature. Her occurrence is not associated with the action of any internal, innate instinctive forces, but with well-defined social conditions child's life in society [12; 167].
2. Role playing games and their functions
The game activates the desire of the children to contact with each other and
teacher, creates conditions forequality in speech partnership, destroys traditional barrier between teacher and student, role play give the opportunity for timid, insecure students to speak and thereby overcome the barrier of uncertainty.
In games, students master such elements of communication as the ability to start a conversation, support it, interrupt the interlocutor, at the right time time to agree with his opinion or refute it. Almost all time in the role-playing game is allotted for speech practice, and not only the speaker, but also the listener is as active as possible, since he must understand and remember the partner’s remark, correlate it with the situation, correctly react to it. Games have a positive effect on the formation cognitive interests of schoolchildren, contribute to the conscious learning a foreign language. In the context of teaching oral foreign language
speech role-playing game is, first of all, speech activity, game and
educational at the same time. From the point of view of students, role-playing is a game activities in which they act in certain roles.
The educational nature of the game is not realized by schoolchildren. Role-playing game manageable, its educational nature is clearly recognized by the teacher [5; 156].
In educational conditions, it is not easy to evoke a motive for a statement. The difficulty lies in the following: the teacher must describe the situation in such a way that an atmosphere of communication arises, which, in turn, evokes in students an inner need to express their thoughts. AT
conditions of foreign language communication, it is important that students be able to express what what they want to say. Role play is built on interpersonal relationships that are realized in the process of communication. Being a model interpersonal communication, role-playing game causes the need for communication on foreign language, and in this sense it performs motivational
incentive function.
The role-playing game can be attributed to educational games, since it is in largely determines the choice of language means, contributes to development of speech skills and abilities, allows you to simulate communication students in different speech situations. The role play is an exercise for mastering the skills and abilities of dialogic speech in conditions of interpersonal communication. In this regard, role-playing provides learning function.
Role play develops students' ability to play a role another person, see yourself from the position of a communication partner. She is orients students to planning their own speech behavior and behavior of the interlocutor, develops the ability to control their actions, give an objective assessment of the actions of others. Therefore, the role play performs a guiding function.
Contradiction, discrepancy between the need for action in child and the inability to perform the operations required by the action
can be resolved in one single type of activity - in the game activities in the game. This kind of contradiction characterizes children adolescence. Adolescents strive for communication, for adulthood, and role play gives them the opportunity to go beyond their context activities and expand it. Making wishes come true adolescent, role-playing thereby implements a compensatory function.
Thus, the role-playing game performs the following functions: motivational incentive, teaching, orienting [2; 29-30].
The use of role-playing in teaching is a vivid example of two-dimensionality, when the pedagogical goal is hidden and appears in a veiled form
[22; 16].
Role-playing game allows you to take into account the age characteristics of students, their interests; expands the context of activity; acts as an effective a means of creating a motive for foreign language dialogic communication; contributes to the implementation of an activity approach in teaching a foreign language language, when the focus is on the student with his own interests and
Most often in the educational process are used moderately controlled role-playing game, free and scenario role-playing games [4; ten-
Moderately Controlled RPG
Role-playing game, in preparation for which participants receive a general description of their roles, on the basis of which they prepare their individual role assignment. The problem is that the features of the role-playing behaviors are known only to the performer himself. Other participants it is important to guess what line of behavior their partner follows, and accept an appropriate decision about one's own reaction. Program of the event games are developed by the teacher, and students are given a list of all typical and problematic situations in which they have to take part.
All typical and problematic situations are worked out in detail in the lessons,
samples of dialogues are studied, there is an opportunity to get advice
teacher of lexical and grammatical material.
Free role play
Role-playing game, in preparation for which students receive communication circumstances. This game serves to form individual and group skills of independent work on the subject. Students should not only independently determine the theme and develop the scenario of the game, but and select the appropriate material, search for information,
using the recommended literature.
scenario game
Most often used when working with literary texts scenario game. In preparation for the scenario game, students develop program, script under the guidance of a teacher. They choose language the content of certain roles in the mode of individual, pair or group work. In preparation for a scenario role-playing game the skills of collective educational activity are formed to create its scenario, identification of problematic situations, search for additional information on the topic. In preparation for this game, the teacher visually with the help of explanations, filling in various tables, setting problem questions demonstrates to students methods of working with text, while teaching searching, studying and introductory reading.
Benefits of using role play in the classroom [20; 92]:
1. Through role play in the classroom can be introduced varied.
a) forms of experience;
b) a variety of functions, structures, large volume of lexical material.
Role play can exceed the capabilities of any pair and group activities, to train students in the ability to speak in any situation in any topic.
2. Role play puts students in situations in which they need use and develop such language forms as are necessary as lubricant in the workings of social relationships, which
often neglected by our teachers.
3. Some people often learn English in order to prepare for a certain role in life (work abroad,
travel). It will be very useful for them that language material,
which they will need during the trip and it is very important that for the first time
they could try their hand at the friendly environment of the classroom
rooms. For them, role-playing becomes a very important general
rehearsal for real life.
4. Role play supplies shy, insecure students
"mask" behind which they can hide. Students experience great difficulties when the main emphasis in training is on the individual learners to their direct experience. And in a role-playing game such students usually receive an exemption because their identity is not
affected, they need not reveal themselves.
5. The advantage of using role play is that it gives pleasure to those who play it. Once students start
understand what exactly is required of them, they are happy to give free rein to your imagination. And since they like this activity, the educational material is absorbed much more efficiently.
6. The role-playing game has a whole range of technologies (communicative technology that develops students' language fluency, promotes
interaction in the classroom and increases motivation).
The learning process consists of several phases:
- presentation phase;
- half-knowledge phase;
- fixation phase.
Thus, three types of role-playing can be distinguished: moderately controlled role play, free role play and scenario play.
The choice of game depends on the nature of the child, or if it is a team, then on relationships between children in the community. Also, the choice of game depends on what educational tasks require their resolution.
3. Role play structure and organization
In the structure of the role-playing game, it is customary to distinguish the following components:
roles, initial situation, role-playing actions.
The first component is roles. Roles played by students lesson, can be social and interpersonal. The first are due place ofthe individual in the system of objective social relations (professional, socio-demographic), the latter are determined place ofthe individual in the system of interpersonal relations (leader, friend, opponent, etc.) The selection of roles should be carried out in such a way that to form an active life position in schoolchildren, the best human qualities of a person: a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, etc. [23; fourteen].
The second component ofthe role-playing game - the initial situation - acts as the way it is organized. Despite the variety of definitions of the concept situation, we proceed from the fact that when creating a situation it is necessary take into account both the circumstances of reality and the relationship
The third component of role-playing is role-playing activities that students perform by playing a certain role. Role play as a variety of game actions are organically linked with the role - the main component of role-playing games - and constitute the main, further indecomposable unit ofthe developed form ofthe game. They include verbal and non-verbal actions [3; 27-28].
Assigning each student a prestigious social role and constant attention to its individual significance helps to remove psychological barriers to communication, which is a prerequisite successful learning. Role - the mask helps the student to show those aspects of his personality, which he considers possible to discover in communication, and, on the other hand, the conventionality of the game allows you to hide those aspects of personality that the student would not like to do collective property. Lessons are structured in such a way that a benevolent attitude towards the student removes the fear of a possible mistake. Showing interest in the student as a significant partner in conversation helps to remove the feeling of uncertainty when speaking [20; 13].
The place of games in the lesson and the time allotted to the game depend on a number of factors, preparation of students, the material being studied, the goals and conditions of the lesson, etc. For example, if the game is used as a training exercise
during the initial consolidation, then she can take 20-25 minutes of the lesson. AT In the future, the same game can be played by repeating what has already been played, material. The same game can be used in different stages lesson.
It should be remembered that for all the attractiveness and effectiveness games, a sense of proportion must be observed, otherwise they will tire the students and lose the freshness of the emotional impact.
Role-playing games have a number of features that distinguish them from all other types of intellectual games: card, logic, board and others [9; 85].
First, a role-playing game cannot take place without a facilitator. If in in other games, the host often plays the role of a passive observer and judge, then here he is the main actor organizing a team of players and responsible for the development of the game world.
Secondly, there are no winners in role-playing games for the reason that that the participants do not play against each other, but all together in one team (for
except for the host). The goal of a team of players is to complete a certain task set out in a scenario, all the details of which are known only leader. It can be said that the players play together against the leader, although this will not be entirely correct: rather, they are playing against the script, striving overcome all the difficulties described in it and together achieve a certain
Thirdly, role-playing is an interesting creative process. You can safely to assert that of all possible games, it is this kind that makes participants to the greatest extent to show their creative potential.
Each player is the creator, author of his character, who can influence the game world and the actions of other characters.
Fourth, role-playing games lack one important drawback, found in all other games. Any game can get boring, get bored, but just not a role-playing game. Role-playing games have such scope for fantasy and imagination, with such unlimited possibilities that You can vary their various details ad infinitum, if you get bored of playing any character, just create a new character if you get tired of the fantastic world of the distant future, change it to the fabulous world of the Middle Ages or the spy story of our days. Player can become a leader, and the leader can become a player. The script can get boring not the game itself. From this follows the fifth peculiar feature of the role-playing game - in it can be played indefinitely, the only limit is
fantasy and imagination. If a team of players has successfully completed one adventure, then she can immediately start a new one, if the leader is ready for this and in store for another interesting scenario.
At this stage of the game, the teacher acts as a director who, according to opportunities, imperceptibly for students, manages the course of the game, without taking on active role. The teacher must remain an active observer, he can recommend something, but not impose their decisions [1; 49].
Mismatch between the content of the game action and its components operations leads to the fact that the child plays in an imaginary situation, thus generating and stimulating the process of imagination: Working with images,
penetrating all gaming activity, stimulates the processes
The main stages of conducting role-playing games [17; 36]:
1. Selection of training material.
The teacher must select in advance the material that will be used for this type of activity, while the training material can be taken both from the textbook and from additional sources, such as like books, screenplays, comics, movies, cartoons and paintings.
The teacher may also use their own teaching materials to
games. Teaching materials must be appropriate for the level of learning
students and their interests.
2. Choosing a situation and creating a dialogue.
It is necessary to think over the situation or situations for the role-play. For each situation needs to make a dialogue. Depending on the level The teacher gives students a ready-made dialogue, or the children compose it themselves.
3. Introduction and learning of lexical units.
It is necessary to learn with children the words and expressions that they will use in your dialogues. The teacher must make sure that the children understand all lexical items and they can correctly use them in of his speech.
4. Practice.
Students practice their dialogues in pairs or groups. After as they learned their words, you need to invite them to switch roles. Tem By doing so, they will work out their dialogue better. When the students are ready, the teacher asks to speak to the class.
5. Changing the situation.
After the teacher made sure that the students remembered well dialogue, he proposes to change the situation. Students create their own dialogues sample.
6. Knowledge testing and assessment.
At the end of the role play, the teacher should evaluate the effectiveness of the
conducting it and check how well the students learned the new words and expressions.
The main points to pay attention to when organization of a role-playing game [17; 78]:
- When organizing a role-playing game, you should always start with a pair, and not from group work (it is much easier to organize a conversation with one person, next to you or in front of you without disturbing the layout).
- At the initial stages, short views should be organized activities that gradually accustom students to role play.
- The role-playing game should be designed for a variety of types students.
- Students should understand the situation and what is written in the role play.
card before the start of the game.
- You should be very tactful, do not be upset if one or two couples do not take part in the activity. Remember that when you had regular lessons, they could also remain completely
indifferent, to think or dream about something, but you did not notice it.
- Do not use a role-playing game that is too difficult and demanding emotional overload until your students get used to
this type of activity. Ifyou do not take this into account, then students may switch to your native language. Try to be patient with the little ones, language intrusions in one's native language if it helps to promote
role play.
- If your students still switch to their native language, then set tasks more extensively, starting with work in pairs and easy
role-playing game with information tasks. Ifthat doesn't work, then it means that your audience is too enslaved and necessary preliminary preparation (communication exercises) in order to the students cracked up.
-Always consider follow-up activities for those groups
or couples who finish earlier than others.
- Set a precise time limit and try to every step was right for him.
The role card should be short. If it is supposed
use of some linguistic structures, then students should
be well acquainted with them. When students read their role play card, they must either return it to the teacher or turn it over and contact her only when they need to.
A lesson conducted in a playful way requires certain rules [17;
1. Pre-training. It is necessary to discuss the range of issues and the form holding. Roles must be assigned in advance. Itstimulates
cognitive activity.
2. Mandatory attributes of the game: design, city map, crown for
king, the corresponding rearrangement of furniture, which creates novelty, effect
surprises and will help to increase the emotional background
3. Mandatory statement of the result of the game.
4. Competent jury.
5. Mandatory game moments of a non-educational nature (sing serenade, ride a horse, etc.) to switch attention and remove
The main thing is respect for the personality of the student, not to kill interest in work, but on the contrary, strive to develop it without leaving a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt.
The main requirements for role-playing games were formulated R.P. Milrud [16, 37]. In his work, the author states:
1) The game should stimulate the motivation of learning, cause
students' interest and desire to perform the task well; her
should be carried out on the basis of a situation adequate to the real situation
2) The role play should be well prepared in terms of how content as well as form, clearly organize. It is important that students were convinced of the need to perform well in one role or another.
Only under this condition will their speech be natural and convincing.
3) The role play should be accepted by the whole group.
4) It is certainly carried out in a benevolent creative atmosphere, evokes a sense of satisfaction and joy in schoolchildren. How
the more freely the student feels in the role-playing game, the more initiative he will be in communication. Overtime, he will develop a sense of self-confidence,
that he can play different roles.
The game is organized in such a way that students can actively speech communication with maximum efficiency to use processed speech material.
5) The teacher himself certainly believes in the role-playing game, in its efficiency. Only under this condition can he achieve good
6) The ability of the teacher to establish
contact with the guys. Creating a favorable, friendly atmosphere in the classroom is a very important factor. During the game, the teacher can sometimes take on some role, but not the main one, so that the game does not turn into into the traditional form of supervised work. It is desirable that the social status of this role would help him unobtrusively direct speech group communication Game selection
The choice of the game primarily depends on what the child is, what he necessary, what educational tasks require their resolution. If a the game is collective, it is necessary to know well what is the composition of the players, their intellectual development, physical fitness, features
age, interests, levels of communication and compatibility, etc. Game selection depends on the time of its implementation, natural and climatic conditions,
the length of time, daylight hours and the month of its holding, from the presence gaming accessories, depends on the specific situation prevailing in children's team. The goal of the game is outside the game situation, and
the result of the game can be expressed in the form of external objects and
all kinds of products (models, models, toys, constructors, dolls and etc.), "products" of artistic creativity, new knowledge, etc. In the game
the substitution of motives is natural; children act in games out of desire enjoy, and the result can be constructive. The game able to act as a means of obtaining something, although the source of its activities are tasks voluntarily taken on by a person, a game creativity and competitive spirit. In games, the child achieves goals several levels interconnected [24; 62].
The first goal is to enjoy the process of the game itself. For this purpose reflects the setting that determines the readiness for any activity, if it
brings joy.
The goal of the second level is functional, it is associated with the implementation rules of the game, acting out plots, roles.
The goal of the third level reflects the creative tasks of the game - to unravel, guess, unravel, achieve results, etc.
Game offer for children.
The main task in the offer of the game is to excite interest in it, in such a formulation of the question, when the goals coincide educator and the wishes of the child. Game tricks of the proposal can be oral and written. Interest in toys or objects
for the game, stimulating the desire to play, game posters, game radios
announcements, etc. The sentences of the game include an explanation of its rules, and
action techniques. Explanation of the game is a moment very
responsible. The game should be explained briefly and precisely directly.
before it starts. The explanation includes the name of the game, a story about its
content, and an explanation of the major and minor rules, including
distinguishing between players, explaining the meaning of game accessories, etc. [6;
One of the crucial moments in children's games is the distribution roles. They can be active or passive, primary or
secondary. The distribution of children into roles in the game is difficult and scrupulous. The distribution should not depend on the sex of the child, age, physical features. Many games are built on equality of roles.
Some games require captains, drivers, i.e. team roles for
the plot of the game.
When assigning team roles, make sure that the role helped the non-authoritative to strengthen their authority, the inactive to show activity, undisciplined - become organized, children, something compromised - to return the lost authority, to newcomers,
children who eschew the children's team - to prove themselves, make friends with
In the game, it is necessary to ensure that arrogance does not appear, there was an excess of the power of command roles over secondary ones. Insubordination in the game can ruin the game. It is necessary to keep track of for a role to have an action, a role without action is dead, the child will exit games if he has nothing to do. Cannot be used in the game negative roles, they are acceptable only in humorous situations.
There are many types of role playing exercises, games. The teacher can choose the most suitable for his class in depending on the experience of students [3; 106].
1. You can offer tasks in the form of charades using
pantomimes, mime
- show how you feel when ... you see a big dog, running towards you;
- you find that someone has torn some sheets out of your textbook.
At the end of the exercise, the teacher may ask the students prepare a short story reflecting their feelings and reactions in similar situations.
2. You can complicate situations that will help develop spontaneity, and expression in behavior. The teacher gives instructions step by step action development. The student must do them without stopping. For example: you hang a picture on the wall. Do you like the picture, did you find a good one a place to hang it and are happy with how it decorates the room. You take hammer and nails and start driving the nail into the wall, you hurt your
After "warming up" exercises, you can move on to problematic ones, situations in which students are asked to solve a particular problem.
For example: your friend invited you to skate, but mom says you should stay at home. You don't want to hurt your friend. Mother
stands nearby.
Then you can proceed to situations with alternative solutions, for two or more people, raising various life problems.
At the end of the role play, a motivated assessment by the teacher follows, participation of each student in the preparation and conduct of a specific role-playing games. In addition to linguistic correctness, the teacher comments on expressiveness role behavior, as well as the initiative of the guys at all stages of work.
4. Examples of role-playing games
1. Similar or different. Purpose: activation of joint speech activities, training skills and abilities of expression in a foreign language similarities and differences.
Game progress: participants form pairs. They are given cards with pictures. You can't show cards to each other. Working in pairs the players ask each other questions to find out which pictures are on their flashcards are common and which are different. Discussing three pictures, the players change places and continue to work with other partners.
The handout can be varied by using instead of pictures synonymous and antonymous words, sentences, etc.
2. Gemini. Purpose: activation of skills and abilities of generation monologic statements such as descriptions of proofs, comparisons and
including them in the dialogue.
Game progress: all players receive cards without showing their friends friend. Describing postcards, asking questions to each other, the players should find pairs of identical postcards. It is possible to exchange postcards in a circle.
3. What are the differences? Purpose: complex training of question-answer interactions with the inclusion of elements of reasoning.
Game progress: the participants of the game are divided into pairs. One player gets picture, the second - the same picture, but with some changes.
By asking questions to each other, they must find the differences between the pictures, and name them. It is forbidden to show pictures to each other.
4. Plan of the city. Purpose: activation of skills and abilities by question reciprocal interaction using various forms
interrogative, presumptive statements and questioning techniques, and as well as all kinds of reactions in terms of content and structure.
Game progress: the participants of the game form pairs. Each of the players receives a version of the city plan, on which any
Attraction. Asking each other questions playing establish street names, location of attractions.
They must also describe the path to these places from the given starting point.
5. Weekend. Purpose: activation of skills and abilities of discussion, discussion, argumentation, explanation, persuasion in a foreign language
Game progress: game participants develop a route outside the city and a plan spending the weekend. Each group discusses and presents their plan.
The conditions to be taken into account may vary.
(determination of the amount of money, places to visit, choice of transport funds, sports equipment for outdoor games, etc.).
6. Restoration of the story. Purpose: formation of a connected monologue or dialogic text and activation of the corresponding
skills and abilities.
Game progress: each participant receives a piece of paper with one a sentence from a particular story. He is not allowed to show offer to someone or write it down, he must remember it proposal (two minutes are given for this). Then the teacher collects all sheets and read each sentence. The players listen to them, and then each of them in accordance with the logical sequence by queue names his proposal.
By definition, a game is a kind of activity in the conditions of situations, aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which
self-management of behavior develops and improves.
Role-playing games are an effective way of working. Students apply mastered language material in situations characteristic of the environment their reality, which contributes to the development of speech initiative and enhances the natural-communicative orientation of the lesson.
Role-playing games and tasks develop and improve in schoolchildren verbal activity. They also contribute to the appearance of children of a sincere desire to communicate in a foreign language, not only in class, but also outside of school hours. In other words, here successfully an internal motive for learning a foreign language is formed.
A foreign language lesson is considered as a social phenomenon, where classroom is a specific social environment in which the teacher and students enter into certain social relationships with each other, where the learning process is the interaction of all those present. Wherein success in learning is the result of the collective use of all learning opportunities. And trainees must contribute significantly
contribution to this process [5; fourteen].
In addition to learning goals, role-playing games and assignments help to solve problems. educational tasks. For example, in games using a phone
special attention is paid to the development of the ability to politely conduct a conversation on phone.
In addition, through role-playing games and assignments, schoolchildren qualities such as sociability, collectivism are formed, a sense of responsibility for their comrades.
Lessons using role-playing games and tasks are usually lively, emotionally, with high activity of students in a favorable psychological atmosphere.
In games, students master such elements of communication as the ability to start a conversation, maintain it, interrupt the interlocutor at the right time moment, agree with it or refute it, the ability to purposefully
listen to the interlocutor, ask clarifying questions, etc.
It is important that the role-playing game teaches to be sensitive to the social use of a foreign language.
A good conversationalist is often not the one who is better used structures, and the one who can most clearly recognize the situation, in which partners are located, take into account the information that is already known (from the situation, experience) and choose those linguistic means that will most effective for communication.
At present, the idea of the need for training has become obvious, foreign language as communication is certainly in the collective activities, taking into account personal and interpersonal relationships: teacher - group, teacher - student, student - group,
student - student, etc. Positive impact on the personality of the trainee
provides group activities
The game as a method of teaching, transferring the experience of older generations younger people have been using since antiquity. Wide application game finds in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions.
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