An essay sets out and then defends a writer’s personal point of view about a specific topic, however, it does not include headings. Unlike an essay, a report discusses in great detail a specific topic in a structured, but easy to follow format. Reports are often grouped into sections with headings and subheadings.
A report might be academic, or it might be technical or even business related. Most often, it will feature specific recommendations. Reports are created to deliver facts about a project, process or a situation and will typically define and analyze a particular issue. The best reports convey or deliver educated observations to their intended audience in a very clear and concise manner.
How to Write a Report Correctly?
Prior to starting to write your report, you must invest time into planning and preparation. It is important to clearly determine who your intended audience will be. The report needs to be written with them in mind. You must tailor your writing to meet the unique needs and expectations of your audience.
As you are planning your report, consider the following to help best determine the goals or objective of your paper from the viewpoint of a report writer:
Who is your audience?
Why are you writing this report? What is its purpose?
What important or relevant information must be included in the paper?
After you’ve clearly identified the basics of the report, you should be ready to start collecting your supporting research or compiling information. After you’ve gathered that information, the next step is to sort is and carefully analyze and evaluate it. After you’ve organized your material, you can start putting together an outline. With a bit of planning, it should be easier to understand how to write a report and keep your material organized.
Busy at work, have a lot on your plate, in addition, your report is due?
Getting to Know Report Formats
Many students find that, in order to keep their report well organized and easy to understand, they should follow a standard format. The main headings and sections in a typical report include:
The Title Section: If your report is only a few pages in length, you can include all of the relevant details (like the name of the author, the date the report was prepared, etc.) on the front over. Longer reports should have a table of contents and a glossary of terms – the latter being crucial for highly specialized reports or those with a lot of technical lingo.
The Summary: This section contains the key points, conclusions and recommendations. It should be short, but still detailed enough to provide a comprehensive overview of the report. Often times, people who read the summary might only skim through the report, so it is important to remember to include all of the relevant details. It is best to wait until after you’ve concluded the entire report before writing the summary so that you don’t miss important information.
The Introduction: The very first page of your report must have a well written introduction. This is where you will clearly explain the problem and advise your audience why you are writing this particular report. You should provide a definition of terms, if you’ve not included a glossary, and then explain how the report is organized.
The Body: This is the ‘meat and potatoes’ of the report. The previous sections are to be written in basic English. Depending on the report topic, the body will be more detailed, and include technical terminology from your industry. The body needs to have several sections, each labelled with proper subheadings. Arrange the information in the body in decreasing levels of importance. You might choose to add a ‘discussion’ section as the end of the body section. This is where you will review your findings and determine their significance.
The Conclusion: This is where you will tie everything together. This section should not use technical wording or jargon, but rather be in plain English.
The Recommendations: In this section, you will share any actions that should occur. You should explain your recommendations and list them in level of importance.
The Appendices: Here is where you will place any information that subject matter experts, or leaders in the field, will read. It will house all of the technical details that can be used to support your findings or conclusions.
Following this format will not only keep your report organized, but it will also make it easier for anyone who happens to read your report to find the information that they are looking for. All of the sections, with the exception of the body, need to be written in clear English. Most importantly, all information needs to be arranged in a logical manner, with the strongest points being mentioned first.
Writing and Formatting the Report Cover Page
A certain amount of care needs to be given to create a proper title page, table of contents and abstract (or summary.)
You might choose to use a word processor or a template to design these pages for you.
Title Page
You should include a short, clear title that clearly defines what the report is about. Your title page should also include the date the report was written, and also who it is being written for.
Table of Contents
Unless your report is only a few pages in length, it is in good practice to always include a table of contents. Always number the pages, this is not optional.
Abstract (or Summary)
Include a brief, 200 word, summary of the contents in the report. This will provide readers with a quick synopsis of the information that is being reported, including what research was done, how it was done, and what the results or finding where. Writing a summary is not as easy as it sounds.
Here are three guidelines to follow:
Always write in past tense, in third person narrative
Your summary needs to make sense. Think of it as a standalone document. Researchers will typically read over an abstract before determining if it makes sense to read the report more thoroughly.
Your summary is NOT an introduction to your report. It is more than that. It needs to mention your findings and the outcome. It allows your teacher to see what you are attempting to do and what you might have accomplished.
Preparing a Report Outline
Think of a report outline as being a roadmap or blueprint for your paper. It serves the purpose of helping you to better organize your thoughts and material. Following a structured outline also makes report writing easier and more efficient.
Your outline must include:
The title page
The thesis statement
The body
Your conclusions
Your recommendations
You could also include to add supplementary pages like the table of contents, a report summary, a works cited or reference page, and a glossary of terms.
Report Examples For Your Convenience
Here are a few sample reports that you can use to get a better look into what is expected of a high quality report.
The effects of stress on business employees and programs offered by employers to manage employee stress
An example report
Flood mitigation & water storage: A change in food security in timor-leste
Report: Digital Storytelling
We associate reports with long paragraphs printed on a stack of papers, but this may not always be the case for some. Sometimes, we are asked to write a short technical report for a given matter. This type of report may be used for numerous reasons, one of which would be for quick yet informative reading.
Writing a Short Report Outline
A short report is meant to be just that, short. Although, it can be quite difficult to do so especially since there’s a lot to cover. In writing a short report, or for any free report examples for that matter, it’s best to create an outline.
To do this, you first need to identify your topic. With a topic in mind, it will be easier for you to specify the key points that need to be emphasized in the report.
Next, you have to arrange these points in a logical order.
Once this is done, identify subpoints that provide supporting details to the main point of your free outline.
Finally, review the outline you have made. This will allow you to make the necessary changes for parts that do not make much sense.
When you’re finished with your outline, you may now make the final paper.
Summary of the Short Report
When you think about a short report, it’s basically a short executive summary of a given research or topic being covered. To create a summary for the report, it’s best to take note of all the major points that are considered to be important in conveying the overall message.
Purpose of a Short Report
Short reports may be used for various purposes.
They could be used in creating a business report or even a project report. For example, a construction firm is responsible for a number of major projects in the city. To provide updates on the progress of such development, a short report is written each month. Through this, the firm may monitor current operations and address certain issues immediately.
To put it simply, a short report provides the reader with a concise but detailed narrative that proves to be significant for their understanding
How to write a short report on a topic?
When do you choose the right report topic?
What are the different parts of a report?
What should be in the body of a report?
Qanday qilib hisobot yozishni tushuntirish
Esse yozuvchining ma'lum bir mavzu bo'yicha shaxsiy nuqtai nazarini belgilaydi va keyin himoya qiladi, ammo u sarlavhalarni o'z ichiga olmaydi. Hisobot inshodan farqli o'laroq, ma'lum bir mavzuni aniq, ammo tuzilishi oson, ammo ta'qib qilinishi oson bo'lgan formatda muhokama qiladi. Hisobotlar ko'pincha sarlavhalar va pastki sarlavhalar bilan bo'limlarga birlashtiriladi.
Hisobot akademik bo'lishi mumkin, yoki texnik yoki hatto biznes bilan bog'liq bo'lishi mumkin. Ko'pincha, unda aniq tavsiyalar mavjud. Hisobotlar loyiha, jarayon yoki vaziyat to'g'risida faktlarni etkazish uchun tuziladi va odatda ma'lum bir masalani aniqlaydi va tahlil qiladi. Eng yaxshi ma'ruzalar ma'lumotli kuzatuvlarni maqsadli auditoriyaga juda aniq va aniq etkazadi yoki etkazib beradi.
Qanday qilib hisobotni to'g'ri yozish kerak?
Hisobot yozishni boshlashdan oldin, rejalashtirish va tayyorlashga vaqt sarflashingiz kerak. Sizning maqsadli auditoriyangiz kim bo'lishini aniq belgilash muhimdir. Hisobot ularni hisobga olgan holda yozilishi kerak. Siz o'z yozuvlaringizni tinglovchilarning o'ziga xos ehtiyojlari va umidlarini qondirish uchun moslashtirishingiz kerak.
Hisobotni rejalashtirayotganda, hisobot muallifi nuqtai nazaridan o'zingizning maqolangizning maqsadlari yoki maqsadlarini aniqroq aniqlashga yordam beradigan quyidagilarni ko'rib chiqing:
• Sizning tinglovchilaringiz kim?
• Nega ushbu hisobotni yozyapsiz? Uning maqsadi nima?
• Qog'ozga qanday muhim yoki tegishli ma'lumotlar kiritilishi kerak?
Hisobot asoslarini aniq belgilab qo'yganingizdan so'ng, siz o'zingizning qo'llab-quvvatlovchi tadqiqotlaringizni to'plash yoki ma'lumot to'plashni boshlashga tayyor bo'lishingiz kerak. Ushbu ma'lumotni to'plaganingizdan so'ng, keyingi qadam saralash va diqqat bilan tahlil qilish va baholashdir. O'zingizning materialingizni tartibga keltirgandan so'ng, siz reja tuzishni boshlashingiz mumkin. Bir oz rejalashtirish bilan hisobot yozishni va materialingizni tartibli saqlashni tushunish osonroq bo'lishi kerak.
Ish bilan band, sizning plastinangizda ko'p narsa bor, qo'shimcha ravishda sizning hisobotingiz keltirilganmi?
Hisobot formatlari bilan tanishish
Ko'pgina talabalar o'zlarining hisobotlarini yaxshi tartibda va oson tushunishlari uchun ular standart formatga rioya qilishlari kerak, deb hisoblashadi. Odatiy hisobotning asosiy sarlavhalari va bo'limlariga quyidagilar kiradi.
Sarlavha bo'limi: Agar sizning hisobotingiz atigi bir necha sahifadan iborat bo'lsa, unda siz barcha tegishli ma'lumotlarni (muallifning ismi, ma'ruza tayyorlangan sana va hk) qo'shishingiz mumkin. Uzunroq hisobotlarning mazmuni va atamalarning lug'atiga ega bo'lishi kerak - ikkinchisi juda ixtisoslashgan yoki juda ko'p texnik lingotga ega bo'lgan ma'ruzalar uchun juda muhimdir.
Xulosa: Ushbu bo'limda asosiy fikrlar, xulosalar va tavsiyalar mavjud. Qisqa bo'lishi kerak, ammo hisobotga keng qamrovli nuqtai nazarni taqdim etish uchun hali ham batafsil. Ko'pincha, xulosani o'qigan odamlar faqat hisobotni ko'rib chiqishlari mumkin, shuning uchun barcha tegishli ma'lumotlarni kiritishni unutmaslik kerak. Muhim ma'lumotni o'tkazib yubormaslik uchun xulosani yozishdan oldin butun hisobotni tugatgandan so'ng kutganingiz ma'qul.
Kirish: Hisobotingizning birinchi sahifasida yaxshi yozilgan kirish bo'lishi kerak. Aynan shu erda siz muammoni aniq tushuntirib berasiz va tinglovchilaringizga ushbu hisobotni nima uchun yozayotganingizni maslahat berasiz. Agar siz lug'at kiritmagan bo'lsangiz, siz atamalarning ta'rifini berishingiz va keyin hisobot qanday tuzilganligini tushuntirishingiz kerak.
Tana: bu hisobotning "go'sht va kartoshka" si. Oldingi bo'limlar asosiy ingliz tilida yozilishi kerak. Hisobot mavzusiga qarab tanasi batafsilroq bo'ladi va sizning sohangizning texnik terminologiyasini o'z ichiga oladi. Tananing bir nechta bo'limlari bo'lishi kerak, ularning har biri tegishli pastki sarlavhalar bilan etiketlangan. Tanadagi ma'lumotni ahamiyat darajasining pasayishiga qarab joylashtiring. Tananing oxiriga "munozara" bo'limini qo'shishni tanlashingiz mumkin. Bu erda siz o'zingizning topilmalaringizni ko'rib chiqasiz va ularning ahamiyatini aniqlaysiz.
Xulosa: bu erda siz hamma narsani birlashtirasiz. Ushbu bo'lim texnik so'zlar yoki jargonlardan foydalanmasligi kerak, aksincha oddiy ingliz tilida bo'lishi kerak.
Tavsiyalar: Ushbu bo'limda yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan barcha harakatlar bilan bo'lishasiz. Siz o'zingizning tavsiyalaringizni tushuntirib, ularni ahamiyat darajasida sanab o'tishingiz kerak.
Ilovalar: Bu erda siz mavzu bo'yicha mutaxassislar yoki ushbu sohadagi rahbarlar o'qiydigan ma'lumotlarni joylashtirasiz. Bu sizning xulosalaringiz yoki xulosalaringizni tasdiqlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan barcha texnik ma'lumotlarni joylashtiradi.
Ushbu formatga rioya qilish nafaqat sizning hisobotingizni tartibli ushlab turishga yordam beradi, balki sizning hisobotingizni o'qigan har bir kishiga kerakli ma'lumotlarni topishini osonlashtiradi. Tananing bundan mustasno, barcha bo'limlari aniq ingliz tilida yozilishi kerak. Eng muhimi, barcha ma'lumotlar mantiqiy tartibda joylashtirilishi kerak, birinchi navbatda eng kuchli fikrlar esga olinadi.
Hisobotning muqovali sahifasini yozish va formatlash
Tegishli sarlavha sahifasi, mazmun jadvali va referat (yoki xulosa) ni yaratish uchun ma'lum darajada g'amxo'rlik qilish kerak.
Proce so'zidan foydalanishni tanlashingiz mumkin.
Audience – eshituvchi, tomoshabin
Significant – muhim
Convenience – qulaylik
Overall – umuman olganda
Emphasize – ta’kidlamoq
Specify – belgilamoq
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