Theme:Solid forms of drugs
Rakhmonov sukhrob 111A
1. Solid Dosage forms: Capsules
2. Solid Dosage Forms: Tablets
3. Types of tablets
Solid Dosage forms: Capsules
Capsules are solid preparations in which drug substance(s) and excipients are enclosed in either a soft or hard soluble shell. The shell is normally made from gelatin or other suitable polymeric material and results in a simple, tasteless, odourless, elegant, easy-to-swallow dosage form without need for a secondary coating step.
Kapsulalar qattiq preparatlar bo'lib, unda dori moddalari (moddalari) va yordamchi moddalar yumshoq yoki qattiq eriydigan qobiqqa o'ralgan. Qobiq odatda jelatin yoki boshqa mos polimer materialdan tayyorlanadi va natijada oddiy, ta'msiz, hidsiz, oqlangan, yutish oson, ikkilamchi qoplama bosqichini talab qilmasdan olinadi.
Depending on the composition of the capsule shell, capsules may be classified as either hard or soft capsule, with soft capsules possessing a flexible, plasticized gelatin film. The shells may be composed of two pieces in the form of cylinders closed at one end; the shorter piece, called the ‘cap’ and the longer piece, called the ‘body’, or they may be composed of a single piece. The two-piece capsules and one-piece capsules are commonly referred to as hard-shell capsules and soft-shell capsules respectively.
Kapsula qobig'ining tarkibiga qarab, kapsulalar qattiq yoki yumshoq kapsulalarga bo'linishi mumkin, yumshoq kapsulalar egiluvchan, plastiklashtirilgan jelatin plyonkaga ega. Chig'anoqlar bir uchida yopilgan silindrlar shaklida ikkita bo'lakdan iborat bo'lishi mumkin; "qopqoq" deb ataladigan qisqa bo'lak va uzunroq bo'lak "tana" deb ataladi yoki ular bitta bo'lakdan iborat bo'lishi mumkin. Ikki qismli kapsulalar va bir qismli kapsulalar odatda mos ravishda qattiq qobiqli kapsulalar va yumshoq qobiqli kapsulalar deb ataladi.
The shells may be composed of two pieces in the form of cylinders closed at one end; the shorter piece, called the ‘cap’ and the longer piece, called the ‘body’, or they may be composed of a single piece. The two-piece capsules and one-piece capsules are commonly referred to as hard-shell capsules and soft-shell capsules respectively.
Chig'anoqlar bir uchida yopilgan silindrlar shaklida ikkita bo'lakdan iborat bo'lishi mumkin; "qopqoq" deb ataladigan qisqa bo'lak va uzunroq bo'lak "tana" deb ataladi yoki ular bitta bo'lakdan iborat bo'lishi mumkin. Ikki qismli kapsulalar va bir qismli kapsulalar odatda mos ravishda qattiq qobiqli kapsulalar va yumshoq qobiqli kapsulalar deb ataladi.
Solid Dosage Forms: Tablets
Tablets are solid dose pharmaceutical preparation containing drug substances usually prepared with the aid of suitable pharmaceutical excipients. They may vary in size, shape, weight, hardness, thickness, disintegration, and dissolution characteristics and in other aspects, depending on their intended use and method of manufacture.
Tabletkalar odatda tegishli farmatsevtik yordamchi moddalar yordamida tayyorlanadigan dori moddalarini o'z ichiga olgan qattiq dozali farmatsevtik preparatdir. Ular hajmi, shakli, og'irligi, qattiqligi, qalinligi, parchalanish va erish xususiyatlari va boshqa jihatlari bo'yicha, ulardan foydalanish maqsadi va ishlab chiqarish usuliga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.
It has been estimated that solid-dosage forms constitute approximately 90% of all dosage forms clinically used to provide systemic administration of therapeutic agents. The widespread use of tablets has been achieved as a result of their convenience and also the diversity of tablet types.
Qattiq dozalash shakllari terapevtik vositalarni tizimli qo'llashni ta'minlash uchun klinik qo'llaniladigan barcha dozalash shakllarining taxminan 90% ni tashkil etishi taxmin qilingan. Tabletkalarning keng qo'llanilishiga ularning qulayligi hamda planshet turlarining xilma-xilligi natijasida erishildi.
Tablets are prepared primarily by compression of granules or powder blends, with a limited number prepared by moulding. Most tablets are used in the oral administration of drugs. Many of these are prepared with colourants and coatings of various types. Other tablets, such as sublingual, buccal, or vaginal tablets, are prepared to have features most applicable to their particular route of administration.
Tabletkalar asosan granulalar yoki chang aralashmalarini siqish yo'li bilan tayyorlanadi, cheklangan miqdordagi qoliplash orqali tayyorlanadi. Ko'pgina planshetlar dorilarni og'iz orqali yuborishda qo'llaniladi. Ularning ko'pchiligi turli xil bo'yoqlar va qoplamalar bilan tayyorlanadi. Boshqa planshetlar, masalan, til osti, og'iz yoki vaginal tabletkalar o'ziga xos qo'llash yo'li uchun eng mos bo'lgan xususiyatlarga ega bo'lishi uchun tayyorlangan.
Types of tablets
a. Compressed tablets
b. Sugar-coated Tablets
c. Film-Coated Tablets
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