Buyer - a person (including an individual) or an organization (including a legal entity) who pays in cash (or otherwise; see barter) and who is the purchaser of the goods or services.
In order to protect the buyer from low-quality goods, from the seller's unfair actions on the territory of the Russian Federation, a special law is applied - the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.
Not to be confused with “consumer”, since these are not only different roles, but also often different people or subjects: for example, when a parent buys a toy for a child, the parent acts as a buyer, and the child as a consumer.
There is a saying - "The buyer is always right." This statement characterizes the relationship between the parties when concluding a sale and purchase transaction: the one who pays for the goods is the main link in the chain of sale and purchase of goods / services. But in reality the situation depends on the state of the market, its development (see elasticity).
See alsoEditPayerRecipientConsumerSellerTrade
Xaridor - naqd pulda to'lovni amalga oshiradigan (yoki boshqacha tarzda; barterga qarang) va tovar yoki xizmatlarning xaridori bo'lgan shaxs (jumladan, jismoniy shaxs) yoki tashkilot (shu jumladan yuridik shaxs).
Xaridorni past sifatli tovarlardan, sotuvchining Rossiya Federatsiyasi hududida adolatsiz harakatlaridan himoya qilish uchun maxsus qonun - "Iste'molchilar huquqlarini himoya qilish to'g'risida" gi qonun qo'llaniladi.
"Iste'molchi" bilan adashtirmaslik kerak, chunki bu nafaqat turli xil rollar, balki ko'pincha turli odamlar yoki sub'ektlardir: masalan, ota-ona bolaga o'yinchoq sotib olganda, ota-ona xaridor, bola esa o'yinchoq sifatida ishlaydi. iste'molchi.
“Xaridor doim haq” degan naql bor. Ushbu bayonot oldi-sotdi bitimini tuzishda tomonlar o'rtasidagi munosabatlarni tavsiflaydi: tovar uchun to'lovni amalga oshiruvchi tovar / xizmatlarni sotish va sotib olish zanjirining asosiy bo'g'inidir. Lekin haqiqatda vaziyat bozor holatiga, uning rivojlanishiga bog'liq (qarang elastiklik).
Shuningdek qarang: EditToʻlovchiRecipientConsumerSellerTrade
Seller is a profession, specialty, person or organization that sells something (product, service, etc.).
Saleswoman at work.
The request "Saleswoman" is redirected here. For the film, see the article Saleswoman (film).
The seller transfers the goods or services to the buyer for appropriate remuneration. This process is usually called a sale, a deal. When making a sale, it is sometimes said that a purchase and sale deal has been concluded. The second party to the transaction is the buyer (client, consumer). The seller pursues a specific goal in the transaction - making a profit. The relationship between a buyer and a seller in Russia at the legislative level is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
The seller serves the buyer in the Work Supply Department
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "seller" in the sense of "active seller" (example: telephone, direct sales) and "seller" in the sense of "dispensing goods" (example: a grocery store, household chemicals). The difference is that if an active seller is in search of a client, persuades the client to buy this particular product and in this particular company, and draws up a deal, then the seller who sells the goods just draws up the deal.
Classics, contemporaries and ideologues of active sales: Neil Reckham (Book "Big Sales"), Rudolf Schnappauf (Book "Practice of Sales"), Pazukhin Valentin (. |.) The great policeman (Book "Professional Sales", Rosan Spiro (Book "Management sales "), Teymur Kasumov (Book" Why are sales falling? How to increase sales? "), Tonny Krem (Book" Customers that matter to you ").
A seller (in the feminine gender - a saleswoman) in the narrow sense is a person who is in direct contact with buyers and who sells goods (the person providing services is not called a seller).
The table shows OKPDTR codes for sellers:
Code Control
Occupation Range
digits Code
ETKSCode by
OKZ173515 Seller of non-food products3 - 5555210173534 Seller of food products
Sotuvchi - biror narsa (mahsulot, xizmat va h.k.) sotuvchi kasb, mutaxassislik, shaxs yoki tashkilot.
Ishda sotuvchi ayol.
"Sotuvchi ayol" so'rovi bu erga yo'naltirilgan. Film uchun Sotuvchi ayol (film) maqolasiga qarang.
Sotuvchi tovar yoki xizmatlarni xaridorga tegishli haq evaziga o'tkazadi. Bu jarayon odatda sotish, bitim deb ataladi. Savdoni amalga oshirayotganda, ba'zan oldi-sotdi bitimi tuzilganligi aytiladi. Bitimning ikkinchi tomoni xaridor (mijoz, iste'molchi) hisoblanadi. Sotuvchi bitimda aniq maqsadni ko'zlaydi - foyda olish. Rossiyada xaridor va sotuvchi o'rtasidagi munosabatlar qonunchilik darajasida Rossiya Federatsiyasining "Iste'molchilar huquqlarini himoya qilish to'g'risida" gi qonuni bilan tartibga solinadi.
Sotuvchi xaridorga Ish ta'minoti bo'limida xizmat ko'rsatadi
"Faol sotuvchi" (masalan: telefon, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri savdo) ma'nosida "sotuvchi" va "tovar tarqatuvchi" (masalan: oziq-ovqat do'koni, maishiy kimyo) ma'nosida "sotuvchi" tushunchalarini farqlash kerak. . Farqi shundaki, agar faol sotuvchi mijoz izlayotgan bo‘lsa, mijozni aynan shu mahsulotni va shu kompaniyada sotib olishga ko‘ndirib, shartnoma tuzsa, tovarni sotuvchi sotuvchi shunchaki bitim tuzadi.
Klassikalar, zamondoshlar va faol savdo ideologlari: Neil Rekxem ("Katta savdo" kitobi), Rudolf Schnappauf ("Sotish amaliyoti" kitobi), Pazuxin Valentin (. |.) Buyuk politsiyachi ("Professional savdo" kitobi", Rosan Spiro ( Kitob "Menejment savdo"), Teymur Qosumov ("Kitob" Nega sotuvlar pasaymoqda? Qanday qilib savdoni oshirish mumkin? "), Tonni Krem ("Siz uchun muhim bo'lgan mijozlar" kitobi).
Kasb tahrirlash
Sotuvchi (ayol jinsida - sotuvchi) tor ma'noda xaridorlar bilan bevosita aloqada bo'lgan va tovarlarni sotuvchi shaxs (xizmat ko'rsatuvchi shaxs sotuvchi deb nomlanmaydi).
Jadvalda sotuvchilar uchun OKPDTR kodlari ko'rsatilgan:
Kod nazorati
Kasb diapazoni
raqamlar kodi
ozod qilish
ETKScode tomonidan
OKZ173515 Nooziq-ovqat mahsulotlari sotuvchisi3 - 5555210173534 Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari sotuvchisi
Types of economic marketsEditingAgricultural marketingE emerging marketEnergy marketFinancial marketCurrency marketGray marketMedia marketNiche marketOpen market, free trade economy; antonym of closed marketPrediction marketReal real estate marketExchange wholesale marketingInformation aspects of economic marketsExposure of effective market hypothesisAccounting for the marketMarket capitalizationMarketmakerMarketMarketMarketMarketMarketMarket
Types of physical marketsEditingMarketMain marketFresh food farmers' marketFish marketFood marketSwimming marketFOOD SHOPMarket areaMarket marketMarketNight marketMarket market (identification) products and other perishable products
Iqtisodiy bozorlarning turlariTahrirlashQishloq xo'jaligi marketingiRivojlanayotgan bozorEnergiya bozoriMoliyaviy bozorValyuta bozoriQulrang bozorMedia bozoriNiche bozoriOchiq bozor , erkin savdo iqtisodiyoti; bozor'Masodiy bozorlarning antonBashorat bozoriKo'chmas mulk bozoriBirja bozorlariIqtisodiy bozorlarning aspektlariTahrirlashSamarali bozor gipotezasiBozorga nisbatan buxgalteriya hisobiBozor kapitali bozor bozoriBozor iqtisodiyotiBozordagi paydo bo'lishMarketmekerBozor mikrotuzilmasiBozordagi bozorlarBozorlar bozori
Jismoniy bozorlarning turlariTahrirlashBozorBosh bozorYangi oziq-ovqatga e'tibor qaratiladigan dehqon bozoriBaliq bozoriBuyum bozoriSuzuvchi bozorOziq-ovqat DUKONIBozor maydoniBozor shahriBozorTungi bozorOmmaviy bozor (aniqlash)SouqKo'cha bozori , bir yoki bir nechta jamoat ko'chalari, bir yoki bir nechta jamoat ko'chalari bo'ylab, rastalab savdolari, savdo maydonchalari. mahsulot va boshqa tez buziladigan mahsulotlarga nam bozor
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