Bir yilda 4fasl bor:bahor,yoz,kuz,Amerikaliklar boshqa nom bilan ham ytishadi,va qish.
Qish oylari:Dekabr,Yanvar,Fevral.Qish havosi bizning o`lkada anchagina farq qiladi.Shimolda uda sovuq,Janubda iliq.
Bahor yilning eng yoqimli fasli.Hamma shahar chetiga borishni va aoyib fasldan bahra olishni hohlaydi.Bahor 3oy bo`lib:Mart,Aprel va May.
Yoz har hil ochiq havodagi sport turlari uchun eng zo`r fasl.Ko`p odamlar Yozning Iyun,Iyul,Avgust oylarida sayohatlar o`tkizadilar.
Kuz juda go`zal fasl.Ko`p odamlar hammasidan ham eng ko`p kuzni yoqtiradilar.Sentyabrda daraxtdagi barglar sariq va qizil bo`ladi.Oktyabr ohiriga borib,ko`p yomg`ir yog`adi,Noyabrda havo ancha soviydi va Dekabrda Qish keladi.
My village
My name is Bobur l am from kokand. Kokand is famous for its windy climate. Now, l live in fergana city. L usually go to my village on holidays and when l fell tired. The weather of my village is rather cold than fergana’s. In the spring the nature dresses in green nad when l come in spring it is always windy. In summer, the sun shines from dusk till down but seldom it is windy in the afternoon. Despite the the wind we go swimmimg everyday.l think autmn is the most beautiful season of the year becouse trees fall their leaves and everywhere is covered in yellow. Because of the wind the winter is rather cold than other regions of Uzbekistan. And unfortunately th wind takes the snow with itsels. So l prefer to stay in the city during winter
1. What is the weather like?
-the weather is cold but the sun is shining
2. What do we listen to on the radio when we want to know what the weather is going to be like?
- if we want to know what is the weather is going to be like we listen the weather forecast
3. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
-it is said that, the weather is going to be warm tomorrow
4. Do you listen to the weather report on TV or the wireless?
- usually l read the weather forecast on the internet
5. Is the weather hot or cold in winter in your district?
-because of the wind winter is cold in my district
6. Will you describe what the weather is like today?
- in the morning the weather was rather cold but during the day it gets quite warm. l think in the evening it is going to be cold again
7. What do we see in the sky during a thunderstorm before thunder?
-before a thunderstorm we see dark clouds in the sky
8. What happens to the rivers when it is frosty?
- the rivers get freeze when the weather is frosty
9. Are you fond of frosty weather?
- l don’t like cold weather, l feel good myself when it is warm
10. What is your favourite season?
-myfavourite season is spring. Becaouse it has amazing scenery .
11. What do we call the weather when the sun shines brightly (the wind blows, there is frost, there is fog, there are clouds in the sky, it rains?
-the sun shines- it is shiny
- the wind blows-it is windy
- there is frost- it is frosty
- there is fog – it is foggy
-there are clouds – it is cloudy
- it rains – it is rainy
12. What is spring (summer, autumn, winter)in Uzbekistan characterized by?.
-The spring is warm and trees wake up. Everywhere is covered in green
- the spring is hot and the sun shines everyday. Childeren go swimming
- the autmn is warm and people go to fields to hervest. Everywhere is covered in yellow
- the winter is cold and kids play snowball.
1. where do you live amd can you describe the climate of your region?
2. which season do you like most ? why?
3. can you explain the resons of the climate of your district?
4. do you plan your day according to the weather forecast?
5. does it affect to yor mood when it is raining or windy?
6. do you have friends who like rain or snow?
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