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  1. What does phonetics study?

It studies…

      1. meaningful units of a language.

      2. articulatory acoustic features of a language.

      3. human ability to speak.

      4. grammatical structure of a language.


  1. What is phonetics connected with?

It is connected with…

      1. economics and business.

      2. sports.

      3. physics, biology, and other branches of linguistics.

      4. philosophy.


  1. How is phonetics connected with physics?

      1. Speech sound are spread into air in the form of sound waves.

      2. Speech sounds consist of smallest atoms.

      3. They make up electricity.

      4. Speech sound are not connected with physics. *A

  1. How is phonetics connected with biology? A) Phonetics forms the human body.

      1. Phonetics consists of organs of speech.

      2. Phonetics is not connected with biology.

      3. Phonetics is connected with biology, because speech sounds are formed with the help of organs of speech. *D

  1. What branches of phonetics do you know?

      1. Special, descriptive and historical phonetics, general phonetics and comparative phonetics.

      2. Active and passive phonetics.

      3. Linguistic and non – linguistic phonetics.

      4. Prosodic and non – prosodic phonetics.


  1. What are the methods of phonetic investigation? A) Psychological and pedagogical methods.

    1. Medical and biological methods.

    2. Direct observation method, linguistic method and experimental method.

    3. Physical and biological methods.


  1. What is the difference between phonetics and phonology?

  1. Phonetics study medicine and phonology studies the human body.

  2. Phonetics studies the articulation and classification of speech sounds, while phonology studies the distinctive function of speech sounds.

  3. Phonetics studies only vowels and phonology studies only consonants of a language.

  4. Phonetics and phonology mean one and the same thing. *B

  1. Who was the founder of the phoneme theory in linguistics?

    1. I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay

    2. L.V. Sherba

    3. N.S. Trubetskoy

    4. D. Jones


  1. What is the main difference of Leningrad and Moscow phonological Schools?

    1. Representatives of Leningrad and Moscow phonological schools are of the same opinion on the phoneme.

    2. Representatives of Leningrad phonological school emphasised. the distinctive function of the phoneme and the importance of the variants of the phoneme, while representatives of Moscow phonological school based the definition of a phoneme on the concept of the morpheme.

    3. Representatives of Leningrad phonological school distinguish phonological and non – phonological oppositions, while representatives of Moscow phonological school distinguish only phonological opposition.

    4. Representative of both schools don‘t consider phonological role of the phoneme. *B

  2. Who is the founder of the Prague phonological school?

  1. L.V. Shcherba

  2. A.A Reformatsky

  3. L.R. Zinder

  4. N.S. Trubetskoy


  1. What did N.S Trubetskoy discuss in his book ―Principles of Phonology‖? A) Classification of vowels.

    1. Classification of consonants.

    2. The relation of phonology to other studies; The nature of phonemes and their variants;

The classification of phonological oppositions. D) Non – phonemic elements of a language.


  1. What do you understand by literary and local type of pronunciation?

    1. Literary type of pronunciation is used by a small group of people while the local type of pronunciation by the majority of population.

    2. Literary language has its own lexical, grammatical, orthographic and pronunciation or phonematic norms. Local types or dialects are linguistic varieties of the language by some group of speech community only on the oral or spoken form.

    3. The use of literary language is limited but the use of local type of pronunciation is not limited.

    4. Literary and local type of pronunciation do not differ absolutely. *B

  1. What regional types of pronunciation exist in Great Britain?

      1. General American pronunciation, Northern English pronunciation, Scottish pronunciation, Irish pronunciation.

      2. Canadian pronunciation, General American pronunciation, Southern English pronunciation, Irish pronunciation.

      3. Southern English pronunciation, Northern English pronunciation, Scottish pronunciation, Irish pronunciation.

      4. South African pronunciation, South English pronunciation, Northern English pronunciation, Scottish pronunciation.


  1. What are the main differences in the consonant system of AE?

      1. / r / is pronounced in all cases; words with ―wh‖ are pronounced as / hw /, glottal stop [?] is used as an allophone of the medial / t / phoneme in the words: butter / ‗bʌ?ə /, letter

/ l e?ə/

      1. / r / is not pronounced in all cases; / hw / and / w / are not differentiated glottal stop / ? / is used in all cases.

      2. / r / is pronounced in all cases; /hw/ is pronounced instead of /w/; glottal stop /?/ is not used in AE.

      3. /r/ is not pronounced at the end of a word; /hw/ is not pronounced in AE glottal stop /?/ is used in word final positions.


  1. What are the vowel differences in AE?

      1. Length is not phonemic in AE /æ/ is used instead of /a:/. The number of vowels is less than in BE; /u/ is used instead of /ju:/

      2. All vowels in AE are long; /æ/ is used only in restricted cases; the number of vowels is more than in BE; /ju:/ is used in all cases.

      3. All vowels are short in AE; there are 8 diphthongs in AE too; /æ/ is used instead of / a:/; /ju:/ is used instead of /u/

      4. Length is phonemic in AE; / æ /is used instead of /a:/; /u:/is used instead of /ju:/; the number of vowels is about 14.


  1. What are the principles of consonant classification?

      1. According to the horizontal movement of the tongue; According to the vertical movement of the tongue.

      2. According to the place of articulation; According to the lips.

      3. According to the place of articulation; According to the length.

According to the manner of production; According to the position of the soft palate.

      1. According to the place of articulation; According to the manner of production; According to the presence or absence of voice; According to the position of the soft palate.

      2. According to the stability of articulation; According to the place of articulation; According to the manner of production; According to the position of the lips.


  1. What are the principles of vowel classification?

      1. According to the place of articulation; According to the position of the soft palate; According to the horizontal movement of the tongue.

      2. According to the horizontal movement of the tongue; according to the vertical movement of the tongue; According to the position of the lips; According to the stability of articulation; According to the length.

      3. According to the place of articulation; According to the manner of articulation; According to the horizontal movement of the tongue; According to the vertical movement of the tongue.

      4. According to the position of the soft palate; According to the horizontal movement of the tongue; According to the vertical movement of the tongue; According to the position of the lips.


  1. What types of assimilation do you know?

      1. Historical and living; progressive and regressive; complete and partial.

      2. Special and descriptive; progressive and regressive; comparative and universal. G) Historical and living; special and descriptive; comparative and universal

H) Historic and synchronic.


  1. What is the classification of vowels according to the horizontal movement of the tongue? A) Front, open, mixed, back.

      1. Close, open, front, mixed

      2. Front, front – retracted, mixed, back- advanced, back.

      3. mid- open, mixed, front, back.


  1. What is the classification of vowels according to the vertical movement of the tongue? A) Close, mid- open, open.

      1. Close, half- close, half- open, open.

      2. Front, mid- open, back.

      3. Front, back, open.


  1. What is the classification of vowels according to the position of the lips? A) Rounded, half- rounded, unrounded.

      1. Rounded, unrounded.

      2. Diphthongized, non- diphthongized.

      3. Long and short.


  1. What is the classification of vowels according to the length? A) Very long, long, short.

      1. Very long, very short.

      2. Long, short.

      3. Long, very long, short, very short.


  1. What is the classification of vowels according to the stability of articulation?

      1. monophthongs, diphthongs, triphthongs

      2. long vowels, open vowel, diphthongs

      3. short vowels, close vowels, monophthongs

      4. monophthongs and diphthongs


  1. What is the classification of consonants according to the articulating organ?

      1. Labial consonants, lingual consonants, verbal consonants, uvular consonants.

      2. Nasal consonants, dental consonants, alveolar consonants.

      3. Voiced consonants, labial consonants, nasal consonants.

      4. Velar consonants, uvular consonants, lingual consonants, nasal consonants. *A

  1. Classification of consonants according to the work of the vocal cords?

      1. voiced, half – voiced, voiceless

      2. voiced and voiceless

      3. super voiced, voiced, voiceless

      4. voiced, slightly voiced, voiceless


  1. What syllable theories do you know?

    1. Vowel type theory, Consonant formation theory, gesture theory.

    2. Open syllable theory, close syllable theory, diphthong theory.

    3. Articulatory theory, acoustic theory, Perceptual theory.

    4. Chest pulse theory, relative sonority theory, 3 types o consonants theory. *D

  1. Give examples for initially strong consonants.

    1. may, tea, new

    2. penknife, midday, what time

    3. it, us, add

    4. I, or, are


  1. Give examples for finally strong consonants.

    1. ill, eat, at

    2. may, tea, new

    3. is, end, add

    4. all, aim, idle


  1. Where do geminate or double consonants occur? They occur…

    1. at the boundary juncture of 2 words or morphemes

    2. at the beginning of a syllable

    3. at the end of a syllable

    4. in all cases


  1. In what cases do we have historical assimilation?

    1. In all cases

    2. In vowel interchange

    3. In open syllables

    4. In borrowed words


  1. How do you explain progressive assimilation?

    1. When the previous sound influences the following sound.

    2. When following sound influences the previous sound.

    3. When there are vowels at the end of a word.

    4. When words are not stressed. *A

  2. What is a complete assimilation?

    1. When one sentence influences the second.

    2. When one sound influences the neighbouring sound and makes it similar to itself.

    3. When we classify vowels.

    4. When we stress the words.


  1. What is intrusive ―r‖?

        1. It is the synonym of linking ―r‖.

        2. It is mispronunciation of ―r‖.

        3. It is the pronunciation of ―r‖ in all cases.

        4. It is the pronunciation of ―r‖ in cases when there is no letter ―r‖.


  1. What does the Phonostylistics study?

        1. It studies the stylistic function of speech sounds.

        2. It studies grammatical function of speech sounds.

        3. It studies the vocabulary of a language.

        4. It studies idioms of a language.


  1. What is a phonetic synonym?

        1. It is a grammatical phenomenon.

        2. It is a lexical phenomenon.

        3. It is a different pronunciation of one and the same word.

        4. It is a phonetic mistake.


  1. What is the definition of the syllable?

        1. It is the largest unit, consisting of several words.

        2. It is the smallest sound in the language.

        3. It is the smallest pronouncing unit.

        4. It is a combination of several sentences.


1. What are the types of syllable?

        1. covered, half closed, open, uncovered

        2. open, closed, covered, half covered

        3. fully open, fully closed, initially not covered, finally covered

        4. fully open, fully closed, initially covered, finally covered *D

2. What is the universial and the most spread type of syllable for English?

        1. V – fully open syllable

        2. CVC – Fully closed syllable

        3. CV – Initial covered syllable

        4. VC – finally covered syllable


3. What is the syllable boundary in the following words?

        1. bo – ttle, rhy – thm, ci – ty

        2. bott – le, rhyth – m, cit – y

        3. bottl – e ,rh – ythm, c – ity

        4. b – ottle, r – hythm, c – it – y


4. What is the syllable boundary in the following words?

        1. ri – fle, gar – den, sea – son

        2. rif – le , gard – en , seas – on

        3. r – ifle , g – arden , s – eason

        4. rifl – e, garde – n , seaso – n *A

5. Where is the syllable boundary?

    1. miss – pell, on – enight, att – en

    2. mi – sspell, o – nenight, a – tten

    3. mis – spell, one – night, at – ten

    4. missp – ell, onen – ight, att – en *C

6. What is stress?

  1. It is the fall of the voice.

  2. It is the rise of the voice.

  3. It is the longest pronunciation of a syllable.

  4. It is the prominence of one syllable than others. *D

7. How do you define the English stress?

  1. It is a musical stress.

  2. It is a dynamic stress.

  3. It is a quantitative stress.

  4. It is a qualitative stress. *B

8. What is the place of stress in English? A) It is fixed.

  1. It is half – fixed.

  2. It is free.

  3. It is not free.


9. How many degrees does English stress have?

  1. Only one degree

  2. Only two degrees

  3. Three degrees

  4. Four degrees


10. What does morphological of word stress mean?

  1. Some parts of speech are stressed.

  2. Some suffixes are stressed.

  3. All the words are stressed.

  4. Some syllables are not stressed. *B

11. What functions has word stress?

  1. morphological function, syntactical function, constitutive function

  2. constitutive function, distinctive function, recognative function

  3. stylistic function, distinctive function, recognative function

  4. psychological function, constitutive function, stylistic function, *B

12. Who gives narrow definition of intonation?

  1. Uzbek linguists

  2. Russian linguists

  3. British linguists

  4. Japanese linguists *C

13. What is the definition of intonation according to the narrow definition of intonation? I) It is the stress of one word of a sentence.

  1. It is the longer pronunciation of a stressed syllable.

  2. It is the fall or rise of the voice in speech.

  3. It is pronunciation of the sentence with level tone.


14. Who gives broad definition to intonation?

  1. British linguists

  2. American linguists

  3. European linguists

  4. Russian and Uzbek linguists


15. Define intonation according to the broad definition

  1. It is a complex unity of speech melody, sentence stress, tempo, rhythm, pausation and voice – tamber.

  2. It is a unity of speech melody and sentence stress.

  3. It is the pausation of utterance.

  4. It is the voice – tamber. *A

16. What functions does intonation carry out?

  1. Constitutive, delimitative, distinctive and recognitive functions.

  2. Constitutive and recognitive functions.

  3. Syntactical and lexical functions.

  4. It has no functions. *A

17. What is a constitutive function of intonation? I) It distinguishes different types of sentences.

  1. It expresses characteristic features of a sentence.

  2. It constitutes different grammatical structures. L) It doesn‘t mean anything. *C

18. What is distinctive function of intonation?

  1. It distinguishes certain words in a sentence.

  2. It distinguishes communicative types of sentences.

  3. It distinguish grammatical structures of a sentence. L) It doesn‘t distinguish anything.


19. What does emphatic intonation mean?

  1. It expresses positive and negative emotions and feelings.

  2. It expresses only emphasis for contrast.

  3. It expresses only emphasis for intensity.

  4. It doesn‘t express anything.


20. How many tones does R.Kingdon distinguish?

  1. 2 tones

  2. 3 tones

  3. 4 tones L) 6 tones *D

21. What are the 6 tones of R.Kingdon?

  1. falling tone, rising tone, falling – rising tone, rising – falling tone, rising – falling – rising tone, falling – rising – falling tone

  2. low – falling tone, high – falling tone, low – rising tone, high – rising tone, falling – rising tone, rising – falling tone

  3. high rising tone, low rising tone, falling – rising tone, rising – falling tone, rising – falling

– rising tone, level tone

  1. low falling tone, mid – falling tone, high falling tone, low rising tone, mid – rising tone, high – rising tone


22. What types of sentence stress do you know?

  1. Syntactic stress, logical stress, emphatic stress.

  2. Rhythmic stress, ordinary stress, emphatic stress.

  3. Weak stress, strong stress, extra strong stress.

  4. No kind of stress. *A

23. What are the 5 intonational styles of communication?

  1. Lecture style, conversational style, informational style, publicistic style, declamatory style.

  2. Informational style, academic style, local style, conversational style, syntactic style.

  3. Informational style, academic style, publicistic style, declamatory style, conversational style.

  4. No styles at all. *C

24. What is elision?

  1. It is the same as assimilation.

  2. It is the reduction of unstressed syllables.

  3. It is the lengthening of vowels.

  4. It is the omission of some sounds in words.


25. How is phonetics connected with grammar?

  1. Grammatical forms have nothing with phonetics.

  2. Plural and tense forms are formulated by sound interchange.

  3. Phonetics and grammar cannot be separated.

  4. Phonetics is not connected with grammar.


26. How is phonetics connected with lexicology? A) Lexicology studies speech sounds.

  1. Lexicology studies the grammatical structure of a language.

  2. All words consists of speech sounds.

  3. Phonetics is not connected with lexicology.


27. How can communicative types of sentences be determined?

  1. By motor theory of R.Stetson

  2. By changing the place of stress

  3. By using different words

  4. By intonation


28. What does general phonetics study? It studies… A) classification of speech organs.

  1. the phonetics structure of many languages.

  2. the vocabulary of a language.

  3. types of sentences.


29. What does special phonetics study? It studies… A) tenses of one language.

  1. speech organs of many people.

  2. phonetic structure of one language only.

  3. idioms of the language.


30. What does the descriptive phonetics study? It studies… A) grammatical structure ob many languages.

  1. grammatical structure of one language only.

  2. synonyms of a language.

  3. the phonetic structure of language of the present time.


    1. What does historical phonetics study? It studies… A) lexical structure of language.

    1. phonetic structure of a language in its historical development.

    2. the phonemes of English of the present time.

    3. the modal verbs of a language.


    1. What are 3 important modes of direct observation method?

    1. by ear, by sight, by muscular sensation

    2. by vowels, by consonants, by intonation

    3. by articles, by prepositions, by linking ―r‖

    4. by articulation, by obstruction, by muscular tension


    1. What does the linguistics method use to describe the language? It uses … A) the linguistic knowledge.

    1. the grammatical knowledge.

    2. the mathematic knowledge.

    3. the psychological knowledge.


Final test on theoretical Phonetics of English for the 3th year students of academic year 2020-2021

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