Вақт: 4 соат.
Length: 4 hours
Талабалар сони:
Number of students:
Ўқув машғулотининг шакли ва тури
Type of the lesson
The theme of the lesson: Principles types of English
Pronunciation (American based pronunciation)
Семинар режаси ўқув машғулотининг тузилиши Procedure/ Lesson outline
American English Pronunciation
Canadian English Pronunciation
Australian English Pronunciation
New Zealand English Pronunciation
The South African English Pronunciation
Ўқув машғулотининг мақсади:
Lesson aims: to improve learner‘s skills about nine principle types of English pronunciation and its main features, dialects, variants and the orthoepic norm of the English pronunciation
Педагогик вазифалар: