#36(123), 2021 /
and emergence of 2009 of the ISO 31000: 2009 stand-
ard "Risk management - Principles and guidelines on
implementation" [4, p. 69]. Subsequently, the revised
ISO 31000: 2018 standard was adopted as a national
standard by more than 50 national standards bodies,
covering more than 70% of the world's population. In
Ukraine, a corresponding analogue of DSTU ISO
31000: 2018 “Risk Management. Principles and In-
struction” [5]. According to its provisions, the concepts
of "risk management" and "managing risk" are clearly
delineated. In particular, risk management is defined as
a component of the overall management culture of an
organization, based on a risk-based approach (i.e., risk
management at the institutional level); risk manage-
ment − coordinated actions to manage the organization
in relation to risks (i.e., risk management at the opera-
tional level) [5].
Risk assessment according to ISO 31000: 2018
consists of three stages:
identification, analysis, direct
assessment. The risk assessment process should be sys-
tematic. The stage of risk analysis is associated with the
study of each type of risk, its consequences and the
probabilities of these consequences. After risk assess-
ment, a decision is made to determine the level of risk
and, according to pre-established criteria, priority risks
are determined.
As a result of the analysis of the main provisions
of the documents under consideration, it can be con-
cluded that the general signs of risk determination are
the likelihood of an event occurring, which will have
both a negative and a positive impact on the institution's
ability to achieve certain goals (mission), strategic and
other goals of activity. At the same time, important
signs of corruption risk are that they always have the
likelihood of committing a corruption offense and the
occurrence of extremely negative consequences for the
purposes of the institution's activities.
At the same time, the study of the methodology for
assessing corruption risks indicates that the provisions
of international risk management
standards have not
found their proper expression in the national legal reg-
ulation. In particular, the current legal framework al-
most does not operate with the terminology of the rele-
vant standards, in particular, the concepts of "risk man-
agement", "risk management", etc. are not fixed.
Therefore, based on the provisions of the above stand-
ards and aiming to improve the current national regula-
tory framework for assessing corruption risks, we con-
sider it appropriate to:
1) improve the system of public administration
measures by introducing and disclosing the content of
the concepts of "risk management" and "corruption risk
management" at the normative level, which is fully
consistent with international practice and is an im-
portant component of the further development of an ef-
fective anti-corruption strategy in Ukraine, the adop-
tion of which,
among other things, has been delayed
since 2017. To do this, it is necessary to take into ac-
count the provisions of the ISO 31000: 2018 standard,
which clearly distinguishes between the concepts of
"risk management" and "managing risk";
2) guided by the provisions of the ISO 31000:
2018 standard, improve the methodology for assessing
corruption risks in terms of optimizing the corruption
risk management process, which should include the fol-
measures; identification (detection) of corruption risks;
assessment of corruption risks; determination of
measures to respond to corruption risks; monitoring
and periodic viewing. As a result, the Corruption Risk
Assessment Methodology requires improvement by
supplementing it with separate sections: "Determina-
tion of measures to respond to corruption risks", "Mon-
itoring and periodic review of corruption risks";
3) in order to ensure a unified approach and a clear
understanding of the legal basis for assessing corrup-
tion risks, supplement the
Methodology for assessing
corruption risks with the following principles: 3.1) le-
gality − the process of determining corruption risks
must comply with the provisions of legislative acts and
the Methodology for assessing corruption risks; 3.2)
analysis and study − the need for a systematic assess-
ment of corruption risks, revision and adjustment of in-
ternal policies and procedures for their identification
and elimination; 3.3) objectivity − the identified cor-
ruption risks should relate to events of a corruption of-
fense or an offense related to corruption that negatively
affect the achievement of certain goals and objectives
by the government; 3.4) dynamism − risks can arise,
change or disappear as the external and internal envi-
ronment of the authority changes. Accordingly, the risk
management system should promptly and properly pre-
dict, identify, confirm and respond to relevant changes
and events; 3.5) continuous
improvement - the risk
management process is constantly being improved
through training and learning from positive experience;
3.6) responsibility - awareness of the importance of de-
cisions and measures taken to eliminate corruption
risks; 3.7) effectiveness − an objective assessment of
possible corruption risks, taking the necessary
measures within the powers of the authorized unit (au-
thorized person) and the head of the institution;
4) to reconsider the classification of “private inter-
est of officials” as corruption risk factors in the under-
standing of Аpplication 2 to the Methodological Rec-
ommendations for the preparation of anti-corruption
programs of authorities approved by the decision of the
National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption
dated January 19, 2017 № 31 [6]. Accordingly, refer-
ring to private interest as a corruption factor in no way
ensures the allocation of specific tools for influencing
corruption risks caused by such a factor.
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