City Medical Unions. As of
completion 2018. As of
TA (FY12).
Completion and Learning Review
under 10-month GP
Baseline: 670 doctors
Target: 3000 by 2018.
Health personnel at PHCs
receiving training under
continuous professional
Baseline: 0.
Target: 9,400 doctors and
85,500 nurses by 2018
2,000 planned) doctors
received the training under
the 10-month GP program.
Partially Achieved:
Activities are in progress
and targeted for completion
2018. As of end-2015:
7,756 doctors and 21,557
nurses have received
training under continuous
professional education.
Increased household
access to sanitation
services in project areas
of Bukhara and
Baseline: 0.
Target: 6,000.
Achieved: Cumulative
number of household
connected to public sewer
system: 3,500 in Bukhara
and 11,000 in Samarkand
Lending: Bukhara and
Samarkand Sewerage
Project – 08/04/2009 –
12/31/2015 (MS/MS)
Additional Financing
for BSSP – 05/29/2015
– 12/31/2019.
Syrdarya Water
Supply Project –
03/01/2011 –
12/31/2017 (MS/MU).
Alat and Karakul
Water Supply Project
– 12/13/2012 –
12/31/2017 (MU/MU).
Social Impact Analysis
of WSS services
(Regional activity) –
underway, FY15.
Analysis of Water
Supply & Sewerage
Services in Central
Asia – underway,
Institutional capacity
should be taken into
account while designing
arrangements. Multi-layer
arrangements add
inefficiency and
ineffectiveness to
communication and project
implementation, as a
whole. Simple
implementation schemes
should be considered at the
preparation stage.
Completion and Learning Review
National Priorities: increase efficiency of public financial management.
Issues and Obstacles: limited access to economic & financial information, and accounting and reporting do not
sufficiently ensure transparency of financial information; legal & institutional framework for internal and external
audit below international benchmarks.
Improved framework for
transparency and
management of public
finances, as seen through:
Development and
adoption of Public
Procurement Strategy and
Public Procurement Law.
framework for internal
control and audit of the
Ministry of Finance.
Partially Achieved: Public
Procurement Strategy is
being finalized and under
discussion with the
Government. Draft Public
Procurement Law is at the
final stage of preparation in
close collaboration with the
Partially Achieved: PEFA
report was completed in
FY13 and shared with the
Government, but never
disseminated. Software for
Risk Based tax audits of
Unified Single Taxpayers
has been developed jointly
with the IFC and State Tax
Committee It has been
piloted in three districts of
Tashkent city.
Completed the Country
Strategy and Action Plan
for Enhancing Financial
Reporting in the Banking
Sector in Uzbekistan by the
Centre for Financial
Reporting Reform (CFFR).
In 2014 the Government
adopted a resolution
requiring all drafts of
regulatory acts to be
discussed with public
through E-Gov web-site
Since 2013 IFC has
provided advisory services
to the State Tax Committee
of Uzbekistan (the STC) on
development and
ECA PFM Grant –
Improving the Public
Outcomes TA -
ongoing; FY16.
PEFA Assessment -
Enhancing Financial
Reporting and
Auditing in the
Banking System
(FIRST TA) - FY13.
Regulatory and
Framework (FIRST
TA) - FY13.
Accelerating ICT
Adoption and Support
for Implementation of
the e-Government
Development Master
Plan (Korean TA) -
IFC AS: Central Asia
Tax project.
Maintaining and improving
collaboration with other
donors in this area, i.e. with
UNDP, to render support as
Mobilization of TF to
support the requested (by
Government) for TA took a
Bank should invest more in
preparation of economic
governance projects and
understand better the
capacity challenges. The
client's readiness for major
reforms, understanding of
the implications and
absorption capacity were
lower compared to initial
Corporate financial
reporting should remain a
priority for the next CPS. It
is relevant for corporate
sector development,
including transparency and
Governance of SOEs and
banks. Some distinct
activities could be designed
to support implementation
of the strategy developed
under previous engagement
and based on policy
recommendations of 2008
Completion and Learning Review
implementation of Risk
Based Audit System (RBA)
to select risky taxpayers for
inspection. During 2013-
2014 RBA system module
for risk assessment of
taxpayers in simplified tax
regime was developed,
piloted and implemented,
while module for risk
assessment of taxpayers in
general tax regime is in the
process of development.
The STC uses RBA system
to detect risks of tax
underreporting or fraud to
focus inspectors’ attention
on the riskiest taxpayers.
The introduction of RBA
system will help the STC to
improve potentially
performance of tax audit as
well collection of budget
revenue and reduce
compliance burden on
compliant businesses,
including majority of SMEs