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Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School
Relationship to Growth, Development, and Health
efficacious (Council
on Sports Medicine Fitness, 2008),
as long as load
(~10-15 repetitions maximum) and duration (~8-20 weeks) are adequate.
As in adults, training adaptations in youth are specific to the muscle action
or muscle groups that are trained, and gains are transient if training is not
maintained (Faigenbaum et al., 2009).
Youth resistance training, as with most physical activities, does carry
some degree of risk of musculoskeletal injury, yet
the risk is no greater than
that associated with other sports and activities in which children and ado-
lescents participate (Council on Sports Medicine Fitness, 2008; Faigenbaum
et al., 2009) as long as age-appropriate training guidelines are followed.
A traditional area of concern has been the potential for training-induced
damage to growth cartilage, which could result in growth disturbances.
However, a recent review found no reports of injury to growth cartilage
in any prospective study of resistance training in youth and no evidence
to suggest that resistance training negatively impacts growth and matura-
tion during childhood and adolescence (Faigenbaum et al., 2009).
typically occur in unsupervised settings and when inappropriate loads and
progressions are imposed.
In addition to the obvious goal of gaining strength, resistance training
may be undertaken to improve sports performance and prevent injuries,
rehabilitate injuries, and enhance health. Appropriately supervised pro-
grams emphasizing strengthening of trunk muscles in children theoretically
benefit sport-specific skill acquisition and postural control, although these
benefits are difficult to study and thus are supported
by little empirical
evidence (Council on Sports Medicine Fitness, 2008). Similarly, results are
inconsistent regarding the translation of increased strength to enhanced
athletic performance in youth. Limited evidence suggests that strength-
training programs that address common overuse injuries may help reduce
injuries in adolescents, but whether the same is true in preadolescents is
unclear (Council on Sports Medicine Fitness, 2008). Increasing evidence
suggests that strength training, like other forms of physical activity, has
a beneficial effect on measurable health indices in youth, such as cardio-
vascular fitness, body composition, blood lipid profiles and insulin sensi-
tivity (Faigenbaum, 2007; Benson et al., 2008), bone mineral density and
bone geometry (Morris et al., 1997; MacKelvie et al., 2004),
and mental
health (Holloway et al., 1988; Faigenbaum et al., 1997; Annesi et al., 2005;
Faigenbaum, 2007). Some work has shown that muscle fitness, reflected in
a composite index combining measures of muscle strength and endurance,
and cardiorespiratory fitness are independently and negatively associated
with clustered metabolic risk (Steene-Johannessen et al., 2009). Moreover,
children with low muscle strength may be at increased risk of fracture with
exercise (Clark et al., 2011). Finally, muscle hypertrophy, which adds to
fat-free mass, contributes to resting metabolic rate and therefore total daily