Innovatsion yondashuvlar asosida milliy ta’lim tizimini takomillashtirish
bo‘lib voyaga yetishlari uchun muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Mustaqil davlatimizda ta’lim
tizimini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish, millatning taqdiri va istiqbolini ta’minlash kabi
jiddiy muammolarni hal qilishning ilmiy asoslari va amaliy yo‘llarini yaratishda buyuk
ajdodlarimizning ibratli ishlari va ta’limotlarini hayotimizga tatbiq etish maqsadga
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar
1. Sh.Mirziyoyev. “O‘qituvchi va murabbiylar kuniga bag‘ishlangan tantanali marosimdagi
nutqi”. T.: Ma’rifat gazetasi, 2020 – yil 1-oktyabr № 37- son.
2. “Uzluksiz ma’naviy tarbiya konsepsiyasini tasdiqlash va uni amalga oshirish chora-
tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”. Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2019 - yil 31- dekabrdagi 1059 – sonli
3. Ishmuhammedov R. “Ta’limda innovatsiya”. T. “Fan texnologiyalar”, 2010.
Kota Yoshi Fuji, Hokkaido State University, MBA
A number of different parties in Japan have been discussing higher educational
reform for over thirty years. This paper looks at the present higher education reform
movement and its history extending back approximately thirty years.
Japan, higher education, internationalization, university, college, school,
The Japanese higher education system can be distinguished as an example of
diversified mass higher education in a highly industrialized country. Higher education
system consists of various categories and types of institutions that are different in their
missions, functions, academic standards, prestige, status, and financing methods. After
World War II, especially from the 1960s to the 1980s, the increase in higher education
institutions was very striking. The number of students going on to universities or junior
colleges also increased. In 1955, the percentage going on to higher education was a mere
10.1% of the age cohort (15.0% of boys, 5.0% of girls). By 1960, the figure had reached
10.3%, having hardly changed at all and showing that entry to higher education was still
tinged with a select elitism.
The government concentrated its investment in the expansion of natural sciences and
engineering programs at national universities and made efforts to develop graduate and
research programs at a certain number of national universities. At the same time, the
government deregulated the procedure for establishing private universities to meet the
growing demands for higher education. Thus, quantitative expansion of higher education
was mainly entrusted to the initiative of private sector without any financial support from
the government. In 1962, junior colleges which had been originally regarded as a temporary
measure, were recognized as a permanent part of the higher education system. The junior
colleges developed as general and specialized education courses mainly for female students.
In the same year, the colleges of technology were created as a new type of institution. The
colleges of technology admitted students from among those completing lower secondary
schools and provided them with a five-year semi-professional education focusing
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