#1My favorite movie
usually I don’t watch many movies. I have seen 2 movies in the last two months. these are Leon and Angel A.
now briefly about the leon movie. the leading roles were played by Jean Reno and Natalie Portman. Leon is a mercenary killer. he helps a 12-year-old matilda whose family was killed by drug lords. teaches him his profession. leon and matil fight the drug lords and eventually leon kills all the criminals and dies himself. what I liked most about this movie was the seriousness of the leon and the cheerfulness of the matilda. While the adult courage of a 12-year-old matilda amazed me, I was troubled by evil people willing to do anything for money. so a psychologically good movie
#2 How many people text you every day
I usually receive 2-3 messages a day from social media about work. since I mainly use twitter, I get a lot of messages from my friends on the network. I express my opinion on various topics with them. That is why I am active in audio chats on twitter. yes by the way I get the most messages from my mom because she is a very kind person.
odatda ish yuzasidan menga ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan kuniga 2-3ta xabar keladi. men asosan twitterdan foydalganim uchun, tarmoqdagi do'stlarimdan ko'plab xabarlar keladi. ular bilan turli mavzularda o'z fikrimni bildiraman.shuning uchun ham twitterdagi audio chatlarda faol bo'laman. ha aytgancha menga eng ko'p xabar onamdan keladi,chunki u juda mehribon inson.
#3What is your favorite songs
this is a big topic for me because I hear a lot of songs. I enjoy listening to songs. I listen to songs and music on different topics, depending on my mood. I especially like the work of classical composers. they are Eugene Grinko, Ennio Maricon, Chopen, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Ludovico Einaudi, Sebestan Bach. Alexandre tharaud, known for his music that psychologically oppresses people. and of course Beethoven.
I am also a fan of Imagine dragons, gypsy kings, kadebostany, “M band” music groups.
i don't like homeland themed songs at all.
there are many more unnamed singers here, I was ashamed to say them all. I will post my favorite songs on my telegram channel. If you are also interested, I will share them.
bu men uchun katta mavzu sababi men ko'p qo'shiqlarni eshitaman. Qo'shiqlarni tinglashdan zavqlanaman. Kayfiyatimga qarab turli mavzudagi qo‘shiq va musiqa tinglayman. Menga, ayniqsa, mumtoz kompozitorlarning ijodi yoqadi. ular Evgeniy Grinko, Ennio Marikon, Chopen, Chaykovskiy, Motsart, Ludoviko Einaudi, Sebestan Bax. insonga psixologik bosim o'tkazuvchi musiqalari bilan mashhur bo'lgan Alexandre tharaud . va albatta betxoven.
shuningdek men Imagine dragons, gipsy kings, kadebostany, "M band" musiqiy guruhlarining muxlisiman.
menga vatan mavzusidagi qo'shiqlar umuman yoqmaydi.
bu yerda nomi keltirilmagan yana ko'plab qo'shiqchilar bor, ularni hammasini aytishga uyaldim. o'zimga yoqqan qo'shiqlarni telegram kanalimga joylab boraman.agar bu sizlarga ham qiziq bo'lsa, ulashaman.
#4 Emergency topic
I want to talk briefly about yesterday’s topic. even if my mom is a teacher, she can draw like a professional artist. my sister is studying applied art. I really like her creative patterns. I had a hard time talking about it yesterday. instead of helping me , I was a little upset that you laughed at me. such statements.
Men kechagi mavzu haqida qisqacha gaplashmoqchiman. onam o'qituvchi bo'lsa ham, u professional rassom kabi chiza oladi. singlim amaliy san'at yo'nalishida o'qiydi. Uning ijodiy naqshlari menga juda yoqadi. Kecha bu haqda gapirishga qiynalganman. Menga yordam berish o'rniga, ustimdan kulganingizdan biroz xafa bo'ldim. bunday bayonotlar.
Before I begin, I must say that you and we are Muslims. In my opinion, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a role model for every Muslim. in second place is our Father. now for me I want to talk about the above, the next person Shaha Dolimov. Shaha Dolimov currently lives in Norway and works in marketing. He is a real polyglot. He speaks Uzbek, Russian, English, Japanese and Norwegian. There is also a marketing company in Uzbekistan, which manages online from Norway. In 2019, Shaha Dolimov was the author of the best-selling book "Maqsad" in Uzbekistan. I am very motivated to read this book and I recommend it to you. You can also watch a very interesting podcast between him and Teacher Azam on you tube. I wanted give you more information about him, but I didn’t have much time.Sorry
Assalomu alekum hurmatli ustoz, mavzu haqida fikrim quyidagicha: universitetda uch yildan buyon o’qiyapmiz. Ikki yil onlayn ta’limda qatnashdik. Universitet talabalarga ingliz tilini o’rganishda ko’p qulayliklar yaratib bergan. Turli kitob,video va audio fayllar hamda slaydlar talabalarga berilgan. Ammo bir narsani aytish kerak, bizning fakultet talabalarning boshlang’ich ingliz tili bilimiga ham ega emas.shuning uchun ham talabalar, imkoniyatlardan to’g’ri foydalana olmayapti. Qisqa qilib aytganda tushunishni xohlamayapti.
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