Date: Form: IX Subject: English Theme: I've broken my heel Aim: • to introduce and practise giving advice using the new structure 'You should have something done'
• to introduce and practise the structure 'something needs verb+ing'
• to practise translation skills
Equipment: picture, dictionary
T h e p r o c e d u r e o f t h e l e s s o n 1. The beginning of the lesson 2.Checking up the homework T h e m a i n p a r t o f t h e l e s s o n Activity 1a
Objective: to introduce and practise the new structure 'you should have something done' in context
Ask PP to look at the picture. Explain that Andrew is going for an interview for a job. Ask PP if he looks OK. Ask them to say what is wrong and then say that they can give advice. Ask PP how they usually give advice (with 'should') and tell them that they can use the same thing for Andrew, but that he won't do these things himself so they will also use 'to have something done'. Read the example with PP. Draw their attention to the Remember box and use the Grammar Reference if you think it necessary. Then let them say what Andrew should have done to smarten himself up.
Activity 1b
Objectives: to practise translating the structure; to ensure all PP understand the meaning of the structure
Help PP to translate their sentences into their mother tongue and to compare the differences between how their mother tongue expresses these ideas and the English structure. It may be helpful to write the translation of one or two sentences on the BB. Then let PP continue. You could ask PP to write two of the sentences in English with the translation in their Ex.Bks.
Activity 2a
Objective: to introduce and practise topic vocabulary
Ask PP to look at the picture and say what is wrong with the shoes.
Activity 2b
Objectives: to give further practice with the new vocabulary; to practise 'something needs doing'
Ask PP to look at their shoes and comment on their condition using the table and the example to help them. You could draw PP attention to the structure in the Remember box if you think they do not know the structure already. Check they understand the meaning of the structure. You could ask them to translate the sentence in the Remember box.
Activity 2c
Objective: to practise giving advice using 'you should have something done' PP practise the structure by giving themselves and their classmates advice about their shoes. Go round and listen to the groups. Help where necessary.
Activity 3
Objective: to give further practice in giving advice
Divide PP into pairs. Ask them to read the sentences and give advice as in the example.
Activity 4
Objective: to practise talking about shoe-repair shops and problems Ask PP to work in groups and to answer the questions.