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All About me

Mening ismim Valentin. Men 2010-yilning 15-Mayida tug’ilganman. Men 10 yoshdaman. Men Rossiyalikman. Men Moskvada yashayman. Mening oilam kichkina. Biz uch kishimiz: onam, otam va men. Men maktabga boraman. Men ikkinchi sinfda o’qiyman. Men rasm chizishda va matematikada yaxshiman. Bo’sh vaqtimda doim kitob o’qiyman va zalga boraman. Mening ko’p do’stlarim bor. Kelajakda dizayner bo’lishni istayman.

My name is Valentin. I was born on the 15th of May 2010, so I’m 10 years old. I’m from Russia, I live in Moscow. I come from a small family. There are three of us: a mother, a farther and me. I go to school. I am in the second form. I am good at Painting and Math. In my free time I usually read books and go to the gym. I have a lot of friends. In future I want to be a designer.

Mening to’liq ismim Valeriya Dmitriyevna. Men 2002-yili Moskvada tug’ilganman. Men 18 yoshdaman. Ko’rinish jihatidan men baland va ozg’inman. Mening katta ko`zlarim kata,ko`k va sochlarim sariq.Xarakterim haqida:men do’stonaman, lekin faqat men yaxshi deb bilgan odamlar bilangina xolos. Men juda ham sabrsiz va qiziquvchanman, lekin buni salbiy jihat deb bilmayman. Nima yozishni bilmay turibman. Menimcha, o’zim haqimdagi barcha narsani aytib bo’ldim. Men hayotimni zerikarli deb o’ylamayman,chunki har kuni yangi narsalarga duch kelaman va bu men uchun qiziqarli. Misol uchun: maktabda yangi odamlarni uchratish yoki yaqin do’stlarim bilan uchrashish.

My full name is Valeria Dmitrievna. I was born in Moscow, Russia in 2002. I'm 18 years old. About my appearance, I'm tall and thin, I have big blue eyes and blond hair. About my character, I am very friendly, but only with people that I think are quite good. I happen really impatient and curious, but I do not consider it a disadvantage. Do not know whether to write. I think I've told everything about myself. I do not think my life is boring because every day confronted with something new and interesting for me. For example: meeting new people at school or a meeting with the best friends.

The Three Dogs

John has three sheep.

One day, John met an old man with three dogs.

“Do you want these dogs for your sheep?” asks the man.

“Salt is the small dog,” says the man.

He can get food for you.
Pepper is the next one.

He can fight for you.
Mustard is the big one.

He can break rocks.

John takes the dogs.

He says,”I am hungry.”
Salt, get some fodd for me.
Salt gets food for John.
The next day, John sees a sad girl.

“Why is she crying?” asks John.

“She is the kino‘s daughter.

I have to give her to the dragon,” says a man.

John follows the girl and the man to a hill.

A dragon lives on the hill.
“Pepper, fight the dragon!” says John.

Pepper kills the dragon.

“Thank you!” says the girl.

She wants John to marry her.

“I can’t go with you now,” says John.

He says, “I will meet you again in one year.”

On the way home, the man stops with the girl.

“The boy is not here now,” says the man.

“Tell the king the dragon is dead,” he says.

“Say it is dead because of me!

Say this, or I will throw you in the river!”

The girl is afraid, so she says, “OK.”

“Thank you for killing the dragon,” says the king.
“My daughter is young now.

Next year you can marry her.”

The man is very happy.

The girl is very sad.

After one year, John comes.
“The dragon is dead because of me.” John says to the king.

“That is not true,” says the king.

The king puts John in a small room.

John needs his doo‘s help.
“Mustard, break the wall!” says John to his dog.

Mustard breaks the wall.

John finds the girl.

She is happy to see John.
The girl tells the king about John and the dragon.

The king puts the bad man in a small room.
John marries the kino‘s daughter.

“Our work for you is over,” says Mustard to John.
The three dogs change into birds.

They fly away.

Jonning uchta iti bor.

Bir kuni, Jon uchta iti bor bir qari kishini uchratadi.

“Qo‘ylaring uchun bu itlarni xohlaysanmi?” so‘radi u kishi.

“Salt kichkina it” dedi kishi.

U sen uchun ovqat olib kela oladi.

Pepper keyingisi.

U sen uchun jang qila oladi.

Mustard eng kattasi.

U toshlarni sindira oladi.

Jon itlarni oladi.

“Mening qornim och.” deydi u.

“Salt, menga ovqat olib kel.”

Salt Jon uchun ovqat olib keladi.

Kelasi kuni, Jon bir qizni ko‘rib qoladi.

“U nega yig‘layabdi?” so‘radi John.

U qirolning qizi. Men uni ajdarhoga olib borishim kerak,” deydi kishi.

Jon qizni va kishini ortidan boradi.

Ajdarho cho‘qqida yashar edi.

“Pepper, ajdar bilan jang qil!” deydi Jon.

Pepper ajdarni o‘ldiradi.

“Rahmat senga!” deydi qiz.

U Johnga turmushga chiqishni xohlaydi.

“Men hozir sen bilan keta olmayman,” deydi Jon.

Men bir yilda sen bilan uchrashaman.” deydi Jon.

Uyga qaytish yo‘lida, kishi qizni to‘xtatadi.

“Yigit hozir bu yerda emas.” deydi kishi.

“Qirolga ajdarho o‘lganini ayt.” dedi u.

“U meni deb o‘lganini aytasan. Shuni aytasan, yoki seni daryoga uloqtirib yuboraman!” deydi u.

Qiz qo‘rqar edi, shuning uchun, u “Ho‘p.” dedi.

“Ajdarhoni o‘ldirganing uchun minnatdorman sendan,” deydi kishi.

“Qizim hali yosh.

Kelasi yili unga uylansang bo‘ladi.”

Kishi juda xursand edi.

Qiz esa hafa edi.

Bir yildan so‘ng, Jon keladi.

“Ajdarxoni men o‘ldirdim.” deb aytadi qirolga Jon.

“Bu to‘g‘ri emas,” deydi qirol.

Qirol Jonni kichkina xonaga qamab qo‘yadi.

Jonga itining yordami kerak edi.

“Mustard, devorni buz!” deydi Jon itiga.

Mustard devorni buzadi.

Jon qizni topadi.

U Jonni ko‘rganidan xursand.

Qiz Jon va ajdarho haqida qirolga aytib beradi.

Qirol yomon kishin kichkina xonaga qamab qo‘yadi.

Jon qirolning qiziga uylanadi.

“Sen uchun bo‘lgan ishimiz tugadi” dedyi Mustard Jonga.

Uchta itlar qushga aylanib qoladi.

Ular uchib keladi.

John has three sheep. One day, John met an old man with three dogs. “Do you want these dogs for your sheep?” asks the man. “Salt is the small dog,” says the man. He can get food for you. Pepper is the next one. He can fight for you. Mustard is the big one. He can break rocks. John takes the dogs. He says, “I am hungry.” Salt, get some fodd for me. Salt gets food for John. The next day, John sees a sad girl. “Why is she crying?” asks John. “She is the kino‘s daughter. I have to give her to the dragon,” says a man. John follows the girl and the man to a hill. A dragon lives on the hill. “Pepper, fight the dragon!” says John. Pepper kills the dragon. “Thank you!” says the girl. She wants John to marry her. “I can’t go with you now,” says John. He says, “I will meet you again in one year.” On the way home, the man stops with the girl. “The boy is not here now,” says the man. “Tell the king the dragon is dead,” he says. “Say it is dead because of me! Say this, or I will throw you in the river!” The girl is afraid, so she says, “OK.” “Thank you for killing the dragon,” says the king. “My daughter is young now. Next year you can marry her.” The man is very happy. The girl is very sad. After one year, John comes. “The dragon is dead because of me.” John says to the king. “That is not true,” says the king. The king puts John in a small room. John needs his doo‘s help. “Mustard, break the wall!” says John to his dog. Mustard breaks the wall. John finds the girl. She is happy to see John. The girl tells the king about John and the dragon. The king puts the bad man in a small room. John marries the kino‘s daughter. “Our work for you is over,” says Mustard to John. The three dogs change into birds. They fly away.



A young man is sad.

Is an old man sad?

No, an old man is not sad.

Is a young woman sad?

No, a young woman is not sad.

Who is sad?

A young man is sad.

He has no family, no brothers or sisters, and no money.

Has he got family?

No, he has no family.

Has he got a brother?

No, he has no brothers.

Has he got sisters?

No, he has not sisters.

Has he got money?

No, he has no money.

Is he rich?

No, he is not rich.

He is poor.

An old man in green coat come to him.

He says, “I will give you this coat.”

“Its pockets will always be full of money.”

The old man says, “But your name will be Bearskin.”

“You cannot wash your hair, cut your hair, or cut your nails.”
Can he wash his hair in the bearskin?

No, he cannot wash his hair in the bearskin.

Can he cut his nails?

No, he cannot cut his nails.

Can he walk in the bearskin?

Yes, he can walk.

Can he sleep in the bearskin?

Yes, he can sleep in the bearskin.

Who gives the coat to him?

The old man gives him a bearskin.

“And you must sleep in this bearskin.

But after seven years, you will be free and rich.”
The young man says, “I will do it!”

Every day Bearskin looks more like a bear.

He is dirty.

His hair is long, and his nails are long.

Many people don’t like him.

One day four years later, Bearskin give a poor man some gold.

The poor man is very happy and says, “You can marry one of my three daughters.”
He takes Bearskin to his house.

Who takes Bearskin to his house?

The old man.

The old man takes him to his house.

Who does the old man take to his house?


He takes Bearskin to his house.

Where does he take Bearskin to?
He takes Bearskin to his house.

Who runs away?

Two daughters ran away.

They think Bearskin is a bear.
The youngest daughter wants to marry him.

Bearskin gives her half a ring.
I will be back in three years,” he says.

Three years later, Bearskin meets the poor man again.

The poor man washes Bearskin and cut his nails.

Bearskin buys some clothes and goes back to the poor man’s house.

All the girls want to marry him because now he is rich and handsome.

Who wants to marry him?
All girls.

All girls want to marry him.
Who do the girls want to marry?
To the Bearskin.

The girls want to marry the Bearskin.


Why do the girls want to marry him?

Because he is rich and handsome.

Who is rich and handsome?


Bearskin is rich and handsome.

Bearskin gives half a ring to the youngest daughter.

“I like you as a bear, and I like you as a man.

You are a good man. Yes, I will marry you,” she says.

Who is a good man?


Bearskin is a good man.

Who says he is a good man?

The youngest daughter.

The youngest daughter says he is a good man.

Is he a good man, actually?

Yes, he is a good man.

She marries Bearskin.
Who marries to Bearskin?
The youngest daughter.

The youngest daughter marries Bearskin.
Why does she marry him?
Because he is a good man.

Bearskin is a good man.

Bir yosh kishi xafa.

Qari kishi xafami?

Yo‘q, qari kishi xafa emas.

Yosh ayol xafami?

Yo‘q, yosh ayol xafa emas.

Kim xafa?

Bir yosh kishi xafa.

Uning oilasi, aka-ukalari, opa-singillari va puli ham yo‘q.

Uning oilasi bormi?

Yo‘q, uning oilasi yo‘q.

Uning akasi bormi?

Yo‘q, uning akalari yo‘q.

Uning opalari bormi?

Yo‘q, uning opalari yo‘q.

Uning puli bormi?

Yo‘q, uning puli yo‘q.

U boymi?

Yo‘q, u boy emas.

Ha, u kambag‘al.

Yashil paltodagi keksa odam uning yoniga keladi.

U deydi, “Men mana shu paltoni senga beraman.”

“Uning cho‘ntaklari har doim pulga to‘la bo‘ladi.”

Keksa odam aytadi, “Lekin sening isming Ayiq terisi bo‘ladi.”

“Sen sochingni yuva olmaysan, soching va tirnoqlaringni qirqa olmaysan.”

U ayiq terisida sochini yuva oladimi?

Yo‘q, u ayiq terisida sochini yuva olmaydi.

U tirnog‘ini kesa oladimi?

Yo‘q, u tirnog‘ini kesa olmaydi.

U ayiq terisida yura oladimi?

Ha, u yura oladi.

U ayiq terisida uxlay oladimi?

Ha, u ayiq terisida uxlay oladi.

Unga paltoni kim beradi?

Qari kishi unga palto beradi.
“Va mana shu teri ichida uhlashing kerak.

Lekin yetti yildan so‘ng, sen ozod va boy bo‘lasan”

Yosh kishi aytadi, “Men buni bajaraman!”

Har kuni Ayiq terisi ayiqqa o‘xshab boradi.

U kir edi.

Uning sochi uzun, tirnoqlari ham uzun edi.

Ko‘p odamlar uni yoqtirmaydi.

To‘rt yildan so‘ng bir kuni, Ayiq terisi bir kambao‘al kishiga bir qancha oltin beradi.

Kambag‘al kishi juda xursand bo‘ladi va deydi, “Sen uchta qizimdan biriga uylanishing mumkin.”

U Ayiq terisini uyiga olib boradi.

Ayiq terisini kim uyiga olib boradi?

Qari kishi.

Qari kishi uni uyiga olib boradi.
Qari kishi kimni uyiga olib boradi?

Ayiq terisini.

U Ayiq terisini uyiga olib boradi.

U Ayiq terisini qayerga olib boradi?

U Ayiq terisini uyiga olib boradi.

Kimlar qochib ketadi?

Ikkita qizi qochib ketadi.

Ular Ayiq terisini ayiq deb o‘ylaydi.

Eng yosh qizi esa unga turmushga chiqishni istaydi.

Ayiq terisi unga yaqimta uzuk beradi.

“Men uch yilda qaytib kelaman,” deydi u.

Uch yildan so‘ng, Ayiq terisi kambao‘al kishini yana uchratadi.

Kambag‘al kishi Ayiq terisini yuvintiradi va tirnoqlarini oladi.

Ayiq terisi bir qancha yaxshi kiyimlar sotib oladi va kambag‘al kishining uyiga qaytib boradi.

Barcha qizlar unga turmushga chiqishni istaydi, chunki u boy va kelishgan edi.

Kimlar unga turmushga chiqishni xohlaydi?

Barcha qizlar.

Barcha qizlar unga turmushga chiqishni xohlaydi.

Qizlar kimga turmushga chiqishni xohlaydi?

Ayiq terisiga.

Qizlar Ayiq terisiga turmushga chiqishni xohlaydi.

Nima uchun?

Qizlar nima uchun unga turmushga chiqishni xohlaydi?

Chunki u boy va kelishgan.

Kim boy va kelishgan?

Ayiq terisi.

Ayiq terisi boy va kelishgan.

Ayiq terisi kenja qizga uzukning yarmini beradi.

“men sizni ayiqligingizcha ham odamligingizcha ham yaxshi ko‘raman.”

Siz yaxshi insonsiz. Ha, Men sizga turmushga chiqaman.” deydi kenja qiz.

Kim yaxshi inson?

Ayiq terisi.

Ayiq terisi yaxshi inson.

Kim uni yaxshi inson deydi?

Kenja qiz.

Kenja qiz uni yaxshi inson deydi.
U aslida yaxshi insonmi?

Ha, u yaxshi inson.

U Ayiq terisiga turmushga chiqadi.

Kim Ayiq terisiga turmushga chiqadi?

Kenja qiz.

Kenja qiz Ayiq terisiga turmushga chiqadi.

U nima uchun unga turmushga chiqadi?

Chunki u yaxshi inson.

Ayiq terisi yaxshi inson.

A young man is sad. He has no family, no brothers or sisters, and no money. An old man in green coat come to him. He says, “I will give you this coat.” “Its pockets will always be full of money.” The old man says, “But your name will be Bearskin.” “You cannot wash your hair, cut your hair, or cut your nails.” The old man gives him a bearskin. “And you must sleep in this bearskin. But after seven years, you will be free and rich.” The young man says, “I will do it!” Every day Bearskin looks more like a bear. He is dirty. His hair is long, and his nails are long. Many people don’t like him. One day four years later, Bearskin give a poor man some gold. The poor man is very happy and says, “You can marry one of my three daughters.” He takes Bearskin to his house. Two daughters ran away. They think Bearskin is a bear. The youngest daughter wants to marry him. Bearskin gives her half a ring. I will be back in three years,” he says. Three years later, Bearskin meets the poor man again. The poor man washes Bearskin and cut his nails. Bearskin buys some clothes and goes back to the poor man’s house. All the girls want to marry him because now he is rich and handsome. Bearskin gives half a ring to the youngest daughter. “I like you as a bear, and I like you as a man. You are a good man. Yes, I will marry you,” she says. She marries Bearskin.


A White Snake

A servant brings food for the king.
Who brings food for the king?

The servant.

The servant brigns food for the king.

What does the servant bring?


He brings food.

Who does he bring food for?

For the king.

He brings food for the king.

Today, it is a white snake.

But the king doesn’t want it.

“You eat the snake.” he tells the servant.

The servant eats some snake.

The servant walks in the castle.

He hears some animals talking.
Now he can understand them!

The servant is a good man.

He helps many people.

The Princess cannot find her ring.

A goose tells him where the ring is.
The King wants a husband for the Princess.

The servant loves the Princess.

The King tells the people.

“To marry the Princess, you must find the ring in the sea, or die.”

“Only a strong man can marry the Princess.”

Many men die.

The servant speaks to some fish.
The fish bring him the ring.

Now the servant will be a prince, but the Princess is not happy.

She says, “I want a golden apple from the Tree of Life.”

The servant does not know where the Tree of Life is.

“How can I get an apple from the Tree of Life?” hes asks some birds.

The birds bring him a golden apple from the Tree of Life.

He gives the golden apple to the Princess.

The servant and the Princess live a long and happy life together.

Xizmatkor qirolga taom olib keladi.

Qirolga kim taom olib keladi?


Xizmatkor qirolga taom olib keladi.

Xizmatkor nimani olib keladi?


U taomni olib keladi.

U taomni kim uchun olib keladi?

Qirol uchun.

U qirol uchun taomni olib keladi.

Bugun, oq ilon.

Lekin qirol uni xohlamaydi.

“Sen o‘zing ye oq ilonni.” xizmatkorga aytadi qirol.

Xizmatkor biroz oq ilondan yeydi.

Xizmatkor saroyda aylanib yuradi.

U ba’zi hayvonlarning gaplashayotganini eshitib qoladi.

U ularni tushuna olar edi.

Xizmatkor yaxshi odam.

U ko‘p odamlarga yordam beradi.

Malika uzugini topa olmas edi.

G‘oz unga uzuk qayerdaligini aytib beradi.

Qirol malika uchun turmush o‘rtoq istar edi.

Xizmatkor malikani yoqtiradi.

Qirol odamlarga aytadi, “Malikaga uylanish uchun, siz dengizdan uzuk topib chiqasiz yoki o‘lasiz.”

Faqatgina kuchli erkak malikaga uylana oladi.

Ko‘p erkaklar vafot etadi.

Xizmatkor bir nechta baliqlar bilan gaplashadi.

Baliqlar uzukni unga olib keladi.

Endi xizmkor shaxzoda bo‘ladi, lekin malika xursand emas.

U “Menga hayot daraxtidan oltin olma kerak” deydi.

Xizmatkor hayot daraxti qayerdaligini bilmaydi.

“qanday qilib hayot daraxti olmasini olsam bo‘ladi?” u qushlardan so‘raydi.

Qushlar unga hayot daraxtidan olma olib kelib beradi.

U oltin olmani malikaga beradi.
Xizmatkor va malika uzoq baxtli hayot kechiradi.

A servant brings food for the king. Who brings food for the king? The servant. The servant brigns food for the king. What does the servant bring? Food. He brings food. Who does he bring food for? For the king. He brings food for the king. Today, it is a white snake. But the king doesn’t want it. “You eat the snake.” he tells the servant. The servant eats some snake. The servant walks in the castle. He hears some animals talking. Now he can understand them! The servant is a good man. He helps many people. The Princess cannot find her ring. A goose tells him where the ring is. The King wants a husband for the Princess. The servant loves the Princess. The King tells the people. “To marry the Princess, you must find the ring in the sea, or die.” “Only a strong man can marry the Princess.” Many men die. The servant speaks to some fish. The fish bring him the ring. Now the servant will be a prince, but the Princess is not happy. She says, “I want a golden apple from the Tree of Life.” The servant does not know where the Tree of Life is. “How can I get an apple from the Tree of Life?” hes asks some birds. The birds bring him a golden apple from the Tree of Life. He gives the golden apple to the Princess. The servant and the Princess live a long and happy life together.



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