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The Sword in the Stone
Arthur is the son of the king.
Who is Arthur?
He is the son of the king.
Who is the son of the king?
Arthur is the son of the king.
The king wants Arthur to become king one day.
But some bad men want to kill Arthur and become king.
Merlin takes Arthur to live with the king`s best friend, Sir Ector.
Sir Ector brings up Arthur.
Who brings up Arthur?
Sir Ector brings up Arthur.
Who is Sir Ector?
He is the king`s best friend.
Who is the king`s best friend?
Sir Ector is the best friend of the king.
One day, the king dies.
England needs a new king.
“Where is the kino‘s son?” the people ask.
No one knows where Arthur is.
The nobles fight about who will be king.
Who fights about who will be king?
The nobles fight.
Why do they fight?
They fight about who will be king.
There is a lot of trouble, and people become poor and hungry.
Merlin is worried about England.
Who is worried about England?
Merlin is worried about England.
What is he worried about?
He is worried about England.
He makes a magic sword.
Who makes a magic sword?
Merlin makes a magic sword.
What does Merlin make?
A sword.
He makes a sword.
What kind of sword does he make?
He makes a magic sword.
He puts the sword in a stone.
He tells the nobles, “The man who pull the sword from the stone will become King of England.”
The nobles all want to be king.
One by one, they try to pull the sword out of the stone.
They try and try, but no one can pull out the sword.
No one can be king.
England is not a good place to live.
The nobles are fighting about becoming king.
Some people die.
No one is happy.
Everybody forgets about the sword.
They live with no king.
Merlin watches Arthur grow.
Arthur becomes a young man.
Arthur is not strong, but Merlin sees Arthur is kind, wise, and good with people.
Merlin tells Arthur about the sword.
“But I cannot become king.” says Arthur.
Merlin tells him about his father.
He shows Arthur the sword.
Many people come to watch.
Some strong men try to pull out the sword.
They cannot.
They laugh at Arthur.
They think he cannot pull the sword from the stone.
Arhur pulls out the sword!
Who pulls out the sword?
Arthur pulls out the sword.
What does he pull out?
He pulls out the sword.
He is the new King of England.
Arthur is a wise and good king.
England becomes a happy place again.
Artur qirolning o‘g‘li.
Artur kim?
U qirolning o‘g‘li.
Kim qirolning o‘g‘li?
Artur qirolning o‘g‘li.
Qirol Arturning taxtga o‘tirishini xohlaydi.
Lekin ba`zi yomon kishilar Arturni o‘ldirib, qirol bo‘lishni xohlashadi.
Merlin Arturni qirolning yaqin do‘sti ser Ektor bilan yashashga olib boradi.
Ser Ektor Arturni voyaga yetkazadi.
Kim Arturni voyaga yetkazadi?
Ser Ektor Arturni voyaga yetkazadi.
Ser Ektor kim?
U qirolning yaqin do`sti.
Kim qirolning yaqin do`sti?
Ser Ektor qirolning yaqin do`sti.
Bir kuni, qirol vafot etadi.
Angliyaga yangi qirol kerak.
“Qirolning o‘g‘li qayerda?” odamlar so‘rashdi.
Arturning qayerda ekanini xech kim bilmaydi.
Zodagonlar kim qirol bo‘lishi haqida janjallashadi.
Kim qirol bo‘lishi haqida kim janjallashadi?
Ular nima uchun janjallashadi?
Ular kim qirol bo‘lishi haqida janjallashadi.
Ko‘p muammolar bor, va odamlar qashshoq va och edi. Merlin Angliyadan havotirda edi.
Kim Angliyadan havotirda?
Merlin Angliyadan havotirda.
U nimadan havotirda?
U Angliyadan havotirda.
U sexrli qilish yasaydi.
Kim sexrli qilich yasaydi?
Merlin sexrli qilich yasaydi.
Merlin nima yasaydi?
U qilich yasaydi.
U qanday qilich yasaydi?
U sehrli qilich yasaydi.
U qilichni toshni ichiga solib qo‘yadi.
U zodagonlarga aytadi, “Qilichni toshdan sug‘ura olgan kishi Angliyaning qiroli bo‘ladi.”
Zodagonlarning barchasi qirol bo‘lishni xohlaydi.
Ular navbat bilan qilichni toshdan suo‘urishga harakat qilishadi.
Ular harakat qilishadi, lekin xech kim qilichni suo‘ura olmaydi.
Xech kim qirol bo‘la olmaydi.
Engliya yashash uchun yaxshi joy emas.
Zodagonlar qirol bo‘lish uchun kurashadi.
Bir qancha odamlar vafot etadi.
Xech kim baxtiyor emas.
Qilich haqida hamma unutib qo‘ygan edi.
Ular qirolsiz yashar edi.
Merlin Arturning ulg`ayganini ko‘radi.
Artur yosh yigit bo‘lgan edi.
Artur kuchli emas, lekin Merlin Arturning mehribon, aqlli va odamlar bilan yaxshi ekanligini ko‘radi.
Merlin Arturga qilich haqida aytib beradi.
“Lekin men qirol bo‘la olmayman.” deydi Artur.
Merlin unga otasi haqida aytib beradi.
U Arturga qilichni ko‘rsatadi.
Tomoshaga ko‘p odamlar keladi.
Bir nechta kuchli odamlar qilichni suo‘urishga urinib ko‘radi.
Ular eplay olmaydi.
Ular Arturning ustidan kulishadi.
Ular uni qilichni toshdan suo‘ura olmaydi deb o‘ylashadi.
Artur qilichni sug‘irib oladi.
Kim qilichni sug‘irib oladi?
Artur qilichni sug‘irib oladi.
U nimani sug‘irib oladi?
U qilichni sug‘irib oladi.
U endi Angliyaning yangi qiroli.
Artur dono va yaxshi qirol.
Angliya yana baxtli manzilga aylanadi.
Arthur is the son of the king. The king wants Arthur to become king ne day. But some bad men want to kill Arthur and become king. Merlin takes Arthur to live with the kino‘s best friend, Sir Ector. Sir Ector brings up Arthur. One day, the king dies. England needs a new king. “Where is the kino‘s son?” the people ask. No one knows where Arthur is. The nobles fight about who will be king. There is a lot of trouble, and people become poor and hungry. Merlin is worried about England. He makes a magic sword. He puts the sword in a stone. He tells the nobles, “The man who pull the sword from the stone will become King of England.” The nobles all want to be king. One by one, they try to pull the sword out of the stone. They try and try, but no one can pull out the sword. No one can be king. England is not a good place to live. The nobles are fighting about becoming king. Some people die. No one is happy. Everybody forgets about the sword. They live with no king. Merlin watches Arthur grow. Arthur becomes a young man. Arthur is not strong, but Merlin sees Arthur is kind, wise, and good with people. Merlin tells Arthur about the sword. “But I cannot become king.” says Arthur. Merlin tells him about his father. He shows Arthur the sword. Many people come to watch. Some strong men try to pull out the sword. They cannot. They laugh at Arthur. They think he cannot pull the sword from the stone. Arhur pulls out the sword! He is the new King of England. Arthur is a wise and good king. England becomes a happy place again.