ICT4TS – Exam summary
Transport Systems and models (Prof. Pronello)
The framework
Transport vs Mobility
The whole trips of people and freight
The system formed by
the infrastructures, the vehicles, and by the
rules of the system management.
Often they are used as exchangeable but actually they refer to different things, even
in public documents there might be wrong names (mobility system, etc.).
is a word referred to
since it has to do with infrastructure.
Transport economics
Is a branch of economics that deals with the allocation of resources within the
transport sector (highly related to civil engineering). It
has differences from other
economy branches like the spaceless, instantaneous assumption.
Final good from the
customer perspective: single trip, and it can be satisfied by different agencies and
modes. The supply and demand theory must be complemented with the
complications of the network infrastructure.
Demand is measured in journeys made from a certain region in a given time
Supply is a measure of the capacity.
The price of a trip includes is the generalized cost of travel, which includes both
money and time expenditure.
Real GDP
Real or by volume GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is used to measure
the economical
growth. It doesn’t take into account the variation of prices (fixed a time t_0), only
the “volume” produced:
GDP in value
Gross Domestic Product in value is higher than the real one because this one
considers the increasing of the prices due to the inflation:
Transports and economics
Plots for the evolution of economical growth (computed through the GDP) and
transit and freight transportation follow the same trend, indicating
a high
correlation between the two. Transportation facilitates the decentralization, which
will then require further transportation infrastructure in a cycle.
Actor are public
bodies, for the control and creation of regulation for the consequences of growth.
ICT4TS – Exam summary
Political actors: France as a study case
LOTI law was written in 80’s guaranteeing the right of transport to people inside
the country.
Introduces “Loti” balances in which economical impacts of an investment in
infrastructure has to be taken into account in the final balance.
Issues in the increasing transportation and sustainable development
The growth of economies and transport systems imply impacts on the environment
that has to be taken into consideration. UN report of late 80’s: “Sustainable
development meets needs of present without compromising future”.
Is an economic, social, and environmental concept. It
is intended to allow human
activity to develop while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems.