Scientific and practical significance of the research results.
The scientific significance of the study is determined by the improvement of technologies for educating young people in a spiritual, educational and patriotic spirit in the context of globalization based on the scientific and theoretical conclusions put forward in the dissertation, the development of scientifically based proposals and recommendations for improving the content of youth reforms carried out in our country, the scientific justification of the pedagogical need to improve education and patriotic skill, improvement of developmental technology and didactic support.
The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using proposals and recommendations for improving youth spiritual and enlightenment education and patriotic skills in the implementation of youth policy in our country, conclusions on the scientific and political views of the Presidents of the Republic of Uzbekistan on youth in teaching subjects of the block of social sciences of the curriculum of pedagogical higher education institutions, programs and plans for practical classes in the classes of sections and lessons.
Scope and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The volume of the dissertation is 112 pages.
I бўлим (часть I; part I)
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8. Mavlanova S.U. Ma’naviy-ma’rifiy ishlarda vatanparvarlik ruhi / “O’zbekistonda innovatsion ilmiy tadqiqotlar va metodlar” mavzusidagi Respublika 1-son ilmiy masofaviy konferensiya. – Toshkent, 2020 yil. –B. 57-64.
9. Mavlanova S.U. Yoshlarni ma’naviy-ma’rifiy va vatanparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalash milliy modeli / “Ilm-fan va ta’limni rivojlantirish: imkoniyat va tendensiyalar” mavzusidagi Respublika 1-son ilmiy-amaliy, masofaviy konferensiya materiallari . – Toshkent, 2021 yil, 30 mart. –B. 61-66.
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