Calendar plan - an outline of the teacher’s work on the subject for a year, providing the number of hours of subject- methodical nature of communication, the amount of linguistic material, the approximate level of development of speech skills.
Thematic plan - a plan cycle of lessons on the same subject , the problem of defining the purpose of each lesson , the sequence of formation of skills and abilities , the optimal ratio between the classroom and homework, lesson, equipment technical and visual training aids .
Lesson plans prepared for each lesson and the teacher is a working document. There are the following components of the lesson plan:
• Goal (s) - the definition of lesson objectives;
• Tasks - setting goals lesson; draws attention to the need for clear language;
• Materials and equipment - used materials and equipment of the lesson;
• Procedures - planning lesson course that is used by the sequence of exercises and communicative tasks, and planning mode, in which the jobs will be executed;
• Evaluation - control of the acquired material, the evaluation conducted by the lesson and setting goals for the future;
• Extra-class work - more work, which is not always the form of homework.
When planning for the individual steps can be useful lesson the following recommendations:
• Difficult task should be preceded by a light, since the beginning of the lesson, students are more attentive.
• More jobs and moving the game is best done in the middle or at the end of class, when students are tired.
• Each subsequent phase of the lesson should be related to the previous with the “bridge».
• Start (entry) and the end of the lesson (closure) should always take place in an organized, the teacher should draw students’ attention, to get them to focus at the beginning of the lesson and take stock at the end.
• The lesson should end on a positive note, in order for students to believe in them. This can be a positive assessment made in the classroom setting, which is able to cope with the whole group or just a joke teacher.
The success of the lesson and the achievement of its objectives is largely determined by the specified activities teachers and students, which in turn depends on their preparation for the lesson. Careful preparation of the lesson is especially useful for young teachers who do not have sufficient experience of pedagogical work. In the preparation of the teacher for the lesson are two stages: preliminary and immediate. Advance preparation for the lesson is to learn the special teacher, pedagogical and methodological literature, a thorough acquaintance with the contents and requirements of the curriculum in the subject and the explanatory memorandum relating thereto, textbooks and teaching aids, with the experience of other teachers in the analysis of personal experience in preceding periods in determining the location of the lesson already learned by chapter or topic of the program, the case planning. Teacher needs to get to know the programs and books on related subjects and its object in the junior and senior classes.
Before the start of the school year, the teacher distributes the time learning all the topics of the program, setting the appropriate time-frame for the number of weekly hours devoted to the study of the curriculum of the subject, and scheduling training sessions. Marked up so the program is a teacher’s schedule of work on the subject, helping him to control the passage of individual sections of the program, in order to avoid undue haste and avoid gaps in learning the material. Teachers are encouraged thematic planning of academic work on the subject. This determines the topic of each lesson, the content and the main types of work performed in the classroom. Direct training teachers for the lesson is to specify thematic planning for each lesson, thinking through and preparing individual lesson plans, selection and verification of the necessary tools and equipment.
The lesson plan (sometimes called a working lesson plan as opposed to the thematic plan) is required for each teacher. Usually differs only by its volume from a detailed outline of a beginning teacher (student interns for their first lessons are detailed outline showing a detailed description of the content and progress of the lesson and all of their actions) to brief and concise plan for experienced teachers. A detailed plan reflects the soundness of the teacher of all the details of the upcoming lesson. We cannot agree with the opinion of some teachers that the appeal to the plan during the lesson may adversely affect the credibility of their pupils. On the contrary, the teacher must teach by example children to work on the plan.
The lesson plan is written in any form, but it must reflect the following: the date of the lesson and his number on the subject plan , the name of the lesson topic and the class in which it is held , the task of education, training and development of students , the structure of the lesson by giving the sequence its stages and approximate timing of these steps, the content of teaching material, methods and techniques of teachers and students in each part of the lesson, teaching equipment needed to conduct the lesson, including visual teaching aids, the job on the house. Composing a lesson plan, a teacher comes from the thematic planning; determine the place and role of the lesson as a structural unit of the general system of lessons. In the selection of the content of the lesson, the requirements of the training program on the subject, drew particular attention to its ideological, scientific, theoretical and ideological orientation, logical sequence and dosage, so as not to overload the lesson and at the same time ensure the assimilation of students the necessary knowledge and skills. It is equally important to determine the methods and techniques of teaching at every stage of the lesson, the nature of the cognitive activity of students (reproductive and search engine), the combination of the frontal, group and individual work of students in the classroom, to select and prepare the necessary teaching materials , experimentation, and visual teaching aids. All this work is carried out taking into account the principles of training, cementing and determine all the components of the lesson. In preparation for the upcoming lesson should review previous lessons conducted in the classroom, to provide for measures to address the deficiencies and gaps.
The success of the lesson and the results depend not only on the training of teachers, but also on the training of students. Unfortunately, this issue did not pay enough attention to the practical work of many teachers. Meanwhile, purposeful training of students for the next lesson (or lessons) provides them with a positive mental attitude that causes increased educational interest.
Preparing students for upcoming lessons includes: introducing them to the plan of the study program material for the upcoming classes, which is particularly important in the classroom with high school students , perform preparation of homework , such as familiarity with the individual sections of the textbook available to students’ understanding of the reading of popular scientific literature on the upcoming lesson , observation and simple experiments that will contribute to the study of new material.
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