2. Antonymic translation is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated.
E.g.: Are you awake? – Ухлаяпсанми? Ты не спишь?;
Keep off the grass! – Майса устидан юрманг! Не ходите по газону!;
He was not old enough – Он был довольно молодой. У анча ёш эди.
Let a sleeping dog lie. – Ухлаб ёткан итни уйғотманг. Не буди спящую собаку. Antonymic translation is more frequently used when rendering negative constructions by affirmative ones. This may be accounted for by the stylistic use of negative constructions in English for purposes of expressiveness. The English language uses grammatically only one negative in a sentence – either with a verb or with a noun but it maces a stylistic use of two negatives of which one is formed by grammatical means and the other – by means of affixation (negative prefixes or suffixes) or by lexical means, i.e. by words with a negative meanings.
3. Compensation is used when certain elements in the original text cannot be expressed in terms of the language it is translated into.
It was just an accident – Случай вышел такой (the translator must show the hero’s mistake in his speech).
He was ashamed of his parents...., because they said «he don't» and «she don't»… - (Селинджер) — У ўз ота-онасидан уяларди, чунки улар сўзларни нотўғри талаффуз қилардилар. ...Он стеснялся своих родителей, потому что они говорили «хочут» и «хочете» (перевод Р. Райт - Ковалевой)
Questions for self-control What lexical groups belong to the complete lexical correspondences?
What are the reason of the partial lexical correspondences?
Why are there some difficulties in translating Pseudo-international words?
What is the combinability problems of translation ?
What is equivalence in translation?
What if the ways of translation of the words of national colouring ands realiaes.
What do you understand under antonymic translation?
When do we use lexical transformation –addition?
At what cases can lexical transformation – omission be used?
What do you know about the problem of lexical equivalence?
What do you know about the problem of stylistic equivalence?
What do you know about the problem of Pragmatic equivalence?