Introduction………………………………………………….…………….3-5 I. Chapter one: 1.1.The development of English grammatical rules……………………..5-12 1.2 English morphology ………………………………………………………………………..12-16
II. Chapter two: 2.1.Types of morphemes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,………………………………17 2.1 Content (Lexical) vs. Function (grammatical) ………………………………18-25
III. Conclusion……………………………………………………………26-28 IV. List of used literature …………………………………………………29-30
INTRODUCTION Today, while implementing the third phase of National program of preparing cadres, all new specialists undergoing the higher educational system are required to know one or several foreign languages. In connection with this, huge tasks are set before teachers of English language; teachers became one of the main subjects of educational reforms. Therefore, if a teacher is open to welcome new pedagogical innovations, he can provide goal-oriented introduction of innovative ideas into educational process. Lately, range of significant official acts was issued on accelerating and developing the foreign languages teaching; per se they define the state policy towards teaching foreign languages.
This course paper is devoted to interactive methods for developing students knowledge about grammatical skills
The main aim of this course paper is to show interactive ways in teaching morphemes
The purpose of this course paper is to examine EFL teachers’ (local and non-native) hones with respect to blunder treatment in instructing English to grown-up learners in Uzbekistan. It decides the preferences of current educating hones in native/non-native partition worldview, and finds out what care and cautions ought to be taken whereas correcting the blunders committed by EFL learners to get the required comes about. The comes about affirmed that all the EFL instructors in Uzbekistan, in any case of whether they were locals or non-natives, were by and large more serious almost blunders by learners. The comes about of the consider too uncovered that in spite of the fact that instructors accepted that understudies were inclined to commit blunders, they declared that students’ composed blunders must be quickly rectified and comments must be given.
Tоpicаlity оfоur rеsеаrchlearning and teaching English as a second foreign language has become very important as English is the language of progress throughout the world. As our country is also developing very rapidly we have to obtain all progress of the world. To achieve the best results, the secrets of language and its methodology are also in significant place. Our work is one of the attempts achieving this goal.