Theme: the usage of interactive technologies in improving strategic competence of pupils


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The development of USING TECHNOLOGIES follows the same pattern both in the mother tongue and in a foreign language from reception to reproduction as psychologists say, and from hearing to speaking if we express it in terms of methodology. They can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. eading Students are able to understand factual texts on subjects related to their interests that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. They can recognise significant points in straightforward newspaper articles on familiar subjects and can understand the description of events feelings and wishes. Spoken interaction Students at this level can exploit a wide range of simple language to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling. They can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Spoken Production They can keep going comprehensibly in order to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. They are able to narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe reactions. Writing Students at this level can write simple texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear sequence. They can write personal letters describing events, experiences and impressions. Listening Proficiency Scales At B1 level students can guess the meaning of occasional unknown words from the context and understand sentence meaning if the topic discussed is familiar. They can generally follow the main points of extended discussion around them, provided speech is clear and in standard language. They can follow clear speech in everyday conversation, though in real life situations they will sometimes have to ask for repetition of particular words and phrases. They can understand straightforward factual information about common everyday or job-related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided that speech is clear and a familiar accent is used. They can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters which occur regularly and can follow a lecture or a talk within their own field, provided that the subject matter is familiar and the presentation straightforward and clearly organized. They can understand simple technical information, such as operation instructions for everyday equipment. They can understand the information content of the majority of recorded or broadcast audio material about familiar subjects spoken relatively slowly and clearly. They can follow many films in which visuals and action carry much of the storyline, and in which the story is straightforward and the language clear. They can catch the main points in broadcasts on familiar topics and topics of personal interest when the language is relatively slow and clear. Reading Proficiency Scales Students at level B1 can understand straightforward texts on subjects related to their fields of interest. They can find and understand general information they need in everyday material, such as letters, brochures and short official documents.5 They can search one long or several short texts to locate specific information they need to help them complete a task. They can recognize significant points in straightforward newspaper articles on familiar subjects and can identify the main conclusions in clearly-written argumentative texts. They can recognise the general line of argument in a text but not necessarily in detail. They can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters well enough to correspond with a friend or acquaintance. They can understand clearly-written straightforward instructions for a piece of equipment. Speaking Proficiency Scales Students at this level are able to keep going comprehensibly, even though pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
5 Pupils and teachers perceptions of ICT in the home, school and community.:
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches of free production.They can make themselves understood in short contributions, even though pauses, false starts and reformulation are very evident. They have enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express themselves with some hesitation and circumlocutions on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events, but lexical limitations cause repetition and even difficulty with formulation at times. They have a repertoire of basic language which enables them to deal with everyday situations with predictable content, though they will generally have to compromise the message and search for words. They have sufficient vocabulary to express themselves with some circumlocutions on most topics pertinent to their everyday life such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events and to conduct routine, everyday transactions involving familiar situations and topics. They show good control of elementary vocabulary but major errors still occur when expressing more complex thoughts or handling unfamiliar topics and situations and use reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used routines and patterns associated with more predictable situations. Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign accent is sometimes evident and occasional mispronunciations occur. They are aware of the salient politeness conventions and acts appropriately and are aware of, and look out for signs of, the most significant differences between the customs, usages, attitudes, values and beliefs prevalent in the community concerned and those of their own. They can perform and respond to basic language functions, such as information exchange and requests, and express opinions and attitudes in a simple way. They can socialise simply but effectively using the simplest common expressions and following basic routines and can exploit a wide range of simple language flexibly to express much of what they want. They can adapt well-rehearsed simple phrases to particular circumstances through limited lexical substitution. They can initiate, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. They can use simple techniques to start, maintain, or end a short conversation and can link a series of shorter, discrete simple elements into a connected, linear sequence of points. They can use the most frequently-occurring connectors to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or describe something as a simple list of points. Writing Proficiency Scales At this level, students can write very brief reports, which pass on routine factual information and state reasons for actions. They can write personal letters describing experiences, feelings and events in detail. They can describe basic details of unpredictable occurrences, e.g., an accident. They can describe dreams, hopes and ambitions and can take messages describing enquiries, roblems, etc. They can describe the plot of a book or film and describe their reactions to it the speaker expresses a desire to inform the hearer of something interesting, important, or to get information from him. Suppose one of the pupils is talking to a friend of hers. Why is she talking? Because she wants to either tell her friend about something interesting, or get information from her about something important. This is the case of inner motivation. But very often oral speech is motivated outwardly. For instance, the pupil's answers at an examination. The help of technology In teaching a foreign language it is necessary to think over the motives which make pupils speak. They should have a necessity to speak and not only a desire to receive a good mark, Ensure conditions in which a pupil will have a desire to say something in the foreign language, to express his thoughts, his feelings, and not to reproduce someone else's as is often the case when he learns the text by heart6. Remember that oral speech in the classroom should be always stimulated. Try to use those stimuli which can arouse a pupil's wish to respond in his own way.Organize the teaching process in a way which allows your pupils to speak to someone, to their classmates in particular, i. e., when speaking a pupil should address the class, and not the teacher or the ceiling as is often the case. When he retells a text which is no longer new to the class,

6.Benwell, T (2010) Vicky Saumell expands on project based learning.:
nobody listens to him as the classmates are already familiar with it. This point, as one can see, is closely connected with the previous one. The speaker will hold his audience when he says something new, something individual (personal). Try to supply pupils with assignments which require individual approach on their part.Teach pupils how to use intonational means to express their attitude, their feelings about what they say. That can be done by giving such tasks as: reason why you like the story; prove something; give your opinion on the episode, or on the problem concerned, etc.While teaching speaking real and close-to-real situations should be created to stimulate pupils' speech. Think of the situations you can use in class to make pupils' speech situational. Remember the better you know the class the easier it is for you to create situations for pupils to speak about.These are the four psychological factors which are to be taken into account when teaching speech strategic competence. The advantage of teaching a foreign language on the basis of educational technology over previous methods is, firstly, that it considers the educational process as a whole, the purpose of education, its content, methods and means of teaching, design the stages of education, control the educational process and in the design of its project, bringing its components, such as the evaluation of learning outcomes, into an interdependent system. Second, it is not about students memorizing the knowledge they have been given, but about doing practical work at the end of the teaching and learning process. Educational technology is a teaching tool of the teacher, which, based on the needs of society, effectively forms the social qualities of a predetermined person and sees the system of goal-oriented learning as a system and its components is a technological educational activity that monitors the impact of a particular sequence on students in a particular situation and evaluates the learning outcome. Technology is derived from the Greek word techne, a skill, art and "logos" -the word, the meaning of which is derived from an ambiguous translation of the English word "an education technology". It should actually be translated as "Educational Technology". The introduction of technology into education has been going on for centuries. Until the late 50s, educational technology was associated with the creation of a technical environment for traditional education, the construction of a set of automated tools. Today, educational technology is considered as a field of pedagogical sciences. Human psychology plays an important role in the development of technology. Historically, educational technology has operated and evolved tactically. Understands the sum of knowledge about the methods and means of implementing technological processes, as well as the qualitative changes that occur at the facility. Educational technology is a set of concepts that includes:

Have an idea of the planned results;

A diagnostic tool to help learners determine their current status;
A set of training models;
Criteria for selecting the optimal model for specific conditions. Pedagogical methods do not depend on the tools used. Even the method, which is considered the best technology, if it does not give a positive result, it is not a good way. Conversely, a simple question-and-answer method can significantly increase the effectiveness of education. There are specific aspects of the teaching process in the education system, and the guarantee of effective results is mainly based on educational technologies. In order to shed light on the essence of educational technology, we consider it expedient to dwell on the definitions given by pedagogical didactics .Educational technology is a consistent method of creating, implementing and defining all processes of teaching and learning in technical and human factors and through their joint efforts, aimed at accelerating the forms of education" (UNESCO).7 "Educational technology is the process by which a teacher (educator) influences students under certain conditions with the help of teaching (educational) tools, and as a product of this activity, the process of intensive
7. Bishop Grosseteste University College, 2007;1 National Literacy Trust, 2007; Teachernet, 2007
formation of pre-defined personality traits in them." "Educational technology - a social phenomenon that intensively forms the pre-determined social qualities that are necessary for society as a result of the systematic influence of the teacher on students in certain conditions with the help of teaching aids." "Educational technology - a factor in managing the pedagogical process PT -the organization of the educational process on the basis of design, features that guarantee its effective results, (pedagogical skills, pedagogical tact, pedagogical style, pedagogical accuracy) innovative features of pedagogical activity (creativity, high professionalism-acmeology, analytical and critical approach-reflection) is a systematic category that fully determines the creation and implementation of new forms and methods of education.Methodological qualities of educational technology include: -
The advantage of teaching a foreign language on the basis of educational technology over previous methods is, firstly, that it considers the educational process as a whole, the purpose of education, its content, methods and means of teaching, design the stages of education, control the educational process and in the design of its project, bringing its components, such as the evaluation of learning outcomes, into an interdependent system. Second, it is not about students memorizing the knowledge they have been given, but about doing practical work at the end of the teaching and learning process. Educational technology is a teaching tool of the teacher, which, based on the needs of society, effectively forms the social qualities of a predetermined person and sees the system of goal-oriented learning as a system and its components is a technological educational activity that monitors the impact of a particular sequence on students in a particular situation and evaluates the learning outcome.8 Technology is derived from the Greek word techne, a skill, art and "logos" -the word, the meaning of which is derived from an
8. BogatyrevaМ.А. To the problem of professional mastering of foreign language. // Foreign languages in school. Scientific journal. – Moscow, 1997. - № 2. – P. 28-33.
ambiguous translation of the English word "an education technology". It should actually be translated as "Educational Technology". The introduction of technology into education has been going on for centuries. Until the late 50s, educational technology was associated with the creation of a technical environment for traditional education, the construction of a set of automated tools. Today, educational technology is considered as a field of pedagogical sciences. Human psychology plays an important role in the development of technology. Historically, educational technology has operated and evolved tactically. Understands the sum of knowledge about the methods and means of implementing technological processes, as well as the qualitative changes that occur at the facility. Educational technology is a set of concepts that includes:

Have an idea of the planned results;

A diagnostic tool to help learners determine their current status;
A set of training models;
Criteria for selecting the optimal model for specific conditions. Pedagogical methods do not depend on the tools used. Even the method, which is considered the best technology, if it does not give a positive result, it is not a good way. Conversely, a simple question-and-answer method can significantly increase the effectiveness of education. There are specific aspects of the teaching process in the education system, and the guarantee of effective results is mainly based on educational technologies. In order to shed light on the essence of educational technology, we consider it expedient to dwell on the definitions given by pedagogical didactics .Educational technology is a consistent method of creating, implementing and defining all processes of teaching and learning in technical and human factors and through their joint efforts, aimed at accelerating the forms of education" (UNESCO).

"Educational technology is the process by which a teacher (educator) influences students under certain conditions with the help of teaching (educational) tools, and as a product of this activity, the process of intensive formation of pre-defined personality traits in them." "Educational technology - a social phenomenon that intensively forms the pre-determined social qualities that are necessary for society as a result of the systematic influence of the teacher on students in certain conditions with the help of teaching aids." "Educational technology - a factor in managing the pedagogical process PT -the organization of the educational process on the basis of design, features that guarantee its effective results, (pedagogical skills, pedagogical tact, pedagogical style, pedagogical accuracy) innovative features of pedagogical activity (creativity, high professionalism-acmeology, analytical and critical approach-reflection) is a systematic category that fully determines the creation and implementation of new forms and methods of education.Methodological qualities of educational technology include: - Technological scheme; - Scientific basis; - Systematic; -Management; - Efficiency; - Repetition9..A new modern approach to the application of new technological processes and new modern methods of teaching in the educational process The purpose of foreign language teaching is not only to educate students and develop certain, speaking skills, but also to develop students' abilities. development, increasing interest in the foreign language they are learning, using the internal capacity of their memory, and building students confidence in their own power. As you know, the educational process is complicated. Foreign language lessons include the stages of developing relevant speaking skills and competencies through the presentation of new learning material, its practice through a variety of exercises, and its application to a variety of speech situations. A number of interactive methods can be used to increase student engagement in the classroom.

9Children's comprehension problems in oral and written language: A cognitive Guilford Press.
The term interactive method is derived from the English word interactive, which means to increase students internal activity. There are a number of types of this method, some of which are currently widely used interactive methods such as "brainstorming", "business games", "pin board", "cluster", "sink veyn ", "cubic technology", role-playing games are aimed at increasing the activity of students in the educational process. In interactive teaching, group teaching, small groups of 3-5 people are effective. Summarizing the above, it can be called "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY". Innovative technologies are ways to improve the acquisition of knowledge through the use of factors that increase the effectiveness of education, the design and implementation of various pedagogical processes. Its main purpose is to make innovations and changes in the activities of teachers and students in the educational process, which requires the use of interactive methods. Interactive methods are based on the active, free and independent thinking of each learner involved in the learning process. When using these methods, learning becomes a fun activity. When using interactive methods, the ability to work independently develops .It is known that today there are more than a hundred types of interactive methods, most of which have been tested and given good results. The main conditions for the introduction of educational technologies in the educational process are: The development of free communication of each student in the acquisition of knowledge in the teaching process.

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